In Final Fantasy VII Remake, some of the Summon Materia you obtain will require you to defeat said summon in the Combat Simulator. That method of obtaining summons will carry over to Rebirth, as you need to defeat them in the simulator to get the materia. Kujata is a bull-like creature that becomes available to fight once you reach Chapter 9 of the main story. This page will go over the strategies needed to take down Kujata and obtain its Summon Materia.
Kujata will be available to battle as soon as you reach the Gongaga Region.
Unlocking the Kujata Summon Boss¶
As briefly mentioned above, you will first unlock the battle with Kujata in Chapter 9 of the main story, which is when you reach the Gongaga Region. Note that while you don’t have an easily accessible Chadley in the Gongaga Region upon arriving, you can head back to Corel and fast travel to any place that he is occupying. Like all of the summon battles, there are different settings that you can fight the summon at, with the default being Full Might. If you find all of the Divine Intel in the Gongaga Region, you can make Kujata weaker.
All of Kujata’s Attacks¶
Kujata has a few melee attacks, as well as one named move outside of his elemental forms. Once it switches to an elemental alignment, it will gain some new moves.
Thunderous Stomp:
Unblockable. The only move that it has outside of its elemental alignments. Kujata will jump into the air, then crash down near one of your characters. As soon as you see this move, quickly start moving away, as there is a bit of a splash zone.
Frost Spikes:
Ice alignment. Kujata will stomp the ground and cause a line of ice spikes to form along the ground in straight lines. Be mindful that they will change directions sometimes.
(1 of 4) Thunderous Stomp is the only named attack that is used outside of the elemental forms.
Chilling Horn: Ice alignment. Kujata will rear back, then shoot a bunch of ice shards straight ahead, like a beam. It won’t move while doing this move, so once you are clear of it, you won’t need to keep on the run.
Icicle Uppercut: Unblockable. Ice alignment. Kujata will lunge forward and try to knock you into the air with its horns. When the uppercut occurs, a large chunk of ice will form, similar in size to Blizzaga.
Voltaic Charge: Unblockable.
Lightning alignment. Kujata will charge itself up with some electricity, then do two charge attacks, back-to-back.
Lightning Field: Unblockable. Lightning alignment. Kujata will shoot out a line of lightning bolts in four directions that extend across the whole screen. It will do this twice in a row, with the second set being in different directions.
Crackling Horn: Unblockable. Lightning alignment. Similar to Chilling Horn, but with a bolt of electricity.
Flaming Thrash: Unblockable.
Fire alignment. Kujata will quickly rush up to a character, then quickly do a spinning attack.
Fiery Fallout: Unblockable. Fire alignment. Kujata will shake its body and release a bunch of little fireballs that hit the ground around it.
Blazing Horn: Fire alignment. Kujata will rear back in place, then shoot a fireball straight ahead.
Tri-Disaster: Unblockable/unavoidable. Kujata’s ultimate attack that occurs if you don’t stop it from using/absorbing all three elemental alignments.
Kujata Boss Strategy¶
Before you even think about fighting Kujata, make sure you have characters equipped with fire, ice and wind attacks. That’s because the main gimmick behind Kujata is that it will change elemental affinities throughout the battle, and you definitely want to make sure that you remove them, as it can lead to its ultimate attack, Tri-Disaster. When the battle first begins, Kujata will start out neutral and there’s really not much to do at that point. It’s a good idea to save your ATB here, unless you need to heal, as you’ll need it whenever it does change its element.
The element it chooses will be random, so you never actually know which will be picked. You’ll know it’s about to do this, as a weird object will appear on the field and Kujata will charge right at it. Once it chooses an element, it will gain a few new moves (all of them are listed above) and the fight will go back to normal. The key here is to use the affinity’s weakness while the element is active, until you pressure Kujata. If you don’t do this, then Kujata will put that element into the “bank” and move onto another element.
If it saves two elements and goes onto the third one, it will immediately use Tri-Disaster. Should you survive the ultimate attack, then the fight essentially resets from the beginning, in terms of mechanics. However, if you manage to break Kujata of the affinity, then that element is stripped and nothing is banked. For an example, Kujata changes its affinity to ice, so you would use fire-based attacks. Preferably, Fire and Fira are ideal here (Firaga, if you managed to have it at this point), so just keep doing those attacks and try to pressure it.
That’s pretty much the entire fight here, so if you can just manage the elemental affinities, then you shouldn’t really have too much trouble. As always, watch out for the unblockable attacks and don’t forget to heal. Having the Prayer Materia is great here, as Kujata isn’t all quick and you won’t need to use ATB much outside of the elemental forms. Yuffie is really great here because of her
Elemental Ninjutsu, so it’s a good idea to include her on your team.
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