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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Wedding Crashers Walkthrough

Matt Chard
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Wedding Crashers is a main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance II. The quest begins immediately after Laboratores, and your first objective is to get an invitation for the upcoming Semine wedding. There are two ways to get the invitation, help the Miller or help the Blacksmith. Read on to find out how to obtain the wedding invitation, what you can do at the wedding, and how to complete each objective within the hidden time limit.

The Semine wedding is the beginning of the end of your time in the Trosky region.

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Find a Way into the Wedding Party

At the end of the Laboratores quest, you’ll find out that von Bergow is attending a local wedding in Semine. Naturally, this appears to be the perfect opportunity for you to see him, but the wedding isn’t open to any regular folk, so you’ll need to find a way of getting an invitation to the party.

This is where the game will give you two objectives, either get help from blacksmith Radovan or get help from the miller Kreyzl. There isn’t a wrong or right path here, although, if you want to be an honest Henry, you may want to get help from the blacksmith as the miller will give you quests involving thievery.

If you opt for the Blacksmith’s path that involves crafting a sword, follow our walkthrough here: Blacksmith Quest Walkthrough.

If you’d rather quests that involve sneaking and thievery, follow our Miller quest walkthrough here: Miller Quest Walkthrough.

(1 of 2) If you take the Miller’s help into the wedding, he’ll tell Ulrich you’re here to chaperone Enneleyn.

If you take the Miller’s help into the wedding, he’ll tell Ulrich you’re here to chaperone Enneleyn. (left), Ulrich will tell you that he’ll take care of that and you can leave. Fortunately, Enneleyn will persuade him to let you stay. (right)

Complete one of the above questlines above until you get the invitation, and then make your way to Semine.

The Wedding

Whatever the way you choose to get into the wedding, when you get inside, you’ll be greeted by Lord Semine as well as other guests. Although the game doesn’t tell you this, the wedding has five phases, and each phase will pass after doing one of the tasks below. Here are all the tasks in order that pass a phase at the wedding:

  • Bet with Svatya about picking up the Semine cook’s daughter.
  • Help out Lord Semine with various tasks (beggars and his rowdy relatives).
  • Help out Lord Semine’s relatives in stealing some booze.
  • Find the concubine (if you came with the Miller) or find the sword (Blacksmith).
  • Congratulating the newlyweds.

Note that the main quest will move to the last phase after finding the concubine or the sword and returning to either Ulrich (concubine) or Radovan (sword). This will stop you from doing any of the other activities at the wedding that range from dancing with a stranger, a dueling tournament, a dice tournament, and helping out an alcoholic huntsman.

Phase 1 - The Bet with Svata

Head into the main courtyard next to the kitchen and you’ll find Svatya (dressed in burgundy) speaking to his friend Vitek (dressed in green). Walk up and speak to them to find out that their friend Vuytek is attempting to pick up the pretty girl, Myshka, across the courtyard. Apparently, Vuytek is attempting to win her over with poetry, although he’s not having much luck. Eventually, the pair will attempt to get you to pick her up, and will also bet on it. Agree to their bet, and head over and try to persuade Myshka to spend time with you instead.

(1 of 4) Speak to Svatya and Vitek, and they’ll bet you can’t win Myshka’s approval.

When you get there, you can hear the drivel coming from Vuytek’s mouth, and you can tell Myshka isn’t interested. After interrupting them, Vuytek will ask what you want. Respond with “To rescue the damsel”. When Vuytek tries to make it into a competition, so suggest that you both leave Myshka alone. Myshka will send Vuytek away and propose you speak somewhere more private. Follow her to the river and talk to her some more.

(1 of 3) Select where you’re from.

When you get there, tell her it’s a nice place, and she’ll tell you she comes here when she wants to be alone. Keep quiet, and she’ll carry on the conversation and ask more about you. Tell her where you’re from and that you’re from Skalitz.

When she asks what it’s like, tell her the truth, that it was burned down, and she’ll ask if you want to dance to take your mind off it. Agree to the dance, as that will show Svatya and Vitek that you managed to win the bet. The next choice doesn’t matter, so select what you want.

