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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

All Corel Region Simulations - Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

Jessica Dillon
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The Corel region brings with it more enemies and more battle simulations to unlock. These simulations will earn you even more materia, but knowing how to unlock them can be tricky. This is especially true since the Corel region is split into two parts. The guide below goes over how to unlock each battle simulation and gives some tips on beating them.

Alexander is the toughest simulation unlocked in the Corel region.

Alexander Battle Simulation

The "Alexander" iconAlexander battle simulation is the toughest in the region. This boss is incredibly powerful as it’s immune to a large number of attacks while its arms are active. You must first focus on taking out both of the boss’s arms and then attack the main body. Alexander is weak to "Lightning" iconLightning attacks, so this can give you a bit of an advantage in the battle. For this battle, you will need to worry about dealing with Alexander’s karma. This is a stack that makes his Divine Judgment move more powerful, and if you’re at max stack, it can severely injure your party.

You can use Esuna to remove one of these stacks to reduce the amount of damage taken by Divine Judgment. Esuna can be obtained from the "Cleansing Materia" iconCleansing Materia and is a must for this fight. "Lightning Materia" iconLightning Materia can also be useful to exploit his weakness as can Cloud’s "Sleek Saber" iconSleek Saber. Attacking from a distance can also help you avoid damage, as Alexander is a close-range fighter. Try using Yuffie or Barret if you’re having trouble. Since this is a tougher fight, consider bringing in the "Revival Earrings" iconRevival Earrings in-case one of your party members is defeated. Once you get Alexander’s arms down and learn to manage the karma stats, that battle isn’t all that hard. You will get the "Alexander Materia" iconAlexander Materia for winning.

Corel Battle Intel: Oh, Skewer It

To unlock “Oh, Skewer It”, you will need to defeat a Saberhawk and a "Shankhalopod" iconShankhalopod. Once this is done, you will be able to take on enemies of the same type through a three-round series of battles. Keep in mind that "Saberhawk" iconSaberhawks fly, making them harder to hit unless you have a ranged character like Yuffie who can use her throwing star. Saberhawk’s are weak to fire, so use "Fire Materia" iconFire Materia to deal more damage to them. The Shankhalopd’s also have the ability to hide in their shells, so use "Fire" iconFire to coax them out. When using magic attacks, the Circlet accessory can give you a 10% boost to MP and a 5% boost to attack power. Additionally, using Tifa’s "Kaiser Knuckles" iconKaiser Knuckles can help you more easily pressure enemies. This makes the Circlet a great accessory to take into battle for all of the standard simulation fights. For completing this simulation you will get the "Vitality Up Materia" iconVitality Up Materia.

Corel Battle Intel: Sand Slitherers

To unlock Sand Slitherers, you need to defeat the "Duneworm" iconDuneworm and Bladefish. Both of these enemies like to stay in the ground until they are ready to attack, so fighting them can be rather annoying. When a Duneworm does appear use "Ice" iconIce to pressure hit, for the Bladefish you will want to simply block them with Cloud’s Punished mode to pressure. Yuffie’s "Savage Dagger" iconSavage Dagger can be useful here as she can still attack if she gets hit with an underground attack. The Swiftcast Materia or "Auto-Cast Materia" iconAuto-Cast Materia makes it easier to hit these enemies before they pop back into the ground. This is a three-round battle and for completing the challenge, you get a "Strength Up Materia" iconStrength Up Materia for your trouble.

(1 of 3) Some rounds will have Junon machines and soldiers thrown into the mix.

Corel Battle Intel: Badlands Beasts

To unlock Badlands Beasts, you need to defeat the "Silver Chimera" iconSilver Chimera and the "Heliopora Terpsicolt" iconHeliopora Terpsicolt. This is another three-round battle featuring the enemies you defeat to unlock it. You can easily unlock this simulation by completing the Corel region fiend intel. The Heliopora is weak to Ice attacks and the Silver "Chimera" iconChimera is weak to Fire. These enemies don’t hide underground, so using a close-range character like Tifa to plow through their health and synergize with Cloud is best. After finishing this simulation, you will receive the "AP Up Materia" iconAP Up Materia.

Corel Region Intel: Level 1

This intel requires you to defeat 20 enemies in the Corel region. To do this, you will need to make it to Chapter 9 and have both sections of the Corel region unlocked. This is a five-round simulation with some Junon soldiers mixed in. We recommend bringing in your new "Strength" iconStrength Up Materia and AP UP Materia to give you an extra edge. For winning the simulation you get a two-star "Wind Materia" iconWind Materia.

Corel Region Intel: Level 2

The Level 2 intel will unlock once you defeat the first level and defeat 38 enemies. This fight takes you through the full roster of Corel region enemies over ten rounds and can be quite lengthy. Remember what each enemy’s weaknesses are, and you should have no problem coming out on top. We once again recommend brining in the Strength Up Materia and AP UP Materia. You will be fighting a diverse range of enemies, so it’s best to pick a materia that can support you through every battle. Once you complete this simulation you will get the two-star "Wind" iconWind Materia.

Biological Intel: At Any Cost

“At Any Cost” is the hardest of the battle simulations to unlock. To unlock this simulation, you need to assess 25 enemies and defeat the "Mindflayer" iconMindflayer in the Junon region. For a guide on how to do so, click here. This battle puts you up against the Mindflayer for a single round. The only way to pressure the Mindflayer is with synergy abilties and the easiest pair to use these with is Cloud and Tifa. Other than this the Mindflayer isn’t weak to anything, so just work on building your synergy meter and unleashing attacks with it. If you have it, the Synergy Materia can be quite useful in this battle. Once you manage to beat the Mindflayer then you will unlock the Self-Destruct enemy skill.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    31 August 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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The second in a trio of games, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth continues with the epic retelling of the original Final Fantasy VII story. Follow Cloud Strife and company, as they chase Sephiroth, after the events that unfolded in the city of Midgar. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will contain the same action-based combat system introduced in Remake, with additions to keep it fresh. To help you along the way, this guide plans to contain the following content:

  • Breakdown of gameplay elements and combat mechanics
  • Detailed guides on how to play every playable character
  • Boss strategies for those who might be struggling
  • Walkthroughs for the harder-to-complete Side Quests
  • Locations of any and all Collectibles
  • Extensive list of all Minigames, with thorough guides on all of them
  • Roadmap and guide on how to unlock the coveted Platinum Trophy

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