Attila is a task that can be found in the
Kuttenberg Region, and can be accessed once you’ve completed the main quest
Taking French Leave. It’ll require you to track down a missing horse for the Maleshov Innkeeper Slatchalek. Read on to find out where you need to go and what you get for completing the quest.
Groom Hashtal needs help retrieving a stolen horse.
Table of Contents¶
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Starting the Attila Task¶
Head to the Maleshov inn which is located to the southwest of
Danemark and ask Innkeeper Slatchalek “What’s new around here?”, then you’ll be pointed in the direction of Groom Hashtal who can be reached by taking a short walk to the northwest. If you want to prevent accidentally failing the quest, then you’ll want to say “Why the long face”, “how can I find it?, “What if they’ve already sold the horse”, “I’ll help you”.
Find the Thieves’ Camp¶
If you want to complete this quest without having to fight then you can do so with a little bit of stealth, so we recommend brewing or purchasing some Saviour Schnapps before you begin. Make your way over to the woods to the west of your current location and then the Thieves’
Camp can be found at the leftmost point of the search area.
(1 of 2) Head to the left side of the search area to find the thieves’ camp
Head to the left side of the search area to find the thieves’ camp (left), and you can find the horse near the entrance. (right)
Attila can be found standing towards the entrance to the camp and it can be easily retrieved by crouch walking over and quickly mounting, but you’ll need to make sure you aren’t wearing loud equipment otherwise you’ll be detected. If you notice anyone standing around near the horse, then you’ll want to distract them by throwing a rock in the opposite direction.
Attila Task Rewards¶
Head back to the Maleshov Stables via the reacquired horse and show Groom Hashtal to bring the quest to a close and you’ll be rewarded with 250 Groschen
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