Into the Underworld is a main story quest in Kingdom Come Deliver II. You’ll start the quest at the same time as
The Devil’s Pack quest in the
Kuttenberg region. This quest begins with you meeting
Katherine in
Kuttenberg to find out what she’s uncovered about the whereabouts of Liechtenstein. Read on to find out where to find Katherine, how to get a hold of
Goatskin, and finally where you can find Liechtenstein.
You’ll get ambushed and need to fend for your life in the Into the Underworld quest.
Table of Contents¶
If you want to jump to a specific section, click on the links below.
Quickjump |
Finding Katherine |
The Hole in the Wall Location |
Find Goatskin |
Set a Trap for Goatskin |
Find Samuel |
Infiltrate the Antisemites’ Meeting |
Finding Katherine¶
Katherine can be found at the Hangman’s Halter Tavern, situated in the heart of Kuttenberg. Simply follow the main path in Kuttenberg to the east until you pass the second tailor shop. The tavern will be on your right (to the south). Enter the tavern, and you’ll find Katherine walking in and out of the tavern to serve the locals who frequent the establishment. Speak to her, and inquire about the information she’s found about Liechtenstein, according to Zizka.
(1 of 2) Katherine can be found in the Hangman’s Halter Tavern in the east of Kuttenberg.
Katherine can be found in the Hangman’s Halter Tavern in the east of Kuttenberg. (left), You’ll find her moving between the tavern and the back of it. (right)
One of the workers that Katherine works with has a lover who frequents a seedy tavern on the other side of town. One day, a regular walks in and begins to buy drinks for the whole house. What’s unusual about this is that this tavern (and its regulars) are not made of money, and the particular customer is almost a beggar. The man in question goes by Goatskin (lovely name), and when asked where he got the money, he bragged he was spying for a rich lord.
Tell her that sounds promising, and agree to go check up on Goatskin for her. The tavern that Goatskin frequents regularly is called “The Hole in the Wall”, and it can be found in the Hoprink quarter of Kuttenburg. Before you go, Katherine will ask why everyone is looking for Liechtenstein. Select either of the two top options and then make your way to The Hole in the Wall.
The Hole in the Wall Location¶
Exit the tavern, and follow the path southeast. The tavern will be on your left just past the intersection. You’ll see a man leaning against the wall outside of it, who goes by Knuckles. Speak to him and tell him you’re looking for Goatskin, and he’ll politely tell you to speak to Chenyek, who can be found inside the tavern. Enter the tavern to find Chenyek sitting at the table, in front of the skeleton.
(1 of 3) The Hole in the Wall tavern can be found to the southeast of the Hangman’s Halter.
Find Goatskin¶
Tell him you’re looking for Goatskin, and you’ll find out he does, but he won’t tell you anything. This will lead to a speech check with two difficult checks to pass. All these will do is save you some legwork. Alternatively, you can pay 200 Groschens. However, if you tell him you could help him with something, you’ll save yourself some cash, and you won’t have to pass the checks, but you will need to help him out.
(1 of 2) Ask Chenyek if you can help him with anything, and he’ll tell you that you need to pass his test first. Goliath.
Ask Chenyek if you can help him with anything, and he’ll tell you that you need to pass his test first. Goliath. (left), Goliath can be found waiting at the barn. Before you can fight him, you must remove your equipment. (right)
Before you can accept any jobs from Chenyek, you’ll need to beat up Goliath in a fistfight, who is over at the barn. Despite his name, Goliath isn’t a particularly difficult fight, simply block his attacks when he throws a punch, and use combo attacks on him.
Before you know it, the fight will be over. You’ll find the barn by exiting the tavern via the right exit, and the barn will be the building to your east. However, you can’t fight him until you take off your armor and remove your weapons. The best way to do this is to go to the inventory and change your outfit to one that doesn’t have anything equipped, then you can switch back.
Once you’ve defeated Goliath, talk to Chenyek, who’ll now be in the barn. He’ll briefly mention that his colleague, Mole, hosts fights out of the tavern if you’re interested before he asks what you want to know.
You’ll find out that Goatskin hasn’t been seen for days, ever since he was beaten up by a group of men, some of them being Jews. Chenyek mentions that if you want to find Goatskin, try searching the paths between Hradek and the Horse Market at night because he targets drunks to rob.
(1 of 2) Goliath may look imposing, but a few well-timed punches will put him down.
Goliath may look imposing, but a few well-timed punches will put him down. (left), Speak to Chenyek after the fight, and he’ll tell you what you want to know. (right)
This doesn’t narrow down the search for you much, so ask him what alehouses are on Goatskin’s patch to get a better idea of where to look. The alehouse between Hradek and the Horse Market is the Black Horse Tavern, and another place he frequents near there is the City Bathhouse, which is southeast of the tavern.
