Sheep Among Wolves is a task that can be found within the Trosky Region of Medieval Bohemia, and can be accessed once you’ve got the ability to free roam. Read on to find out where you need to go and what you get for completing the quest.
Herdsboy Siegfried needs help dealing with the wolves.
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Starting the Sheep Among Wolves Task¶
The Sheep Among Wolves Task can be started by visiting Herdsboy Siegfried who can be found to the north of Tachov and you would’ve met him already if you did the Mutt Side Quest. Unfortunately, the local wolves have been killing his sheep and he hasn’t got the skills nor equipment to deal with them himself so he requests that you resolve the situation for a reward.
Find The Wolf Pack¶
Head west until you find a trail which leads into the woods, then you’ll find some sheep guts on the floor which you’ll want to investigate. You can try and find the wolves yourself, but why do more work when you’ve got a friendly hound that can do it for you, so select the track option when speaking with Mutt and choose to sniff out the Sheep Remains then follow him until you come across a hoard of wolves.
(1 of 2) Have Mutt track the Sheep Guts to find the wolves location
Have Mutt track the Sheep Guts to find the wolves location (left), then wait to parry their attacks before striking back. (right)
The easiest way to deal with the wolves is to pay close attention to the one closest to you as they will be the most likely to attack first, then wait for the green shield icon to pop up before guarding and then quickly strike back. We recommend only striking once after successfully guarding, as you’ll most likely miss the second strike and it’ll waste your stamina and make you more vulnerable to the wolves’ attack.
Sheep Among Wolves Rewards¶
Once you’ve dealt with the wolves, butcher their corpse and make sure to take the Wolf Ears then return to Herdsboy Siegfried and tell him the good news to bring the quest to a close. Upon completing this quest, you’ll be rewarded with 25 Groschen, Schnapps and a Weak Saviour Schnapps.
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