Junon is the second region you will be able to explore in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, right after finishing the Mythril Mine. It is another open zone, just like the Grasslands, complete with plenty of World Intel. As with the previous region, you will have towers you can activate that show locations of nearby pieces of intel. This page will list the locations of all the Activation Intels in the Junon Region.
Before you do anything in the Junon Region, it’s a good idea to start the Stuck in a Rut quest. The first part of that quest will allow you to unlock the Junon region’s chocobo, which is able to climb certain walls. These walls are marked with arrows and a chocobo symbol, so they aren’t hard to spot. Note that getting to the towers shouldn’t require the chocobo, though.
Activation Intel 1: Seabreeze Tower¶
You will find the first tower in the area with the chocobo ranch, which is where you actually start the above quest. As you exit the main gate of the ranch, you will see some stairs, so go up them and the tower will be right there. The button to activate the tower will be at its base.
(1 of 2) The first tower is northwest of Gabe’s Ranch.
The first tower is northwest of Gabe’s Ranch. (left), The location of the first tower on the map. (right)
Activation Intel 2: Buffeted Cape Tower¶
The second tower will be found south of the ranch previously mentioned. From the bottom of the hill where you descend from the exit of the Mythril Mine, make the U-turn and begin following the trail to the south. It’s hard to miss the tower, but it will be next to some big craters. The switch to activate the tower will be at the top, so you will need to do a little climbing.
(1 of 2) Follow the road south of the big hill coming out of the Mythril Mine for this tower.
Follow the road south of the big hill coming out of the Mythril Mine for this tower. (left), The location of the second tower on the map. (right)
Activation Intel 3: Batteryhill Tower¶
Just east of the previous tower is a path that will lead up a hill. Follow this trail until it bends to the north and keep heading in that direction. As it starts curving to the east again, you should see the tower standing on a hill to your south. It will be next to two round buildings and a little northwest of the Cargo Shipwreck cache location. As with the previous one, the switch to activate the tower is at the top.
(1 of 2) The third tower is northwest of the Cargo Shipwreck cache location.
The third tower is northwest of the Cargo Shipwreck cache location. (left), The location of the third tower on the map. (right)
Activation Intel 4: Piedmont Tower¶
The fourth tower will be east of the previous one. Get back on the path to the north of the third tower, then follow it northeast. When it breaks to the southeast (there should be some Zemzeletts at the split), head in that direction and just continue east. You’ll know you’re on the right track when you pass some windmills, as well as a Chocobo Stop. A little further east of that and you will find the tower in a small clearing, near two walls you can climb with your Chocobo. The switch will be at the top.
(1 of 2) The fourth tower is a little east of the Moogle Intel in the region.
The fourth tower is a little east of the Moogle Intel in the region. (left), The location of the fourth tower on the map. (right)
Activation Intel 5: Prospect Tower¶
The fifth and final tower will be south of the fourth. Head straight south and find the road that will take you in that direction. It’s really hard to miss, as it’s right along the path. Climb to the top to get to the activation switch.
(1 of 2) The fifth tower will be straight south from the fourth one.
The fifth tower will be straight south from the fourth one. (left), The location of the fifth tower on the map. (right)
Activating all of the towers should help you locate the other World Intel in the Junon region, although it’s not required, as you can simply find the intel on your own.
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