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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

How to Boost Character Relationships

Jessica Dillon
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While not at the forefront of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’s gameplay, there is a relationship system built into the game. Each party member, excluding Cait Sith, has the ability to build their relationship with Cloud throughout the game. This is done through a variety of activities like dialogue choices and side quests. The guide below goes over every way that you can increase your relationship with Cloud’s party members and how to romance each individual character.

A notification will show up when you increase your relationship with a party member.

How to Romance Characters in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

There are four ways that you can gain affinity with each character, and all of them are tied towards progressing the game further. Please note that you can easily max out each character’s affinity for Cloud, but only the character you have the highest relationship with will go on dates with Cloud when he visits the "Gold Saucer" iconGold Saucer throughout the game. A warning will pop up before the date, so if you haven’t invested in the character you like most, follow our tips to get the character you want to go on the skywheel with Cloud. Below are the four ways you can deepen your relationship bonds.

Relationship Booster Condition
Dialogue Choices These pop up during the main story downtime.
Story Missions This is linked to certain main story events and is an easy way to gain points.
Side Quests Certain side quests will affect a character’s relationship; generally, the side quest will revolve around that character.
Synergy Skills & Abilities You will get a relationship boost when executing synergy skills and abilities for the first time.

Dialogue choices are presented in sets of three and measured in stars. There are best and worst answers, and by giving the best answer, you can enhance your relationship faster. Dialogue choices are missable, so you will want to consult the sections below to ensure that you aren’t skipping over any easy points. As for the story mission points, these can only be obtained by progressing the story, and character-related side quests must be unlocked by reaching new areas. Synergy skills and abilities are some of the easiest points to get as they unlock the first time you execute a new synergy skill or ability.

You will need to spend skill points to unlock these in the character folios at folio vending machines around the map. Once unlocked, simply go into a battle and execute them to gain your points. You can check the synergy skill ability for a marker that indicates whether you have triggered it and gained relationship points from it.

Don’t fret if you miss some dialogue choices. These can be made up with side quests and synergy skills. The first date you can go on happens in Chapter 8. In Chapter 12, the character that you have the highest relationship with will go on a date with you at the Gold Saucer. The only character you can’t romance is "Cait Sith" iconCait Sith, who doesn’t join the party until much later in the game’s story. Once you have completed Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, you can use Chapter Select to bounce around and bond with the character you want to take on a date the most. This will keep you from having to play through the whole game a second time just to see each characters date scene. You can check who you are closest with at any time the party by holding down L1. Ideally, you want the emoji of the character you like most to be blue.

Aerith Relationship Choices

Aerith has a total of seven dialogue choices for you to choose from. The table below goes over what chapter they appear in, where to find Aerith during your downtime, and what answers will give you three stars.

Chapter Location Best Dialogue Choice
Chapter 2 Maghnata BookStore Sure, Lets.
Chapter 4 "Under Junon" iconUnder Junon Inn (After Meeting Yuffie.) You shoved a flower at my face.
Chapter 6 Standing on The Shore (After Defeating Hojo) They’re just thoughts.
Chapter 9 Outside Zack’s Old House(After visiting Gongaga memorial) They didn’t seem to mind.
Chapter 10 During "Cosmo Canyon" iconCosmo Canyon Talk Encourage her.
Chapter 11 On Top of Mako Water Tower (Right After Reaching "Nibelheim" iconNibelheim) Sounds like something I’d do.

In addition to the dialogue choices, there are six side quests that can influence your relationship with Aerith. These unlock as you move to new regions in the game. The table below goes over the side quest name, location, and quest giver.

Side Quest Location Quest Giver
Flowers From the Hill Bill’s Chocobo Ranch "Chloe" iconChloe
Clear the "Mandragora" iconMandragora Weeds Bill’s Chocobo Ranch "Chloe" iconChloe
Stuck in a Rut "Gabe's Ranch" iconGabe’s Ranch "Gabe" iconGabe
Beneath Still Waters Junon Noticeboard 7th Infantry
Rendezvous in Costa del Sol "Costa Del Sol" iconCosta Del Sol Beach Stage Three Fashionistas
The Spice of Life Cisseni’s House Cissnei
Woodland Vigil Felicia Gongaga Noticeboard Cissnei

Synergy skills and abilities can also be unlocked to help gain extra relationship points with Aerith. Below are all the abilities you will want to use at least once to unlock those sweet, sweet points.

