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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

The Hermit Quest Walkthrough

Ben Chard
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As you continue to complete quests for the Blacksmith in Tachov, you’ll get his final quest, and the one that will determine whether you’ll be able to go to the wedding with him. He seeks to make a valuable sword for the groom, only he needs some metal that is hard to get his hands on. He’ll point you in the direction of a hermit who may be able to help more with it. Keep reading to learn how to complete The Hermit quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II.

The Hermit is a side quest for the Blacksmith in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II.

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Starting The Hermit Side Quest

As mentioned above, The Hermit is part of the Blacksmith’s route into the Semine wedding and as such, you’ll need to have completed both The Blacksmith’s Son and The Jaunt, before returning to him to pick up The Hermit once you deliver the news on the events during The Jaunt.

This is a multi-step quest that also unlocks another Task, A Sinful Soul as part of it, so make sure you set enough time aside to get through this lengthy, but rewarding side quest. If you’ve yet to start any of the Blacksmith’s quests, you’ll find him at Tachov, located to the north Troskowitz.

Find Out More About the Hermit

Your first task is to follow-up on the rumors about strange apparitions and other odd tidings surrounding Ambrose the Hermit, and Radovan will point you in the direction of Betty at Troskowitz’s Inn, although you can speak with many people in the town, even if many are too afraid to even entertain the discussion. Speak with her and tell her you need some advice on the hermit, and you’ll hear more talk of devils and monks in robes. You can continue to press her on the subject and exhaust all of the topics on the subject.

When all is said and done, you’ll have multiple new objectives to undertake, such as speaking with the villagers and a witness to some strange events, Gerda. You can choose to do as little of these as you want before heading to Apollonia but we strongly suggest you do them all, not only are there more rewards to be had but you’ll get the full picture of the situation and can make a better decision at the end.

(1 of 3) Speak to the Scribe to learn more about the hermit.

Talk to Witness Gerda

To complete the Talk to the Villagers objective, simply pay the Scribe a visit and ask about the hermit, he’ll have some useful information for you and then point you in the way of Gerda. With that said, out of all of the villagers you can speak to, the most important one is that of the witness, Gerda, who you can find usually sitting outside of the Alchemy shop located to the west of Troskowitz.

When you initially talk to her, she’ll be reluctant to speak on the matter, out of fear. If you’ve spent time improving your Speech stat, then you should be able to pass one of the various skill checks that follows. This will allow you to learn more about what happened at the cross so be sure to tell her you’ll find out what happens and she’ll ask that you let her know what happened later.

Investigate the Cross

Put off your trip to Apollonia a little longer and take a short detour to the cross that Gerda mentioned, located to the west of Troskowitz. Once you get there, examine the cross and then, with a Spade in hand (you can get one from the Herbwoman’s Hut or purchase one from the General Store in Troskowitz), examine the grave to start digging. Not only will you discover that someone was here recently, but there is a bag with some books, an old letter, a Crusaders of the Red Star waffenrock, a Crusader Cloak, and some Groschens, doesn’t seem like any old graverobbers.

Be sure to pocket all of this, read the letter and the books, and then get back on your horse, ready for a trip to see the hermit finally.

(1 of 3) You can find the Cross to the west of Troskowitz.

Talk to the Witness Stanislav

There’s another witness to talk to before you go to see the hermit, and fortunately it’s along the way to Apollonia. Indeed, if you’ve already located the fast travel spot for the area (which is at the southern end of it), you can head straight there and you’ll find Stanislav, a Shepherd, in the fields to the south of it.

Much like Gerda, you’ll have to put your dialogue skills to use (or part with some Groschen) if you want him to give you some more useful information you can use. The easiest of these choices to pass is the Scholarship one, “I know how to deal with evil spirits.”, this will allow you to learn more about the apparition in question.

Explore Apollonia

Now that you find yourself in Apollonia, there’s one more place to explore before you pay a visit to the hermit. If you zoom into the map of Apollonia, you’ll spot what looks like a house on the east side of the area, located where the quest objective is. Make your way there and leap over the fence to find the black horse that has been mentioned in the various stories you’ve been hearing, looks like it’s just a regular horse after all.

At this point, you should have completed all of the other optional objectives save for meeting the hermit himself. Fortunately, his hut his only a short trip to the northwest from your current location. Go into the rocks and then go around the edge of the cliff to find the lone hut (or check out the screenshots), as you approach it, you’ll meet the hermit.

(1 of 4) Head to this area in Apollonia.

If you’ve taken the time to complete all of the optional objectives for this quest, tell the Hermit “I learnt some strange things about you…” to allow Henry to list off all of the things you’ve discovered, such as bout the horse, the hiding place beneath the cross and about the order of knights. Once you’ve exhausted all of the options, you’ll be able to respond with “Out with it! (Press)” to finally force him to be more forthcoming.