After the dance, head over to Svatya, and tell him that Myshka is quite nice and that you went somewhere quieter. This will conclude the first phase of the wedding. Once you’ve finished talking to Svatya, Henry will mention helping out Lord Semine.

(1 of 3) She’ll offer you a dance to take your mind off it. Agree to a dance and you’ll go into the courtyard.

Phase 2 - Help out Lord Semine

Sir Jan Semine can be found sitting down at a table near the entrance outside the kitchen area. Speak to him, and you’ll tell him you’re here to help. Although he’s worried about the beggars, he’s more worried about his wayward relatives sitting at the table with his nephew, Jurko, close to the kitchen due to their insatiable thirst for alcohol.

This will give you another objective that we’ll cover below. Back to the beggars, Jan will tell you to speak to the guard Tuma by the front gate. If you suggest giving them alms, he’ll take offense, and you’ll lose reputation.

Head over to the front gate and speak to Tuma. He’ll mention that feeding them will send them on their way, but the cook, who is notoriously stingy, won’t give them any. Ask him what food you should get, and he’ll tell you he’d give them the scraps from the kitchen’s pantry, but the cook won’t let you in there. Tuma recommends you lure her out of the kitchen before attempting to go in the pantry, and that she only leaves the kitchen when the tables get empty.

(1 of 4) Go to the front gate and speak to Commander Tuma.

After finishing your conversation, head back to the table area where Jan is, and grab 40 pieces of food from the plates there. It doesn’t matter which, just take them. Now, head into the kitchen and speak to the cook, telling her that one of the tables is empty, which will get her out of the room. Wait a minute for her to leave, and then head into the pantry, situated to the right of the stove.

You will be trespassing in here, so make sure you’re not caught. In here, you’re looking for a basket that says open when you hover over it (not rob). You’ll find this on the bottom shelf against the south wall. Inside the basket, take the Cooking Scraps.

Head back to Tuma, and tell him you got the food from the pantry, and he’ll hand it over to them. This will conclude the second phase of the wedding. When you can talk to Jan again, tell him that you’ve fixed his problems and tell him the truth about how you went about it, and you’ll end up with a net positive reputation.

(1 of 2) Go inside the pantry and open the basket against the south wall for the cooking scraps.

Go inside the pantry and open the basket against the south wall for the cooking scraps. (left), Head back to Tuma and hand over the food. (right)

Phase 3 - Help Jurko get more Booze

Jurko can be found a few tables down from Jan Semine. Speak to him, and he’ll mistake you for a waiter and tell you to get some more drinks. Instead of correcting him, tell him that Lord Semine is afraid you’ll all get drunk and start a brawl.

He’ll explain to you that a dry Moravian is more likely to cause a problem when they’re dry than a drunk one and that if you don’t want the place smashed to pieces, it’d be best to get him some liquor.

(1 of 3) Talk to Jurko who can be found near the table by the kitchen.

He’ll tell you that they had some confiscated when they arrived, and it was put in the cellars with a guard watching over it. Tell him you won’t let him down and then head to the cellars, situated opposite the kitchen across from the Moravians table. When you head inside, the guard will be muttering to himself about how much he wants a drink. Speak to him and pass the Persuasion check (increase your charisma if it’s below 14), and he’ll leave the cellar to get himself a drink.

When the guard leaves, open the nearby door, and pick up the Moravian schnapps on the table on the opposite side of the room. There is also a Weak Saviour Schnapps on the shelf opposite, but that’ll require stealing it. Take the liquor back to Jurko, and he’ll demand you have a drink with him and his pals. This will conclude Phase 3.

(1 of 3) Convince him to go and get a drink while you look after the place.

Phase 4 - Find The Concubine (Miller Path)

The next Phase will begin with you speaking to Ulrich. He’ll ask you if you have seen the girl you brought to the wedding. After telling him you have no idea, he’ll demand you find her as you’re in charge of her. Furthermore, he’ll tell you that he saw a man hovering around her.

Ask him what the man looked like, and he’ll tell you he was wearing a yellow outfit. When the conversation is over, head toward the courtyard doorway (where Doubravka’s Mother spoke to you), and you’ll find a nervous man, dressed in yellow, by the doorway.

Question him, and he’ll immediately give you a bunch of items he stole, including a Tin badge of defense, but he’s not the man you’re looking for.

