For Whom The Bell Tolls is the sixth Main Quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. It’ll require you to find a way out of Trosky Castle. Read on to find out where you need to go, and what you get for completing the quest.
Hans Capon and Henry need to find a way out of the castle.
Table of Contents¶
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Save Sir Hans From Execution |
Haul the Sacks to the Charcoal Shed |
Take Care of the Horseshoe for the Blacksmith |
Unlock Fanka’s Spice Chest |
Get Hold of Some Stomach Potion for the Chamberlain |
Save Sir Hans From Execution¶
You’ll find yourself locked up in a cell alongside Sir Hans Capon following the events of The Wedding Crashers Quest. This will provide you both with an opportunity to exchange some words about what’s happened recently, so feel free to answer how you like as it’ll only slightly affect your reputation rating.
Haul the Sacks to the Charcoal Shed¶
Guardian Kroupa will eventually remove you from the cell but you won’t be able to leave the castle just yet, as you’ll have to make amends by completing some duties around the castle. Grab a sack from the nearby cart and slowly walk through the castle grounds and place it inside the shed just before the Combat Arena, then you’ll want to repeat this process three time to receive your next task.
(1 of 2) Relocate five sacks
Relocate five sacks (left), and then craft a Horseshoe for Kabat (right)
Take Care of the Horseshoe for the Blacksmith¶
Head over to Blacksmith Osina and he’ll task you with creating a horseshoe, so make your way over to the smithy and collect the Farmer’s Horseshoes Recipe, Fastening Material, Scrap Metal, Steel, and Armourer’s Kit from the chest. When you’re ready, begin blacksmithing and choose the Farmer’s Horseshoes Blueprint, then when you’re done deliver them to Kabat who can be found northeast of Osina.
Unlock Fanka’s Spice Chest¶
Return to the Smithy and speak with Fanka and she’ll mention that she’s having difficulty getting into a chest that contains a lot of her cooking ingredients, so you’ll want to help her out by selecting the following dialogue options: “can I help you” followed by “first I need to get some tools”. You can obtain the tools by approaching Blacksmith Osina and saying “Fanka the cook sent me” and “give me a lockpick and I’ll help” and then you can find a red jar on a shelf in the Smithy which contains some Charcoal (take this as you’ll need it later) and a Lockpick.
(1 of 2) Collect a Lockpick from the red jar in the Smithy
Collect a Lockpick from the red jar in the Smithy (left), then lockpick Fanka’s Chest by keeping the ball glowing while you rotate. (right)
Inform Fanka that you now have the tools and follow her over to the chest in question, then you’ll need to successfully lockpick it. If you haven’t had much experience with lockpicking yet, then all you need to do is adjust the ball until it begins to glow and then slowly rotate the lock while keeping the ball in the glowing position.
Get Hold of Some Stomach Potion for the Chamberlain¶
Head upstairs and speak with Chamberlain Ulrich and select the following options to convince him to allow you him with his ongoing health issues - “I don’t look the part, but I’m experience”, “I’ll examine you sir”, “What have you tried”, “Describe the pain” and “What’s your lifestyle”. Head back outside and walk across to the opposite of the courtyard and then go up seven sets of stairs to find the Alchemy Bench. Exchange some words with Katherine and then try and convince her to help you with locating some potion ingredients by selecting the “because I can report you to the chamberlain”.
(1 of 3) Question Chamberlain Ulrich on his condition
If you haven’t already, read the book on the shelf to unlock a new alchemy recipe and then unlock the nearby chest via a lockpick and collect all of the items from inside. You’ll now want to approach the Alchemy Bench and brew a Digestive Potion and a Fever Tonic which can be done by following the recipe. Once you’ve got the potions in your inventory, return to the Chamberlain and give him the Digestive Potion, then you’ll have access to the chapel. Finally, head up six sets of stairs (same building) to find Thomas and give him the Fever Tonic to bring the quest to a close.
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