Way back in the day, in the before-times, weapons in Final Fantasy VII were relatively simple, uninspired, even. You’d find some implement of destruction or another, check its stats and materia sockets, and use it until you found something more hurty. Aside from edge cases where one weapon had more or less materia sockets or an altered AP growth rate, you generally just picked the weapon with the biggest numbers. The iconic Buster Sword, for as much of a fixture as it has become in gaming culture, boasted a mere 18
Attack and two linked materia sockets; once you escaped Midgar and could purchase a successor weapon, you were done with it for the rest of the game (even sooner, if you knew where you could steal a Hardedge in Shinra HQ). In Final Fantasy VII Remake weapons were given more longevity, with numerous weapon cores you could unlock, little constellations of upgrades that allowed for improvements and customization, keeping even early-game weapons interesting. While the weapon system has been dumbed down a bit in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, they’re still not as sad and disposable as in Final Fantasy VII, and this page will explain how weapon upgrades and weapon skills work in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
Weapon Stats¶
While weapons in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth are more than just stat sticks… they’re also stat sticks,and their core stats will vary depending on the weapon itself. Some are better at dealing physical damage and have higher Attack, others are more suited for magical damage and have superior Magic Attack. Simple stuff, but it’s worth noting that weapons can have their stats augmented by equipped Weapon Skills and by increasing your Weapon Level.
(1 of 2) Your Weapon Level will increase as you accumulate Skill Points (SP) - +5 Skill Points every time you level up,
Your Weapon Level will increase as you accumulate Skill Points (SP) - +5 Skill Points every time you level up, (left), and +10 SP every time you acquire a Manuscript. (right)
How Does Weapon Level Work?¶
Perhaps the most important, all-controlling aspect of weaponry in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is your Weapon Level. Each character’s Weapon Level is independent from one another, but in practice most characters should be at roughly the same point, as only character level and collected [Manuscripts] alter Weapon Level. You’ll get +5 Skill Points (SP) per character level and +10 SP per Manuscript collected. Once you gain enough SP to increase your Weapon Level, its stats may increase and you may unlock more Weapon Skills, Weapon Skill Slots and Materia Sockets. A character’s Weapon Level applies to all their weapons.
(1 of 2) Instead of Weapon Cores, weapons in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth gain Weapon Skills as your Weapon Level improves,
Instead of Weapon Cores, weapons in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth gain Weapon Skills as your Weapon Level improves, (left), You can set each weapon’s Weapon Skill(s) just like you’d set Materia. (right)
Weapon Skills - How They Unlock and How to Equip¶
Instead of the constellations of Weapon Cores from Final Fantasy VII Remake, weapons in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth have been… let’s say streamlined. Instead of spending SP to purchase specific upgrades, you’ll instead earn Weapon Skills as your Weapon Level increases. Like materia, different Weapon Skills can be equipped to provide various bonuses, usually boosting stats (HP, MP, Attack and Magic Attack being the most common), increasing the damage you deal with certain attack types, increasing ATB charge speed, reducing damage while blocking, etc. Different weapons unlock different Weapon Skills, and this sets them apart perhaps more than anything else
To equip/change Weapon Skills, just enter the menu and select the “Materia & Equipment” option, select a character, then press to set your materia… which also includes Weapon Skills. In fact, your Weapon Skills are the empty sockets below the two rows of materia sockets (for your weapon and armor), just select a Weapon Skill slot and you’ll get to see all the Weapon Skills that weapon has unlocked and equip whichever one you want.
(1 of 2) Each weapon has a unique Weapon Ability that can only be used while said weapon is equipped,
Each weapon has a unique Weapon Ability that can only be used while said weapon is equipped, (left), but if you perform certain actions in combat (usually using said Weapon Ability) you’ll gain Proficiency, which will allow you to use the Weapon Ability with any weapon. (right)
Weapon Abilities and Proficiencies¶
In addition to varying stats, Materia Sockets and Weapon Skills, each weapon also has a unique Weapon Ability to set it apart from the others. This is basically an ability you can use in combat, and initially you must have the parent weapon equipped in order to do so. Complete Proficiency Bonus objectives with the weapon equipped (which usually involves you using said ability in battle) and you’ll fill up a proficiency bar. Once it’s maxed out you’ll learn the Weapon Ability and can use it natively with any weapon equipped. It’s usually a good idea to use these on enemies as soon as you get a new weapon so you’re not married to it… Also some require you to hit enemies multiple times and/or dish out a lot of damage, which can become tricky if you grow too powerful.
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