If you take the stories heard from peasants and the rumors gleaned from innkeepers at face value, the waterways of Trosky seem to be positively teeming with fey and fell creatures, as you can pick up two different tales of Water Goblins. Of course, you absolutely should not take this idle gossip for truth - a benevolent God would not suffer such imps to infest the ponds, lakes and streams from which His faithful derive sustenance. Still, there are often fragments of truth hidden in such tall tales, and when Henry hears about two local boy’s finding a “Water Goblin’s Treasure” and spreading silver coins around afterwards… well, there might be some profit to investigating! This page will provide a walkthrough for the free form quest Water Goblin’s Treasure in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2!
Page Breakdown¶
Quick Search |
Starting Water Goblin’s Treasure |
Find the Lads at the Bathing Spot |
Find the Water Goblin’s Treasure |
Starting Water Goblin’s Treasure¶
You can overhear tales and rumors about “Water Goblins” from two sources - from Zdenyek the Mouth in Tachov or from Innkeeper Lawrence at the Zhelejov Wagoners’ Inn. For the purpose of this free form quest, seek out the latter and ask ”What’s going on around here?” and he’ll eventually tell you about some local lads finding a Water Goblin’s Treasure (among other tales). Ask about the water goblin’s hut and it’ll be marked on your map - this starts a different task, The Axe on the Lake - but if you ask ”What did they find?” and ”Where can I find these lads?”, a Bathing Spot will be marked on your map and the Innkeeper will claim that, whatever the truth of the water goblin, the lads in question definitely acquired a good bit of coin from somewhere. Both The Axe on the Lake and Water Goblin’s Treasure will require you to head to the same general location - Rocktower Pond, west of Zhelejov.
(1 of 2) Talk to Innkeeper Lawrence to learn about the Water Goblin’s Treasure,
Talk to Innkeeper Lawrence to learn about the Water Goblin’s Treasure, (left), and he’ll tell you about the two lads who found it, who like to hang out on a pier along the western end of Rocktower Pond. (right)
Find the Lads at the Bathing Spot¶
Now that you’ve got these map markers, open up the map and scroll west of Zhelejov, to the western edge of Rocktower pond, to locate the Bathing Spot. It’s quite a trek, and a bothersome one, too, if you plan to head back along the bank near Bozhena’s hut (where Henry and Hans convalesced during the prologue), making it easier to just follow the road along the northern shore - ironically taking you past the Water Goblin’s Hut. If you want to complete The Axe on the Lake while you’re at it, feel free, but for the sake of focus we’ll be ignoring that task for now.
Work your way west to the western edge of Rocktower Pond to find a dock with discarded clothes, half-eaten food and spilled wine strewn about. Head to the edge of the dock and loot left to find the corpse of a hired hand floating about, and in the water further on you’ll find a second corpse. Both apparently drowned, in water that is none too deep, considering Henry can wade through it. Be sure to rob the corpse further on, as he’s got some groschen on him and the Carpenter’s Badge of Advantage. You should also loot a sack on the docks to find it’s full of groschen (138 groschen, to be exact) and a Drowner’s Map. Pick up the map and use it from your inventory to take a gander at it to note it marks an… urn?.. along the shore.
(1 of 3) Investigate the bodies near the pier to discover that the aforementioned lads have drowned.
Find the Water Goblin’s Treasure¶
The map you’ve been given is crude, to say the least, but you should be able to recognize the Zhelejov Wagoners’ Inn on the right side of the map, Rocktower Pond in the middle and some rocky cliffs along the middle of the pond. Follow the road along the southern edge of the pond east to reach the Nomad Camp, pass through and continue east and north to reach the shore of Rocktower Pond - your goal is to wade through the foliage-cluttered shallow waters of the pond and search your way east towards Bozhena’s hut. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be all that watchful, as when you get close to the treasure you seek, it’ll be marked on your map as the “Water Goblin’s Treasure”, which just so happens to be an urn lying against a rocky cliff face.
(1 of 2) Head to the marked location on the southern shore of Rocktower Pond, between the Nomad Camp and Bozhena’s hut.
Head to the marked location on the southern shore of Rocktower Pond, between the Nomad Camp and Bozhena’s hut. (left), At this location you’ll find an urn full of groschen along a cliff. (right)
Loot the urn and you’ll find 125 groschen, which is about half of what the sack at the dock had on it. Hopefully you don’t suffer a similar fate to those lads! Henry can’t swim anyways, so he’s not likely to put himself in a position to face the water goblin’s wrath. Then again, if you either don’t believe in goblins or wish to actively further antagonize such creatures, check out the aforementioned task The Axe on the Lake to see if you can’t get more treasure from them… the Water Goblin’s Treasure is just across the pond from the Water Goblin’s Hut, after all…
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