(1 of 3) When the Phase begins, Ulrich will tell you to find Enneleyn, as she has disappeared.

Continue toward the horse stables, and speak to the peasant by the table, as he is also dressed in yellow. It obviously wasn’t him, but he did see someone matching that description head up the stairs of the stables. Go up the southeast stairs to find Enneleyn and the man in yellow, Hans Capon!

Just when you thought this couldn’t get any better, Vuytek shows up! He’s had enough because whenever he gets with a girl, you’re there to stop him. This leads to him getting aggressive, but you can defuse the situation if you can pass one of the speech checks. Like always, pick the skill you’re highest in, but the middle option will make you lose a little reputation.

You’ll find out why Enneleyn ditched Ulrich, so ask her what you’re supposed to say to the chamberlain, and you’ll ask for the ring back that Ulrich gave her. Head back to the chamberlain, who can be found in the courtyard, next to one of the tables.

Tell him you found Kyveta, and hand back his ring. When he asks why, tell him, “You know why”. You’ll lose a bit of reputation, but who cares, it’s Ulrich. This will conclude Phase 4. Note that ending this Phase will lock you out of finishing some other activities listed below.

(1 of 3) There’s Enneleyn, and look who’s keeping her company!

Phase 4 - Find The Sword (Blacksmith Path)

Alternatively, if you gained access to the wedding via the Blacksmith Radovan, you’ll find that he’s been a bit too happy to flaunt the sword off to everyone at the wedding and then left it out in the open, creating a perfect opportunity for anyone to swoop in and steal it. Press him on any information he may remember and you’ll learn that a suspicious person wearing yellow was spotted.

There are a few people at the wedding that are dressed in yellow, such as the Hired Hand near the banquet table in the barn or Scribe Gaibl near the kitchen. Although the Scribe is a thief, and you can get some useful items such as some Groschen and a Tin badge of defence, he won’t have the sword you’re looking for.

(1 of 2) Radovan will come to you panicking about the sword going missing.

Radovan will come to you panicking about the sword going missing. (left), You can score some useful items by speaking to the Scribe. (right)

To progress the quest, you’ll need to head into the barn where the large banquet table is and take the stairs up to find Hans Capon getting involved with a concubine, Ennelyn, and he just so happens to be wearing yellow! After a quick conversation, you’ll learn he’s not the culprit, but he can point you in the right direction.

Standing just outside of that same barn is Svatya Thrush, the Bailiff’s son, and press him on the sword. It looks like Svatya is not a criminal mastermind and quickly gives in to your questions (all of the choices are Easy difficulty skill checks, so it’s hard to fail), revealing he took the sword and tossed into the pond (where you spoke to Myshka). Go over to the pond and search near the stairs leading into the pond to find it.

With the sword finally in hand, you can return it to Radovan and an event will take place as the quest proceeds to the final phase.

(1 of 3) Find Hans upstairs in the barn, who will give you some useful information.

Phase 5 - Congratulating the newlyweds

After the wedding, you’ll need to congratulate the newlyweds. Now is the time to finish any activities you have left, such as the Dice tournament. Go around and ask the various guests if they’ve seen the newlyweds, but by now, most people are too drunk to give you a proper response.

If you didn’t keep an eye on Huntsman Vostatek, you’ll find him passed out near where you met Myshka. It’s still not too late to help him, though! Talk to him and he’ll ask for a broth to sober him up, which you can find on the table, near Doubravka’s campfire. You will lose reputation for not keeping the huntsman off the booze, but you’ll at least help sober him up when he talks to his wife, which will increase your reputation.

Speak to Lord Semine in the courtyard and he’ll mention to you about Jurko. Tell him it’s better this way, and you’ll get a reputation boost, if you tell him it’s the guard’s fault, you’ll lose some. Back to finding the newlyweds. Head toward the kitchen and you’ll find Svatya with his friends outside, opposite the cellar. Speak to him, and he’ll tell you he saw his sister enter the cellar.

(1 of 3) Speak to Svatya outside the kitchen to find that his sister has gone into the cellar.

Go into the cellar, and you’ll find an upset Agnes sitting down on one of the kegs. Speak to her and you’ll realize she’s been crying. You’ll ask her what’s the problem, and she’ll explain that Olda left straight after the altar and hasn’t returned.