You’ll learn about the order of knights that Konrad (the current hermit) and Ambrose (the old hermit) belonged too, and about trying to fulfill his final wishes. Konrad agrees to tell you where to find the sword if you help him with Ambrose’s last wish, starting the A Sinful Soul Task in the process.

Bring the Message of Forgiveness to the Widow

For the sake of The Hermit quest, you only need to complete the first step of this quest, delivering the message to the Widow who can be found at Troskowitz Cemetary (east of the village), but we strongly urge you to fully complete A Sinful Soul. Not only is it not a lengthy quest, but it also provides some important information that will be extremely useful for the final part of The Hermit.

Regardless of how you decide to settle matters with the Widow, you’ll need to return to Ambrose to let him know you’ve completed the task he asked you to perform. Be sure to create a save just before you reach the area near his hut as you’re about to get an important choice.

(1 of 2) You will find some knights on your return to the hermit.

You will find some knights on your return to the hermit. (left), Talk the hermit down and then you have a choice on whether to kill or help him. (right)

With your initial meeting with the knights, offer them help and attempt to learn more about the situation. They’ll claim that Konrad is not who he says he is and killed Ambrose himself, and they ask you to aid them in getting him to drop his guard. At this point, you have a choice to make, do you believe the knights and take down Konrad, or do you trust Konrad and help him deal with the knights.

Kill or Save the Hermit

This is a major choice for the side quest, and depending on your choice, getting the location of that sword (your primary objective) may be tougher than it needs to be. The first thing to understand is that if you stand with the Hermit, you’re going to be outnumbered, so you’ll want to hope that you have some good equipment on you at least. On the other hand, stand with the knights and Konrad really stands no chance, just remember that the location of the sword dies with him.

If you’re hellbent on killing Konrad, then you can speak with him first, learn the location of the sword, and then turn around and kill him. Alternatively, if you’ve invested in your Lockpicking ability, you can use that on the chest and get the location from within, so not all is lost.

Still, sticking with Konrad after everything you’ve learned is the best outcome of this quest we believe. Speak with him, and choose “Try to get answers.” and then tell him you’re not his enemy, and, he’ll eventually relent enough to let you get close enough to talk to him. Ask him both options and you’ll not only learn the location of the sword, but the reason why Konrad believes the Knights are here to kill him. You’ll get one final choice at this point to help him or attack him and end the affair right there.

(1 of 2) If you attempt to save the hermit, the Knights will come in immediately and attack.

If you attempt to save the hermit, the Knights will come in immediately and attack. (left), Be sure to loot them after they’re dead, there’s plenty of great equipment to be had. (right)

Should you choose to help him, the Knights will come around the corner and attack immediately. Konrad is no slouch in battle, and will deal heavy damage himself with his crossbow, and if you have Mutt already, you can use him to attack an enemy too. Try to not let yourself get surrounded and take them out one-by-one, opting for parries and counters instead, as the Knights have some good equipment.

Once the battle is over, talk with the hermit to get to the bottom of why the knights were trying to kill him. As thanks for helping him, he’ll hand over 85 Groschens but the real reward are the loot you can get from the knights, many of which may be improvements over your existing gear. Any that are not of use can be stored on your horse (if you have one already) and sold when you return to town for a tidy profit.

Find the Hermit’s Grave

There’s still one final task you need to finish before you can return to Radovan, the main reason why you were here in the first place, and that’s to find the sword. The Hermit (or the notes in his chest) will have revealed the location of where you can find it.

The search area on your map is rather large, and it can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack, but pay attention to Konrad’s words and all will be clear. Head up the slope to the north behind Konrad’s hut and go towards the eastern edge of the search area, you’ll find the grave amongst the trees (or check out our screenshots). There, sticking out of the ground, is the sword you’ve been searching for that Radovan has been looking for.

(1 of 4) Head to this exact location to find the grave location the hermit mentioned.

With sword in hand, make your triumphant return to Radovan in Tachov and give the lowdown on everything that just transpired. Radovan will then allow you to forge the sword after all the hard work you went to so put your smithing skills to use and forge it before handing it over to Radovan to complete this lengthy quest at last and gain entry to the Semine wedding, allowing you to advance Wedding Crashers.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Deep Silver
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Adventure, RPG
  • Guide Release
    3 February 2025
  • Last Updated
    11 March 2025
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is an open-world RPG set in the last throes of the Middle Ages. A direct sequel of the original, Henry of Skalitz is traveling with a company to the region of Trosky to broker a truce. This guide will cover the following aspects of the game:

Included in this guide:

  • A complete walkthrough of the main story, including multiple outcomes
  • Guides to specific side quests associated with each settlement
  • Coverage of all of the various Tasks you can undertake
  • Useful gameplay tips to ensure the best possible start
  • Character development guide to the basics, build options and recommended perks
  • A fully interactive map with descriptions and screenshots for all map locations
  • The most complete Database around

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