Sheep Among Wolves is a task that can be found within the Trosky Region of Medieval Bohemia, and can be accessed once you’ve got the ability to free roam. Read on to find out where you need to go and what you get for completing the quest.
Shepherd Smoliek needs help tracking down a missing chest.
Table of Contents¶
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Starting The Lost Sheep Task¶
Once you’ve completed the task Sheep Among Wolves you can start the follow up task The Lost Sheep Task by speaking with Shepherd Smoliek who can found to the northeast of Zhelejov Wagoners’ Inn. He’s been accused of selling one of his sheep after some wolves made them run through the nearby woods so you’ve been tasked with trying to track it down and provide him with the ear as proof.
Find Smoliek’s Sheep¶
Head northwest until you find an opening into the forest and then you’ll want to make your way over to the center of the area to find the wolves sitting up on top of a small mound. There will be around two or three you’ll need to take down and you can do so by having Mutt focus on one and then put all of your attention into the other. You’ll want to wait for it to attack and then parry it by pressing L2/LT/Right Click and then you’ll have a small opportunity to hit it once.
(1 of 2) Head to the center of the search area to find the wolves and the missing sheep.
Head to the center of the search area to find the wolves and the missing sheep. (left), Parry the wolfs attack before attempting to hit it. (right)
Once you’ve dealt some damage back up and then repeat the process otherwise you’ll accidentally use up all of your stamina and then the wolf will be able to easily attack you in quick succession and deal lots of damage. If the wolves have been dealt with, approach the sheep (found near a tree) and butcher it to claim the Sheep Ear and then return to Smoliek.
The Lost Sheep Rewards¶
Inform him that you found the sheep and give him the ear to bring the quest to a close and then you’ll be rewarded with 11 Groschen, Cheap Wine and a Weak Marigold Decoction. If you want to continue on with this questline, then you’ll want to speak with Shepherd Stanislav who can be found in Apollonia.
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