One of the World Intel activities in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is Expedition Intels. These are large crystals you can find throughout the various open world sections, which will provide some lore on settings used in the game. They will also open up Excavation Intels, as well as the strongest enemy in that region, the Classified Intel. This page will list the locations of every piece of Expedition Intel for the Junon region.
Expedition Intel 1: Chocobluff Lifespring¶
If you did the Stuck in a Rut quest, you likely came across this Lifespring already, as it’s right next to a required NPC. If not, then fast travel to Gabe’s Ranch and head north-northeast from there. You should see a wall to climb with your Chocobo, so do that, taking the right wall at the split. At the top, follow the path and you should see the abundance of materials on the ground, indicating that the Lifespring is right there. Interact with the crystal to do the little minigame and get the lore.
(1 of 3) Start off by climbing this wall to the north of the chocobo ranch.
Expedition Intel 2: Castaway Lifespring¶
This one is easiest to get if you have the Cargo Shipwreck cache location, which is a bit southeast of Tower #2. From the cache location, get into the water to the south of it, then look for a beach you can get on nearby. You can pass through the wreckage to your south and the Lifespring will be right there, on the side.
(1 of 4) The Cargo Shipwreck is a great location to start for this second intel.
Expedition Intel 3: Mountain Outpost Lifespring¶
For the third Lifespring, start at Tower #4, where you should see a climbable wall with your chocobo. That is one path to take, but let’s look at another. A little east of that chocobo wall will be a normal climbable wall. Scale this, along with the next wall, and at the top will be a third one. This last wall will lead you straight to the cave with the Lifespring.
(1 of 3) A little east of the fourth tower is a climbable wall.
Expedition Intel 4: Pharecape Lifespring¶
For the final Lifespring in the Junon region, you will need to complete the When Words Won’t Do quest. This starts in Under Junon, after the events at the inn following the
Terror of the Deep boss fight. Doing this quest will open up the
Crow’s Nest area on the eastern end of the region, which is locked normally. While you’re there, speak with Toby to begin The Hardest Sell quest, which tasks you with heading down to the lighthouse. Follow the trail south out of the Crow’s Nest, until you slide down two chocobo walls and cross a long bridge.
(1 of 4) You’ll need to pass through the Crow’s Nest to reach the fourth Lifespring.
You should now be in front of the lighthouse, where you will see a bunch of balloons. Ignore those and look west to find another path. There are two more chocobo walls here to slide down, so use those and there’s a small path that leads right to the Lifespring.
Completing these Lifesprings is necessary to unlock the Excavation Intel in the Junon region, as well as the Classified Intel, which leads to a fight with the Mindflayer.
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