Furthermore, he does this often, where he’ll disappear for periods and come back in the evening, sometimes even days. Apparently, he’s been on edge all day since the messenger arrived, which is news to you.

When she mentions that he only got married for the money, say to her that you’re sure he loves her if you want to avoid losing reputation. She’ll ask you if you want a drink with her, but being the gentleman that you are, you should tell her that it’s not a good idea and that she should slow down. Shortly after, you’ll get a cutscene, and lo and behold, it’s your pal, Vuytek. Naturally, he assumes the worst and a fight will break out.

(1 of 2) Vitek will walk in at the wrong time.

Vitek will walk in at the wrong time. (left), This will lead to a brawl outside and the end of the quest. (right)

The fight turns into a brawl and before long, the entire wedding is punching each other. Defend yourself and fight back, attacking only the people fighting someone else, and soon enough Ulrich will appear with some guards. This concludes the quest.

Other Wedding Activities

Outside the main story parts covered above, there are other activities to participate in that won’t pass the phase. This includes dancing with an awkward stranger, a sword tournament, a dice tournament, and helping a huntsman stay off the alcohol. If you complete phase 4, you will miss out on these, so make sure you do these first.

Dancing with Doubravka

If you go through the gate southwest of the kitchen, Doubravka’s Mother will ask if she can have a word with you. Move closer to her to find out what she wants, and she’ll ask if you can dance with her daughter, as no one has asked her yet.

If you pass the Persuasion check, you’ll find out that her daughter is clumsy and always tramples on her dance partner’s feet. Agree to dance with the poor girl, and you’ll get a boost to your reputation.

(1 of 2) As you go through the gate into the courtyard, Dobravka’s Mother will ask you to dance with her daughter.

As you go through the gate into the courtyard, Dobravka’s Mother will ask you to dance with her daughter. (left), Speak to Dobravka near the campfire and select the highest speech check to get her to dance with you. (right)

After you’re done speaking to the mother, head over to the campfire to the southeast to find Doubravka. Ask her to dance, and she’ll be hesitant at first, so you’ll need to pass a speech check (or a drink) to get her to dance. Select whatever skill (persuasion/impression) you’re highest in, and she’ll agree to the dance.

Once the dance has finished, she’ll ask if you enjoyed it. You can be brutally honest, but you’ll hurt her feelings, and lose reputation, or you can pass the persuasion check and lie to her, making her happy, and gaining some reputation. Finally, speak to the mother afterward, and she’ll thank you for your help, giving you a more positive reputation.

(1 of 3) Enjoy your dance with Dobravka, and she’ll thank you for the dance.

Later on, go past Doubravka, and she’ll call you over. Speak to her, and hear her out. She’ll confess to liking you and if you feel the same way, you can reciprocate those feelings back to her. If not, tell her to forget it, and when she asks why, you can pass a Persuasion check to let her down gently.

Sword Tournament

You can begin this during Phase 2 of the wedding. Speak to Captain Gnarly by the doorway to the horse stables, south of the courtyard, and inquire about the tournament. This is a difficult tournament as getting hit a couple of times will end the battle.

We recommend saving before each fight in case you lose. You’ll fight three opponents, the first, the groom Lord Olda, the second, Svatya Thrush, and the last one, Lord Semine. You can find them in the following locations:

  • Olda: Found in between the stables and Doubravka’s campfire (Phase 4).
  • Svatya Thrush: Found leaning against the wall of the stables, to the right of Olda (Phase 4).
  • Lord Semine: Near the entrance to Semine, by the archway to the kitchen area (Phase 4).

There’s not much to say about this other than two hits on you will end the fight, but you can still challenge the other challengers. Even if you lose all three, Lord Semine will still give you a participation reward.

The only real tip there is for these fights is to save before each fight, play cautiously, and only parry and riposte. Another really good attack is to use Masterstrike which you learn in Combat Training II. Simply, have your sword on the opposite side to where the enemy is striking and press the attack button. Even if you lose every fight, you’ll still receive 90 Groshen for your troubles.

(1 of 2) Speak to Gnarly in the stables to start the sword tournament.

