Managing the mundane is one of the core gameplay objectives in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Questing, defeating foes and minigames get the most attention, but between these activities you’ll need to keep Henry fed, cleaned, rested and healed. Fortunately most of Henry’s needs can be met with the help of a humble bed. This page will discuss sleeping in Kingdome Come: Deliverance 2, including how to unlock new beds and the benefits you gain from sleeping on one, including saving your game and recovering Energy and Health!
Page Breakdown¶
Health, Energy and Nourishment¶
When you open the inventory/player menu you’ll see, under Henry’s model, three stats to the lower right - Health, Energy and Nourishment. These are important stats, graded on a scale starting at 100 by default, and the lower they get, the worse Henry’s condition is. As these stats lower Henry will suffer various debuffs and if they get low enough, it could prove fatal. This makes sense, as it’s a measure of fatigue (Energy), starvation (Nourishment) and in the case of Health… well, if that reaches zero presumably Henry is too mangled by gravity, swords, hammers, arrows and/or poison to function anymore.
Keeping Nourishment topped off is a subject for another page, but Health and Energy go hand-in-hand inasmuch as both have a common cure: bed rest! To be fair you can also restore Health and Energy in different ways - some perks will cause you to recover energy when brewing potions, for example, and some food, beverages and potions serve as pick-me-ups that recover your Health and Energy - but some good, old-fashioned shut-eye is nature’s best cure-all.
(1 of 3) As you explore, fight and work you’ll end up depleting your Health, Energy and Nourishment stats.
In addition to restoring Health and Energy, sleeping also staves off the Tiredness debuff. You won’t see this debuff until you have it (see note below), but if you go long enough without sleep you’ll suffer this affliction, which lowers your Strength, Agility, Speech and Charisma. Should the Tiredness debuff reach its maximum extent, Henry may start fainting, and left defenseless and unconscious in public you could find yourself robbed - or worse. Best avoid Tiredness entirely if you can manage it, which isn’t terribly hard - just don’t go two or more days without sleep.
(1 of 2) Go without sleep for long enough and you’ll get the Tiredness debuff, which reduces numerous stats and increases in severity the more exhausted you become.
Go without sleep for long enough and you’ll get the Tiredness debuff, which reduces numerous stats and increases in severity the more exhausted you become. (left), Once you max out the Tiredness debuff, Henry will start to faint, and you may be robbed while unconscious - or worse. (right)
Sleeping in a Bed¶
When you sleep in a bed, you will gain various benefits, including Health and Energy recover, and you will also save your game, creating a hard save where, hopefully, you will wake up refreshed and ready to do some proper adventuring. You will make a save no matter how long you rest, and Henry can choose to sleep for as little as one hour or as many as twelve hours, but this upper limit may vary depending on how much Henry has slept recently.
The longer you sleep and the higher the quality of your bed, the faster you will recover missing Health and Energy - something that can be sped up by quaffing Chamomile Brews (Henry’s Chamomile Brew will recover Health five times faster and Energy three times faster, essentially replacing Henry’s need to sleep with more productive power naps!). Sleeping also advances time, which may or may not be a welcome addition - sleeping through the night is generally a good idea for most quests and exploration, but sleeping the day away because you’re tired or hurt is less productive.
Another downside worth mentioning when it comes to sleep is its effect on Nourishment. When you’re sleeping, you’re also not eating, and your Nourishment will decline the longer you sleep. On the plus side, most beds you’re sleeping in will probably be ones you own - you’ll get in trouble for trespassing if you sleep in somebody else’s bed! - which means you’ll have a stash nearby. If you’re responsible, you’ll have stashed some dried, non-perishable food you can snarf in an emergency, or even better, you won’t allow your Nourishment to drop so low that you can’t just go buy some grub before it becomes an issue. If the bed you’re sleeping in is at an inn, you’re also probably entitled to some grub - you’ll find it brewing on a stove in a common area, just take a spoon out of the pot for some big yums and Nourishment shouldn’t be a problem.
(1 of 3) Unlock beds via quests or rent them at inns,
How to Unlock New Beds¶
Now that it’s established that having access to a bed is, in fact, a desirable thing (not much of a stretch there), how does one go about actually acquiring such lodgings? Once you finish the prologue and travel to Troskowitz with Hans you’ll no longer have access to the lodging at
Herbwoman Bozhena’s hut. Continue the main story by visiting either blacksmith Radovan or miller Kreyzl and after doing some work for them they’ll give you a bed to crash in. The lodgings aren’t luxurious by any means, but it’s better than nothing.
You can get more lodgings by advancing the main story, and alternatively you can rent beds from innkeepers on a long-term (functionally permanent) basis provided you’ve got the coin and a good enough reputation with the innkeeper. Since you also get free board with the room, it’ll also serve as a way to deal with your need for Nourishment. As an early-game example, the Zhelejov Wagoner’s Inn (northwest of
Zhelejov) can be rented for 120 groschen - an absolute steal for a port in the storm.
Try to unlock as many beds as possible to extend your range and give you plenty of locations where you can rest and recover Health and Energy!
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