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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Invaders Quest Walkthrough

Matt Chard
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Invaders is a side quest in the Trosky region in Kingdom Come Deliverance II. Cumans will be sitting at the tavern, are they friend or foe? No one knows at this time, but the locals want them gone, and they’ll ask if you can do it. Read on to find out the best outcome for the Invaders side quest.

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Quest Location

This quest can be started by speaking to Innkeeper Betty who owns the tavern in Troskowitz. You will have to wait a few in-game days for this quest to appear because Betty will be unhappy with your display the last time you were here. The quest will have the new quest marker (white background, gold star) above the tavern on the map.

Apologize to Betty for the other day, and she’ll tell you that a group of Cumans is sitting down at the table over there, and although they’re only asking for food and drink, they make her feel uneasy. You won’t have to kick them out, but she does want you to serve them. Accept the request, and the quest will begin.

(1 of 2) Speak to Innkeeper Betty at the tavern in Troskowitz a few days after the brawl there to start the quest.

Speak to Innkeeper Betty at the tavern in Troskowitz a few days after the brawl there to start the quest. (left), She’ll ask you to serve a table full of Cumans. (right)

Dealing with the Cumans

Head over to the table of Cumans, you can tell who they are by their pointy helmets. Speak to Vasko as he’s the only one who can speak your language, and he’ll tell you that he just wants some bread and sausages. Go back to Betty and tell her what they’re after, and she’ll tell you to pick them up from the tavern pantry. Head inside the tavern, go past the barrels and enter the door on the right.

You’ll find the bread on the shelf to the right of the door, and the sausages on the shelf to the left of that. Make sure you only take what was asked as Betty will know if something is missing. As long as the interaction prompt says “Pick Up” and not “Rob”, you’ll be okay. Go back to the Cumans’ table and hand over the food to Jasko. Although they’ll be happy with the service, the locals won’t.

(1 of 4) Tell Betty that the Cumans want bread and sausages, and she’ll tell you to get them from the pantry.

Ask them a few questions, and when you’re done, tell them “Good appetite!”. While you’re talking to them, Vuytek on the table is being extremely rude, shouting obscenities at them. Tell everyone to calm down, and Vuytek will suggest smashing their teeth in. This will give you a speech check where you can answer with a resolve check (top option) or persuasion check (bottom option). The persuasion option is the better option as the top will lead to a fistfight, where you’ll help them, and we all know Betty doesn’t like fistfights.

Unless you’ve been leveling up your speech skills (or you’re incredibly lucky) you will most likely won’t pass this check, and you’ll end up in a fight between the Cumans and the locals. You can choose which side you want to fight for, but we recommend fighting on behalf of the Cumans, because one, they’re armored to the teeth, and two, the locals are in the wrong. Beat up the locals, or if you’re having trouble, back up, and let the Cumans do it. After the brawl, speak to Vasko and Vuytek.

Be quick with Vasko as he’s leaving, and if you don’t do it now, you’ll need to find him later, which will be at the Cuman camp. When speaking to Vuytek, he’ll tell you to take care of the Cumans if you don’t want to be branded as a traitor. According to Vuytek, they came from Semine, so, try asking around there.

(1 of 4) One of the locals will shout slurs across the table.

Finding the Cumans

To save some legwork, the Cumans have a camp near the Nomad’s Camp next to Rocktower Pond to the west. The Nomad’s Camp can be found where the quest objective is for Combat Training 1, which can be accessed by following the path west through the forest from Bozhena’s hut.

Speak to one of the nomads about their camp, and you’ll be directed to speak to their leader, Voivode, although his wife opposite him, Aranka, will also tell you. You’ll find out they have a camp nearby, by the shore. When they say nearby, they really mean it. Head toward the southern exit of the camp, follow the western path in between the two wagons and follow the slope down, where you’ll find the camp.

(1 of 3) You can find the Cuman’s camp near the Nomad’s camp.

Speak to the Cumans

Go over to the campfire and speak to Vasko. If you helped him at the tavern, he’ll thank you for the help. You’ll tell him that he should steer clear of the place from now on, and Vasko will take it as a threat. You can threaten him if you want, but we recommend telling him that you’re just warning him. Henry has some deep-seated hatred toward the Cumans due to their actions in the first game, and you’ll tell them that his people killed your parents.

(1 of 2) Tell Varok that it’s just a warning.

Tell Varok that it’s just a warning. (left), Pass the drinking check for a reputation boost. (right)

He suggests having a drink in the memory of his parents. Ask him if he’s heard of Skalitz, and he’ll deflect the question while telling you to let the past stay in the past. Respond with “I wish I knew how…”, and then tell him “Just a little”. This will give you a drinking speech check. If your Drinking stat is above 10, tell him “not bad” for some reputation, however, if it’s lower, you’ll have a difficult time passing the check and will end up losing reputation.

Say to him, “You know our language…” and he’ll tell you that he learned it through love. Question the “love” part, and you’ll get an option to ask about how they and the nomads get along. He’ll tell you about poor love-struck Jasak here, who’s fallen head over heels for one of the nomads, but he doesn’t speak her language. Tell him that you can help and then follow Jasak to the camp.

Then tell him that you could help Jasak.

Help Jasak Find Love

We recommend saving here as you’ll have to be the translator for Jasak, and if you fail, it’ll end up in a fistfight, although it is hilarious. Talk to the Bathmaid and tell her you’re a friend of Jasak, answer the questions without failing the speech checks, and you’ll make Jasak a happy man.