  • Combat Savior
  • Bodyguard
  • Spellbound Blast
  • Firework Blade
  • United Refocus

To unlock these abilities keep leveling up your party and spend SP points in Aerith’s folio. In addition to this, there are several parts of the story where you can strengthen your relationship with Aerith. The chapter and conditions for improving the relationship are listed below.

Chapter Condition
Chapter 4 Win the parade competition
Chapter 6 Match Cloud and Aerith’s beach outfit
Chapter 6 Choose Aerith and Barrett during the Hojo fight
Chapter 12 Get Aerith to play Rosa in Loveless
Chapter 12 Take Aerith on the skywheel

Tifa Relationship Choices

There are seven dialogue choices that appear during the course of the story that directly affects Tifa. The chart below goes over the best choices, when they appear, and where Tifa will be located.

Chapter Location Best Dialogue Choice
Chapter 2 Mako Tank Tower The place I made that promise to you.
Chapter 4 "Under Junon" iconUnder Junon Inn (After Meeting Yuffie.) Only person from the village I remember is you.
Chapter 6 Beachside Bar (After Defeating Hojo.) Lot’s happened since then.
Chapter 9 Outside Shroom’s House (After visiting Gongaga memorial) Gonna go with pot roast
Chapter 10 After "Cosmo Canyon" iconCosmo Canyon Talk You did good.
Chapter 11 Tifa’s House (Right After Reaching "Nibelheim" iconNibelheim) Have I helped you get through it at all?

You will also want to pick up the seven side quests that directly involve Tifa. These will unlock over the course of the story, with the last, MY White-Haired Angel, unlocking in Chapter 11 before the game’s final chapters. The table below goes over every quest’s name, where to find it, and the quest giver.

Side Quest Location Quest Giver
A Rare Card Lost Rusty Arrow "Vash" iconVash
Calling All Frogs Dolphin Cove Finn
Dreaming of Blue Skies "Crow's Nest" iconCrow’s Nest Colin
Gold Cup or Bust Golden Saucer Billy
Bodybuilders in a Bind Corel Training Gym Jules
My White-Haired Angel "Nibelheim" iconNibelheim Kitchen Head Chef

In addition to this the following five synergy skills and abilities can be unlocked to help increase Tifa’s relationship level.

  • Slip and Slide
  • Soaring Flurry
  • Heavenly Ascent
  • Relentless Rush
  • Synchro Cyclone

These can be unlocked by leveling up and spending SP at Folio points. In addition to this, there are several points in the story where you can increase your relationship with Tifa. When these events occur, what you must do to gain relationship points is listed below.

Chapter Condition
Chapter 4 Win the parade competition
Chapter 6 Match Cloud and Tifa’s beach outfit
Chapter 6 Choose Tifa and "Red XIII" iconRed XIII during the Hojo fight
Chapter 12 Get Tifa to play Rosa in Loveless
Chapter 12 Take Tifa on the skywheel

Barret Relationship Choices

Just like with Aerith and Tifa, there are seven dialogue options that can affect your relationship with Barret. The table below lists every three-star dialogue option for Barret, when they appear, and where to find them.

Chapter Location Best Dialogue Choice
Chapter 2 Rusty Arrow First one’s on me
Chapter 4 "Under Junon" iconUnder Junon Inn (After Meeting Yuffie.) Your Autograph
Chapter 6 Beach Stairs (After Defeating Hojo.) You tried. That’s all that matters
Chapter 9 Outside Cissnei’s House (After visiting Gongaga memorial) Mushrooms
Chapter 10 After "Cosmo Canyon" iconCosmo Canyon Talk No, we fight
Chapter 11 "Nibelheim" iconNibelheim Region Inn (Right After Reaching "Nibelheim" iconNibelheim) Hell yeah, you’re right. Screw them

In addition to the missable dialogue choices, there are seven different side quests that you can complete to raise your relationship level. Note that these unlock as you progress in the main story and will all be unlocked before you go on the final Golden Saucer date.

