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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

Pirate's Rampage Guide - Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

Shane Williams
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There are a lot of minigames to be found in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, some of which are entirely new. Pirates Rampage is a shooting range that has been created solely for Rebirth. On this page, we’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to starting the Pirates Rampage minigame and getting the top score of 22k.

The Amusement Attendant will get you started on the Pirates Rampage Minigame.

How to Unlock Pirates Rampage in FF7

Once you’ve made it to "Costa Del Sol" iconCosta Del Sol in Chapter 6 of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth you’ll want to progress through the main story until you’re required to get Companion Cards for Cloud, then you can speak with the Amusement Attendant who can be found at the northern part of the area to begin the Brigantine Stage. However, you’ll unlock the side quest Rendezvous in Costa del Sol later on in the story and this will give you access to the Ghost Ship Stage.

Best Way to Get Rank 3 in the Brigantine Stage

There are three rewards up for grabs, but you’ll want the companion card for Cloud in order to progress through the story.

Pirate’s Rampage Rewards

Score Reward
10,000 Companion Card for Cloud and x2 "Hi-Potion" iconHi-Potion
13,000 "Ruby" iconRuby
15,000 "Time Materia" iconTime Materia

The Brigantine Stage will require you to earn a score of 10,000 in order to claim the Companion Card for Cloud, but you’ll eventually need 15,000 in order to claim all three rewards. There are four stages to try and bag a score of 15k and we’ve found that the best way to do this is to focus on the targets that provide a higher score while trying to get any of the default targets in-between. You’ll want to try and hit the following high scores per round to increase your chances of claiming the top score in the Brigantine Stage: Round 1: 3,900, Round 2: 6,950, Round 3: 11,350 and Round 4: 15,550.

There are specific targets you’ll want to focus on getting in order to make obtaining the score of 15,000 a lot easier and they can be found below:

Brigantine Stage: Purple Targets

If you want a better chance of getting the best score in each round, then you’ll want to shoot as many of the purple signs as possible, but you’ll want to until they flip over to a gold sign, as it’ll provide you with double points.

Brigantine Stage: Monkey Targets

Round 2 will start introducing the monkey targets which provide a score of 600, so you’ll want to try taking these out in order to massively boost your score. You can find the first monkey target to the left of the middle sail in Round 2. The second monkey target can be found in the hole at the bottom of the boat towards the end of round 3. The third and final monkey target can be found below the left sail at the start of round 4.

(1 of 4) Cactuar will provide you with a 1000 Points

Brigantine Stage: Cat and Moogle Targets

Round 3 will implement a Cat and a Moogle Target which provides 600 points each. However, both of these are stuck in a cage so they’ll require more bullets to break.

Brigantine Stage: Cactaur and Fat Chocobo Targets

Round 4 will introduce the Cactaur (1000 Points) and Fat Chocobo Targets (800 Points) which you’ll want to make sure you try and take out to ensure you hit the 15,000. The Cactaur target can be found underneath the left sail at the beginning of the round and in the hole on the right side of the ship halfway through the round. The Fat Chocobo can be found in the center of the ship multiple times throughout the round.

Best Way to Get Rank 3 in the Ghost Ship Stage

Score Reward
10,000 "Mist Hi-Potion" iconMist Hi-Potion
18,000 "Abyssal Bangle" iconAbyssal Bangle
22,000 "Wind Materia" iconWind Materia

The Ghost Ship Stage which becomes available in the Rendezvous in Costa del Sol Side Quest will require you to bag 22k in order to claim all of the rewards and it has also introduced some changes to the mode which makes it slightly harder. This time around your accuracy actually matters as you’ll lose some points as a result if you miss your shot, so you’ll want to avoid spamming your shots and instead take a couple of practice attempts to learn where each target spawns. We managed to achieve 22k by having the following scores per round: Round 1: 3024, Round 2: 7373, Round 3: 12,100 and Round 4: 25,100.

The types and positions of certain targets are different compared to the Brigantine stage and like the previous stage, you’ll want to focus on certain targets to improve your chances of hitting a score of 22k. The majority of your points on this stage will come from rounds 3 and 4 here you’ll be shown an overwhelming amount of gold targets, so you’ll want to lower your aim speed slightly to improve your accuracy and focus on taking down as many of them as possible. There are some new targets you’ll want to keep a lookout for:

Ghost Ship: Tonberry Targets

You’ll find a "Tonberry" iconTonberry Target sitting on top of the cabin in Round 2 and this will offer 300 Points. There will be another three Tonberry Targets that’ll show up at the end of round 4 and they will provide you with 900 points each.

Ghost Ship: Cactuar

Another opportunity to get 1000 Points is via the "Cactuar" iconCactuar which will show up at the end of round 3 and it can be found moving across your screen at a fast pace. To hit this, you’ll want to keep your reticle in the center of your screen and shoot it as it goes past.

(1 of 2) The Wall of Gold Targets

The Wall of Gold Targets (left), and taking out the Morbols will give you a lot of points. (right)

Ghost Ship: Morbol

Round 4 of the Ghost Ship Stage will introduce multiple Morbol Targets that you’ll want to make sure you get down as quickly as possible, as they’ll reward you with 800 Points and turn any of the targets around them to gold which could end up bagging you an extra 1000 points in total.

More Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guides

Rebirth has so much to offer so if you’re feeling lost, or just want to find out more about new features, tips and tricks on the combat system, or how to beat certain minigames, be sure to check out the links below!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    31 August 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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The second in a trio of games, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth continues with the epic retelling of the original Final Fantasy VII story. Follow Cloud Strife and company, as they chase Sephiroth, after the events that unfolded in the city of Midgar. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will contain the same action-based combat system introduced in Remake, with additions to keep it fresh. To help you along the way, this guide plans to contain the following content:

  • Breakdown of gameplay elements and combat mechanics
  • Detailed guides on how to play every playable character
  • Boss strategies for those who might be struggling
  • Walkthroughs for the harder-to-complete Side Quests
  • Locations of any and all Collectibles
  • Extensive list of all Minigames, with thorough guides on all of them
  • Roadmap and guide on how to unlock the coveted Platinum Trophy

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