While Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is packed full of choices to make, unlike most deep RPGs there isn’t a traditional good and bad ending for you to play. For the most part, the ending will be the same for everyone. What changes is which characters are still alive, both friends and enemies, and how one of the final scenes plays out.
Good And Bad Endings Explained¶
Hanush finally shows his face again at the end of the game.
When escaping the camp Von Aulitz’s is hiding in on a horse, you can choose whether to save Samuel and escape with him, or leave him there and hope he’s saved later on.
If you leave him, he’ll be hanged but you save the silver. If you save him, he’s alive at the end but some of the silver is taken. If you lose some silver, Hanush is less friendly with you and he asks you to sharpen his sword in the final scenes.
Prior to Hanush’s arrival, you protect the courtyard against the final Praguers, ending victorious. You, Zizka, and the gang survive and the silver is saved.
Martin and Henry’s mother will judge all of your choices.
After speaking to Hanush, he asks you to ensure that Hans gets married. Before you do, you head out of the area to meet Radzig, where Henry falls asleep and dreams about Martin and his mother. They reflect on the choices you made throughout the game, which is where the ending can really change.
There’s no defined good or bad ending, but Martin and Henry’s mother will react differently depending on the choices you made, having first asked if you’re happy or not.
All key choices and actions that affect the ending are:
- How Istvan is killed - When finding Istvan in Nebakov Fortress Tower, you can either kill him dishonourably or duel him. He dies either way, but the positive thing to do is duel him.
- Whether you kill Brabant or not - After he betrays you, you find him threatening Samuel in the camp Von Aulitz is in. You can kill him or spare him. Sparing him is positive for the ending.
- Whether you kill Von Aulitz or let him die - Once you find the room Von Aulitz is in, you can leave him to die quietly, kill him nicely, or massacre him. Letting him die is the honourable thing to do.
- Whether you save Semine from Hashek - After the wedding scene in Trosky, you head back to Semine having learned that Olda Semine has been part of the rebellion. Hashek, one of Von Bergow’s men, insists on killing Olda and burning down Semine. You can save it refusing to let Hashek have his own way.
- Whether you burned down Maleshov or not - When attacking Maleshov in Dancing With the Devil, Dry Devil kills an innocent villager. You can stand up for the town and defeat Dry Devil in a duel or let him burn the town down. Standing up for the town will make Martin and Henry’s mother happy in the final scene.
- Whether you stole significantly during the game - This is a simple one. It’s unclear how much stealing you’re allowed to do, but it seems like Henry’s mother is unhappy if you do much at all. Also, do not say you had no choice when this is brought up in the final conversation.
- Whether you saved Samuel - In Reckoning, when you save Samuel from Brabant, you can save him once you’ve found a horse to escape on. You can save him by getting a Praguers uniform from a chest in the area or by looting a dead guard. You simply have to tell the remaining soldiers that you’re disposing of Samuel’s body and they’ll let you carry him away to safety. As we mentioned, he will die if you don’t save him here, which affects the ending.
If you don’t kill the antagonists, save both towns, and make it through the game without stealing, they’ll react positively to you.
If you do the opposite, they’ll be somewhat understanding of your situation and the choices you made, but it’ll be clear that they’re disappointed. If you show remorse and are clear that you felt it was the best thing, while understanding what you could have done better, they’ll react to you in a reassuring manner. If you kept everyone alive and didn’t steal anything, you don’t have to worry about what Martin and Henry’s mother say to you, they’ll be happy.
If you show no remorse and say you had no choice, they’ll leave abruptly. Henry will ask them to stay but Martin will say “You’ve turned into the very thing you wanted to take vengeance against!“
Careful how you react to their questioning.
Essentially, killing antagonists and innocent people when it wasn’t necessary and then showing no remorse will lead to Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2’s bad ending, while keeping everyone alive and making Martin and Henry’s mother happy will be the good ending. However, there’s a range of endings that fall in-between those two that depends on the choices you make and your conversation dialogue choices in the final scene. Each falls on a scale of good to bad.
After speaking to Martin and Henry’s mother, you’ll be woken up by Radzig and he’ll give you a new sword before you both head off into the world. That’s not the end of things, though. More comes after The End shows and the credits begin.
Mid Credits Scene, Explained¶
Dry Devil isn’t as good a shot as he thinks.
Half way through the credits, a scene taking place at a drunk party back at the fortress begins. Everyone is there and Kubyenka says that the Dry Devil can shoot a bow better than anyone.
The rest of the crew aren’t so sure, so they challenge him to shoot an apple off the top of Zizka’s head using a crossbow. Zizka, being extremely drunk, is more than happy to be a part of the challenge.
Dry Devil, drunk himself too, shoots for the apple, but instead he hits Zizka in the eye. This isn’t the first time the poor man has taken damage to his eye in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. The credits then continue.
Post Credits Scene, Explained¶
Sigismund and his silly hair aren’t happy any more.
Then, the final thing you see is a scribe going to Sigismund’s room and sheepishly telling him about what happened at the end of the game. He tells him the following as Sigismund gets increasingly angry.
- Jobst’s people stole all the silver and freed the hostages
- Jobst is putting together an army to take over Kuttenberg.
- Ladislaus of Naples has declared himself King of Hungary, lays claim to Sigismund’s land, and has landed at Zadar with an army.
- The Cumans plundered the estates of the House of Waldstein. The widow Anna is demanding compensation.
Sigismund then orders the scribe to leave before he storms out. The final part of the credits will then roll before you spawn back in the open world, outside the Dry Devil’s base.
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