Side Quest Location Quest Giver
Lifeline in Peril Mako Tank The Mayor of "Kalm" iconKalm
Hustle and Grind "Kalm" iconKalm Entrance "Beck" iconBeck’s Business
When Words Won’t Do "Under Junon" iconUnder Junon Inn "Rhonda" iconRhonda
Missing Mr. Birdie "North Corel" iconNorth Corel Lookout Mr. Birdie’s Buddies
The Pursuit of Perfection Izo’s Smithery Independent Weaponsmith
Escape from Endless Writer’s Block Pear Blossom Bluff Humble Children’s Book Author
Lament of the Damned "Nibelheim" iconNibelheim Town Hall Supervisor

You will also be able to improve your relationship with Barret once you learn his synergy ability and skills. Below are the ones you can use to increase Barret’s relationship with Cloud.

  • Mad Dash
  • Iron "Defense" iconDefense
  • Friendly "Fire" iconFire
  • Partners in Pain
  • United Force

These abilities can be unlocked by spending SP at folio machines. There are also quite a few moments in the main story where you can gain affinity with Barret. These are listed in the table below.

Chapter Condition
Chapter 6 Choose Aerith and Barrett during the Hojo fight
Chapter 7 Route the minecart to Barret’s liking
Chapter 8 Destroy all enemies while riding on the buggy, and don’t lose too much health
Chapter 12 Complete the Loveless mini-game
Chapter 12 Take Barret on the skywheel

(1 of 3) Story events such as the parade will better your relationship.

Red XIII Relationship Choices

Despite being a dog/cat hybrid, you can still go on a “date” with "Red XIII" iconRed XIII. He only has six dialogue choices to choose from, one less than Aerith, Tifa, and Barret. The table below goes over when optional dialogue choices will appear, where to find Red XIII when they do, and what the best dialogue choice is.

Chapter Location Best Dialogue Choice
Chapter 2 Village Square I knew I could count on you
Chapter 4 "Under Junon" iconUnder Junon Inn (After Meeting Yuffie) Huh. Not good
Chapter 6 Beach Tents (After Defeating Hojo) Don’t sweat it
Chapter 9 "Gongaga Village" iconGongaga Village Alter (After visiting Gongaga memorial) The Right Patch
Chapter 10 After "Cosmo Canyon" iconCosmo Canyon Talk I’ll lend an ear
Chapter 11 Outside Shinra Manor (Right After Reaching "Nibelheim" iconNibelheim) This isn’t my hometown

Don’t worry if you missed a few dialogue choices with Red XIII, and you can still do several side quests to increase his relationship level. The table lists every side quest focus on Red XIII below, where to find them, and who the quest giver is.

Side Quest Location Quest Giver
Livestock’s Bane "Oliver's Farm" iconOliver’s Farm Nature Loving Farmer
Where The "Wind" iconWind Blows "Kalm" iconKalm Inn Broden
The Hardest Sell The "Crow's Nest" iconCrow’s Nest Super Concerned Citizen
Of Robed Men and Randsoms Corel Clinic Dr. Sheiran
O Chicken, Where Art Thou Gongaga Noticeboard Grandma Hen
From Whence Life Flows Cosmo Observatory Bugenhagen
Promises to Keep Flight of Vagrancy Guard

Additionally, there are several synergy skills and abilities that will raise Red XIII’s relationship level. These are listed below.

  • Phantom Fang
  • Wild Charge
  • Iron Defense
  • Savage Assault
  • United Refocus

These synergy skills and abilities can all be unlocked by using SP in Red XIII’s skill folio. Finally, there are several moments throughout the game’s story where you can gain affinity with Red XIII. The table below goes over where these events happen and how to gain the extra relationship points.

Chapter Condition
Chapter 5 Beat "Red XIII" iconRed XIII during the Queen’s Blood Tournament.
Chapter 6 Choose Tifa and "Red XIII" iconRed XIII during the Hojo fight.
Chapter 8 Beat Dio in your first encounter.
Chapter 12 Rematch "Red XIII" iconRed XIII at the "Gold Saucer" iconGold Saucer.
Chapter 12 Take "Red XIII" iconRed XIII on the skywheel.