You’ll find both of these places in the southwest quarter of Kuttenberg. Before you go, ask him about the job he has for you to begin the Feast for the Poor side quest.
Set a Trap for Goatskin¶
The Black Horse won’t give you much information about Goatskin’s whereabouts, but the City bathhouse will. Go to the bathhouse, which can be found near the southwest exit of the town, and speak to Adam, who wears a red hat. He’ll ask if you can sort him out if you find him due to him stealing from his customers. Ask him what he wants, and he’ll ask if you can find his client, Jan Schindel’s, stolen items. Ask him what was stolen, and he’s not sure, but something to do with constellations and something
Latin. Agree to his request to start the activity, Master Schindel’s Toys.
(1 of 3) Go to the City Bathhouse in the southwest of Kuttenburg.
Before you go, ask Adam if he has any German customers here at the moment, and he’ll tell you to ask the girls. Look around the bathhouse for Bathhouse Madam Beata, and tell her you’re looking for Goatskin, and that you want to beat him up. Ask her if she has any German customers, and she’ll tell you that there is Udo. He only visits the place in the evening, so you’ll need to pass the time until 9 in the evening (21:00). Go into the main hall, and you’ll find a strange man with an upside-down flower pot for a hat, sitting down at the table. This is Udo.
Introduce yourself, and play a game of Dice if you fancy before telling him he should go home. This will bring up a few speech checks. Select the one where your stat for it is higher, but the easiest check to pass is the top option (Intimidation) provided you’ve leveled it up. After you’ve passed the check, he’ll get up and leave. Follow him for a while, and lo and behold, Goatskin will make an appearance.
(1 of 5) Speak to Madam Beata, and tell her you want to punch Goatskin. She’ll mention a German customer called Udo.
Talk to him and before you even ask him a question, he’ll mention Samuel. Ask him who he is to get a speech check. Any of the options will work, but impression (heart icon) should be your highest. Ask him how much money he needs to go away, and he’ll ask for 150 Groschen. By now, you should have no problems paying this amount, especially if you picked up and sold all the armor you’ve found in the past few days.
Ask him where you can find Samuel, and he’ll tell you that you can find him at the synagogue or The King Solomon Tavern, which is situated in the central north of Kuttenberg. Now you have another lead, but before you go, ask him about Schindel’s things for the Master Schindel’s Toys activity, and he’ll tell you he stashed them in his stash in a secret tunnel under the city.
Pass the Intimidation check, and he’ll tell you about the map for the tunnels, although he sold it… The guy he sold it to can be found hanging on the gallows, but his coat has the map in it. You don’t need to do this now, as it’s a separate quest, but keep this in mind.
(1 of 4) After a while, you and Udo will get ambushed by Goatskin.
Find Samuel¶
Head to the north of the city, and head to the center to find The King Solomon Tavern. Samuel will move around between the tavern and synagogue depending on the time of day. He’s dressed in green which makes him stick out a bit, making him easier to spot. When you find him, talk to him, and you’ll immediately get a speech check. If you have a good scholarship skill, select that option, if not, tell him you’re lost.
Confirm he is indeed Samuel before you ask him about John Liechtenstein. This will lead to another speech check, but fortunately, they’re all relatively easy to pass. Select either the impression or persuasion options, so you don’t get any negative reputation.
If you choose the persuasion option, he’ll tell you he prefers someone who acts instead of talks. Tell him you’re the man for the job, and he’ll tell you about these secret meetings that occur in an abandoned house in the mining district, and they have these meetings at the start of each day.
(1 of 4) The King Solomon Tavern can be found in the north of Kuttenberg.
Infiltrate the Antisemites’ Meeting¶
Make your way to the eastern side of Kuttenberg, and the abandoned house you’re looking for is to the east of the Iron Eagle tavern (behind it). Basically, head east from the tavern until you reach the ramparts, and then follow the path south.
You will find a walled-off area with two large open double doors (with a beggar sitting near them). Head inside the area and your objective will update. Use the skip time feature and wait until 5 in the morning. This will put you immediately into a cutscene, and you’ll get ambushed by two men.
(1 of 3) You can find the abandoned house to the east of the Iron Eagle tavern, east Kuttenberg.
This isn’t a difficult battle by any means, but always position yourself so you only fight one at a time. Also, use your battle shout to make light work of the pair. Once you’ve defeated them, you’ll get another scene, and Samuel will plead for you not to kill the man.
There’s obviously a misunderstanding here, and you’ll tell him that you only want to talk to Liechtenstein. At first, he isn’t accommodating, but with one look at your sword, he changes his mind, but you’ll have to be blindfolded. This will lead to a rather lengthy cutscene before the quest concludes.
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