Failing this doesn’t affect the quest, but you’ll need to whack some sense into Jasak as he goes scorched earth on you, just make sure you don’t hit him too hard, or you could upset the nomads.

(1 of 3) Follow Jasak and speak to the Bathmaid.

Finding the Moonshine

Return to the Cuman camp and speak to Vasko and tell him you and Jasak had an altercation. He doesn’t appear to care really, and he’ll tell you it’s time for a drink. Agree, and you’ll have to pass another Drinking Speech check. After the drink, tell him “Sigismund won’t miss it” regarding the beer.

You’ll get yet another speech check, this time you’ll have a choice between the Drinking Speech Check or the Persuasion Speech Check. Pick whatever is the highest for you, but the Persuasion Check will most likely be the easiest to pass. Time will pass several hours, and you’ll be more drunk.

(1 of 2) After time passes, you’ll be heavily drunk.

After time passes, you’ll be heavily drunk. (left), Follow Vasko until you find the strange dog. (right)

Ask Vasko some questions, and he’ll talk about his time in Milan. When given the chance, tell him it wasn’t his fault to get a reputation boost. Vasko will want another drink, but you’ve run out of it. However, he knows of a place where you can get some and suggests that you go with him. When you regain control, your camera will sway, and you’ll stumble when you walk.

Follow Vasko by locking onto him. Whilst you walk, you can ask him some questions via the quick reply feature. Do so to find out more about him, and then he’ll want to sing. We recommend you choose Henry’s terrible attempt at translation.

After a while, Vasko will pass out onto the floor, and you’ll be met by a strange dog. Ask it for advice, yes, really, and then continue on looking for the Moonshine. Follow the dirt path west/southwest a short way, and you’ll come across a couple of boulders. In between the boulders, is where you’ll find the Moonshine.

(1 of 3) After the short scene continue along the path until you find two large boulders.

Head back to Camp

Make your way back to the camp by following the same path you came on and speak to Vasko again. He’ll take the strange meeting with the dog as an important message to drink some more! Both of you will partake in the Moonshine, and you’ll make a comment on its vile taste, and Vasko will mock you saying is it too strong for a hero.

Your bravado won’t take Vasko’s petty snipes lying down, and you’ll tell him that you can do anything you put your mind to. This will give you a speech check with four options. The top option is a strength check, the second is Horsemanship, the third is Marksman, and the bottom is Scholarship.

There isn’t a right answer here, but you’ll gain or lose reputation based on if you fail the check. If you do fail a couple of times, another option will appear that doesn’t have a check. Select that if your stats are too low. After you tell him you’re good at anything, and you’ll show him, he suggests swimming, and you will agree knowing full well that you can’t swim. A few seconds later, you somehow got yourself stuck in the middle of the pond.

Passing any of these checks will give your reputation a boost. Failing them will drop it.

When you regain control, you’ll need to try to get back to land. Ask Vasko “How?” and before you know it, you’re back at the camp in your underwear. Ask the various questions that appear, but be careful of what you say when mentioning Skalitz as it’s a touchy subject, to say the least, and it will lead to some reputation losses.

If you ask them about how they ended up with the nomads, you can further ask them about where the other Cumans are, and a Cuman camp will get placed on the map. Finally, talk about Troskowitz, which was the original reason why you were here, and they’ll agree to steer clear of the place.

Before you go, Vasko will suggest having one more drink for the road, and you’ll have one more speech check. Either tell them you shouldn’t have a drink or pass the Drinking check and have one more. If you fail though, you’ll vomit over Jasak’s feet, lowering your reputation. However, you will get a chance to make it up with another speech check and if you pass either of them, you’ll get a reputation boost.

At the end, Henry is so drunk, he’s speaking their language!

Because you agreed to one last drink, he’ll keep his promise and stay away from Troskowitz, and should you want to learn the Sabre, he’d be happy to teach you some skills in it. The time will pass to the morning, you’ll get some experience in Drinking, and the only thing left to do is to head back to Vuytek in Troskowitz. I hope you have a Hair o’ the Dog potion on you!

Return to Vuytek

Fast travel back to Troskowitz, wait/sleep until morning (10 am), and then head over to Vuytek who should be near the Apothecary in the west of town. He moves around depending on the time. If you can’t find him, check the quest in the journal, and he’ll appear on the map. Talk to Vuytek, and tell him you’ve had a word with the Cumans, and he’ll ask what you mean by that.

(1 of 2) Either lie or tell him you made a deal.

Either lie or tell him you made a deal. (left), Making a deal will lead to another check where you can promise they won’t cause any more trouble. (right)

You’ll get a persuasion speech check to tell him you slaughtered them, but it’s a lie. However, if you tell him you made a deal with them, you’ll get another speech check, but this time an impression check. Pass this, and you’ll gain reputation and get 25 Groshens for your trouble. Fail this and you’ll lose reputation. This will conclude the quest.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Deep Silver
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Adventure, RPG
  • Guide Release
    3 February 2025
  • Last Updated
    11 March 2025
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is an open-world RPG set in the last throes of the Middle Ages. A direct sequel of the original, Henry of Skalitz is traveling with a company to the region of Trosky to broker a truce. This guide will cover the following aspects of the game:

Included in this guide:

  • A complete walkthrough of the main story, including multiple outcomes
  • Guides to specific side quests associated with each settlement
  • Coverage of all of the various Tasks you can undertake
  • Useful gameplay tips to ensure the best possible start
  • Character development guide to the basics, build options and recommended perks
  • A fully interactive map with descriptions and screenshots for all map locations
  • The most complete Database around

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