After passing through the Mythril Mines in Chapter 3 you’ll reach the
Junon Region, a fresh new open world area with plenty of World Intel sites to explore. A new region also means a new legendary beast; the
Grasslands had
Titan, while the guardian of the Junon Region is
Phoenix. Just like with Titan in the Grasslands, you can find various Divine Intel events scattered throughout the Junon Region, and completing these will allow you to fight a weaker version of Phoenix and will power up the
Phoenix Materia you obtain after winning said battle. This page will provide locations for all the Phoenix Divine Intel in the Junon Region in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
(1 of 5) In order to reach all the Divine Intel Sanctuaries in Junon you’ll need to climb sheer cliffs - meaning you must tame this region’s Chocobo, first.
What Is Phoenix’s Divine Intel?¶
Visit Chadley at Gabe’s Ranch (just southwest of where you exit the Mythril Mines) and you’ll find he’s got more VR battles for you, including Summon Entity: Phoenix. If you defeat Phoenix you’ll claim the Phoenix Materia, but you’ll have to fight Phoenix at full strength, which is no easy undertaking. There are three Divine Intel events in the Junon Region, and not only do these count as World Intel, earning you Party XP and Data Points, but each one of these Divine Intel events you complete will allow you to lower Phoenix’s difficulty during your VR battle and will increase the level of the Phoenix Materia you get.
The gameplay loop is generally pretty simple - find the Divine Intel in a Sanctuary (usually some cavern or other sheltered, out of the way places) and interact with crystallized knowledge of the summon to play a timed memorization minigame. There’s no penalty for failure, and when you succeed you’ll complete the Divine Intel event. Finding them may be tricky, as they’re usually well off the beaten path, but you can find Guidestones nearby which, which struck, will send a mote of light back to the Sanctuary, effectively guiding you.
Finding Divine Intel in the Junon Region is even trickier due to the sheer cliffs that dot the terrain. These cliffs aren’t hard to spot but are impassable unless you’ve wrangled this region’s Chocobo, Belle, which can scale these cliffs. Check out the linked page for information about catching the Junon Region Chocobo, but without it you won’t be able to claim any of this region’s Divine Intel.
(1 of 3) The first Phoenix Divine Intel is just northeast of Gabe’s Ranch.
Divine Intel 1: Phoenix Sanctuary Alpha Location¶
It’s not listed as the first Divine Intel location for no reason, this one is just north of Gabe’s Ranch. Of course, to reach it you’ll need to wrangle the Junon Region Chocobo, as sheer cliffs prevent you from ascending to this Sanctuary’s lofty perch, otherwise. Just follow the road northeast from Gabe’s Ranch and you should spot the cliffs you need to climb in the distance - the Chocobo graffiti makes it pretty hard to miss.
(1 of 3) The second Phoenix Divine Intel location is along the northeastern corner of the region,
Divine Intel 2: Phoenix Sanctuary Beta Location¶
The second Phoenix Divine Intel Sanctuary is a bit further out, but if you have this region’s Chocobo, it’s not any harder to reach than the first. Follow the road to the northeastern edge of the region (just before the pass that least to the northern gate to Crow’s Perch - if you see a big red tank to the right, you’ve gone too far) and veer off to the north. You should find a Chocobo Stop to the left, and to the right are some sheer cliffs you can scale while riding a Chocobo. Do so and they’ll lead to the Sanctuary.
(1 of 4) The Phoenix Divine Intel 3 Sanctuary is on the far eastern edge of the Junon Region.
Divine Intel 3: Phoenix Sanctuary Gamma Location¶
The most challenging of the Phoenix Divine Intel to reach, it can be found in a cavern along Junon Region’s eastern coast, technically under [Crow’s Nest]. To get here you’ll either need to gain entry into Crow’s Nest by completing the quest [When Words Won’t Do] or take the long way around.
The “long way around” in this case means following the road that winds through the Junon Region past Activation Intel 5: Prospect Tower. From here continue south along the road, through some ruins, down some cliffs (you need the Junon Region Chocobo for this) to reach the Ruined Treasury. Head southeast to a beach and swim to a sunken ship, board it, then cross it to find a debris bridge leading to an adjacent island. You might as well grab Expedition Intel 4: Pharecape Lifespring to the south while you’re here, then climb some cliffs to the east and northeast before crossing a bridge to the north. From here you need to scale one more cliff, then just keep going north until you reach a Chocobo Stop, then continue north to reach the south gate of Crow’s Nest. The Sanctuary cavern is just downhill to the east.
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