Speak to Gnarly in the stables to start the sword tournament. (left), Your first battle will be against Svatya Thrush. (right)

Your next opponent will be Olda of Semine.

Dice Tournament

To begin the Dice tournament, you need to speak to Bailiff Thrush. He moves around between the different phases of the wedding, but you can find him in the courtyard in Phase 5, just look for a man with a silly blue hat.

When you agree to play dice, he’ll show you a gold badge you can win from the tournament. This will complete the “Shiny” achievement for obtaining a gold badge, should you not have one yet.

To obtain the Golden wedding badge, you’ll need to defeat three players before you get to play the Bailiff for it. You’ll need to defeat in any order:

  • Radovan the blacksmith
  • Emmerich the apothecary
  • Ulrich the chamberlain

They will move around between Phases, but you can generally find them outside the kitchen area or the courtyard. We recommend saving before playing each player due to the randomness of the dice game.

In general, if you don’t have a hand (pairs, triples, four of a kind, etc.) then select either a one or a five and continue playing. If you get one of the hands, pass it over. You can use your own special dice if you have any, although it’s most likely you won’t have any of the good dice yet.

(1 of 5) Speak to Bailiff Thrush in the courtyard to start the dice tournament.

After you defeat the three challengers (you won’t need to play Emmerich), you’ll have to defeat the Bailiff. This is no different to the other challengers, just make sure you save before playing him. Once you defeat him, he’ll tell you he can’t give you the gold badge as he lost it to Betty the innkeeper. If you ask him “What now” he’ll tell you that you’ll need to defeat Betty, who you can find in the courtyard, wearing a white headpiece.

Speak to her and tell her you want Thrush’s badge, but you’ll need to convince her to play you. If you took care of the Cumans at the beginning of the game for her, you’ll get the Persuasion check saying so. Select this, and she’ll ask you to make it worth it for her and demand that you play for 50 Groshens. Agree to the bet, and start the match. The same rules apply for Betty as they did for the other challengers, and there’s no special way to beat her, so make sure you save beforehand. After you beat Betty, you’ll get the gold badge and the achievement.

(1 of 3) You’ll find Betty in the courtyard by the tables.

Lost Hunter (Vostatek)

You’ll find the Huntsmen Vostatek in the horse stables, south of the courtyard, watching the fights. Speak to him, and it’s clear that he has already started drinking. He’ll tell you that he wants to stay off the booze, but he can’t do it alone and suggests you keep an eye on him. Agree to his request, and take the drink he currently has out of his hands. You can find Vostatek one time in each phase of the wedding, excluding phase 5.

(1 of 5) You’ll find Vostatek in the stables, naturally with a drink in his hand.

In each phase, you will find Vostatek in a different location with a drink in his hand, and you need to stop him by saying “None of that”. Here is where you’ll find Vostatek in each Phase:

  • Phase 2: Start the activity by speaking to him in the horse stables, south of the courtyard.
  • Phase 3: He’s still in the horse stables, but on the other side, where the banquet table is.
  • Phase 4: By the river, where you spent some quiet time with Myshka.
  • Phase 5: Outside the Kitchen during the Congratulate the Newlyweds objective.

Preventing Vostatek from drinking during the wedding will increase your reputation, and Vostatek will tell you to speak to him at his home after the wedding. If you do fail during this, you will find Vostatek passed out drunk by the tree where you first saw Myshka and Vuytek. He’ll ask for some broth to help him sober up, which you can find on the table. This isn’t the best way you want to end the activity, but it is better than the alternative.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Deep Silver
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Adventure, RPG
  • Guide Release
    3 February 2025
  • Last Updated
    11 March 2025
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is an open-world RPG set in the last throes of the Middle Ages. A direct sequel of the original, Henry of Skalitz is traveling with a company to the region of Trosky to broker a truce. This guide will cover the following aspects of the game:

Included in this guide:

  • A complete walkthrough of the main story, including multiple outcomes
  • Guides to specific side quests associated with each settlement
  • Coverage of all of the various Tasks you can undertake
  • Useful gameplay tips to ensure the best possible start
  • Character development guide to the basics, build options and recommended perks
  • A fully interactive map with descriptions and screenshots for all map locations
  • The most complete Database around

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