The For Victory! is the ninth main quest within the
Trosky region in Kingdom Come Deliverance II. This quest immediately follows Necessary Evil and will give you a variety of tasks to complete within
Trosky Castle. Read on to find out how to navigate the upcoming ambush and defeat their Captain.
Hans Capon is gathering his thoughts before tomorrow’s battle.
Table of Contents¶
If you want to jump to a specific section, click on the links below.
Quickjump |
Feast and Enjoy the Good Life! |
Go Into The Kitchen for Wine |
Go and Get Armour |
Get a Good Night’s Sleep |
Go Down to the Mill with Capon |
Survive the Duel |
Feast and Enjoy the Good Life!¶
If it isn’t already evening, forward the time to around 9-10 and then visit Hans Capon who can be found roaming around Trosky Castle to trigger a scene. You’ll want to enjoy the feast and run some errands before hitting the hay and getting some much needed rest for battle ahead.
Go Into The Kitchen for Wine¶
(1 of 2) Speak with Cook Manyeta to obtain some fresh Wine
Speak with Cook Manyeta to obtain some fresh Wine (left), and then get some equipment from Blacksmith Osina. (right)
The first task on your to-do list is to acquire some Wine for Han’s Capon, so head on down to the kitchen and speak with Cook Manyeta and she’ll gladly offer to fetch you some. If your thievery skill has been leveled up enough, then she’ll like you to lockpick the chest in the corner of the room but you don’t have to do this for the wine.
Go and Get Armour¶
Hans Capon needs some fresh equipment before going into battle so head over to the Smithy and speak with
Blacksmith Osina and mention that you’ve come for the armour and he’ll try and make you craft it yourself. However, you can still get some fairly decent gear by choosing the “I don’t want to quarrel” dialogue choice.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep¶
Head back up to the buffet and speak with Widow Johanka of Zhernov and if you wish the spend the evening with some company then choose the following dialogue options.
- I’ll be glad to tell you what happened
- It was a lovely day for bathing.
- They chased us into the rocks (Scarily)
- The Bailiff is a silly fool.
- Yes, I’ll be glad to escort you.
- I think I can convince you.
Go Down to the Mill with Capon¶
Once you’ve woken up, head over to Hans Capon (found opposite of the Smithy) and give him the Common Longsword and Smooth Cuirass along with some Wine and then hop onto your horse and follow him to trigger a cutscene. Unfortunately, you’ll be ambushed before you reach your desired destination and you’ll need to closely work alongside Hans to reach the mill.
(1 of 2) Attack the same person as Hans Capon to take them down quicker.
Attack the same person as Hans Capon to take them down quicker. (left), Hit their Captain three times to win the duel. (right)
There will be a lot of enemies trying to take you down and you may be worried about getting overwhelmed and taking a lot of damage, so the best course of action is to follow Hans and attack the same person he’s fighting to take them down quicker. If you find yourself in a one on one encounter then you’ll want to take a defensive approach and only attack after a parry and avoid depleting too much stamina.
Survive the Duel¶
You’ll eventually reach a barricade so you’ll want to walk underneath the fallen branch to the southwest of the cart to get around it and then take out two more enemies before following the final stretch the mill and scene will play out, then you’ll find yourself in a duel against their Captain. This isn’t a very difficult (depending on your health) as all you need to do is parry and hit him three times before the soldiers intervene and one more cutscene will play out and the Divine Messenger quest will begin.
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