Yuffie Relationship Choices

Yuffie doesn’t show up until later in the game’s story and won’t join your party until the very end of Chapter 6. Her dialogue choices are a bit unique, as the shorter, punchier answers are the ones worth three stars. The table below goes over when each dialogue choice shows up, where to find Yuffie when they do, and what the best answer is.

Chapter Location Best Dialogue Choice
Chapter 6 "Ice" iconIce Cream Truck in Costa del Sol Yeah. Obviously
Chapter 6 Yuffie Joining The Party Beat it
Chapter 6 Yuffie Joining The Party Kinda
Chapter 6 Yuffie Joining The Party Hardly
Chapter 6 Yuffie Joining The Party You can come with
Chapter 9 Inside Cissnei’s House on The Couch (After visiting Gongaga memorial) Nice song. Funny too
Chapter 10 After "Cosmo Canyon" iconCosmo Canyon Talk Pretty much
Chapter 11 Outside Shinra Manor (Right After Reaching "Nibelheim" iconNibelheim) Yup.

There are also seven different side quests that focus on Yuffie, completing these will earn you extra relationship points. The side quest name, their location, and the quest giver can be found in the table below.

Side Quest Location Quest Giver
Tides of War and Worry "Under Junon" iconUnder Junon Noticeboard Priscilla
The Saga of the Seaside Inn Costa del Sol Noticeboard Wavering Hero
Troubled in Paradise Costa del Sol Noticeboard Mayor Kapono
Teach Me, Great Warrior, Gongaga Noticeboard Youth Coalition Rookie
Bonds of Trust Kamaria’s Ranch Kamaria
Victim of Circumstance "Cosmo Canyon" iconCosmo Canyon Noticeboard Zhijie
Esoteric Secrets of the Elders Chocobo "Sage" iconSage’s Manor Billy

In addition to these quests, there are also several synergy skills and abilities you can unlock and use to gain relationship points with Yuffie. These are listed below.

  • Shuriken Sync
  • Ninja Bazooka
  • Foxflame
  • Maelstrom Strike
  • Halcyon Descent

Finally, you can gain affinity with Yuffie through certain main story events. These come up naturally while playing the game. The table below goes over when they will appear and what you need to do to meet the requirements to earn relationship points.

Chapter Condition
Chapter 7 Change the minecart track to Yuffie’s liking.
Chapter 12 Beat Yuffie in Shinra Box 50k.
Chapter 12 Complete Loveless.
Chapter 12 Take Yuffie on the skywheel.

How to Get the Vincent Valentine, Cait Sith, and Cid Date

This is the date that happens when you’ve failed to romance any of the other characters, but it can actually be rather hard to trigger. This is because you can easily gain enough affinity with a single character without trying too hard. To get this ending, avoid all side quests and dialogue options, and jump around with what characters you are impressing during the main story. Using the guide above to avoid relationship points will help you unlock this special cutscene. Keep in mind that if a character has a blue emoji above their head, you won’t be able to go on Cloud’s triple-date.

You should now know how to get the date with your favorite character. Keep in mind that the date won’t change the main story of the game and purely serves as extra fanservice. You will need to do multiple saves or use chapter select in order to see everyone’s special date scene at the Gold Saucer. Outside of this, relationship points won’t help with anything else in the game, and there is no reward for maxing out these characters.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    31 August 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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The second in a trio of games, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth continues with the epic retelling of the original Final Fantasy VII story. Follow Cloud Strife and company, as they chase Sephiroth, after the events that unfolded in the city of Midgar. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will contain the same action-based combat system introduced in Remake, with additions to keep it fresh. To help you along the way, this guide plans to contain the following content:

  • Breakdown of gameplay elements and combat mechanics
  • Detailed guides on how to play every playable character
  • Boss strategies for those who might be struggling
  • Walkthroughs for the harder-to-complete Side Quests
  • Locations of any and all Collectibles
  • Extensive list of all Minigames, with thorough guides on all of them
  • Roadmap and guide on how to unlock the coveted Platinum Trophy

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