When it comes to completing Side Quests in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you can expect a wide range of objectives you’ll need to put your mind to. Some are focused on combat, taking on menacing monsters, while others are more exploration focused, wanting you to put all of Link’s abilities to use to solve a puzzle. This page will guide you on how to complete A Trip Through History Side Quest.
Speak with Bugut to begin this quest.
*Stone slabs have been found in the Ring Ruins that fell around the !Kakariko Village. Bugut has come to see the writing on the slabs but is afraid of heights and can’t visit the ruins. *
How to Begin A Trip Through History Side Quest in TOTK¶
To get the quest underway, you’ll need to track down Kakariko Village which is located to the northwest of the Necluda Region and the easiest way to reach the village is by fast traveling to the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower. From here, you’ll want to use the tower to be taken up into the sky, then you’ll want to glide down to the northeast to reach the village which is located on the Lantern Lake. If you’re struggling to find the lake, then you’ll want to head into the area in-between Rikoka Hills and the Pillars of Levia.
When you arrive you’ll want to look for a guy named Bugut. He can be found roaming around near the entrance of the village. Speak with him and he’ll mention something about Ring Ruins which is apparently one of the most interesting things to see in all of Hyrule and he informs you that the survey team have found one stone slab with Zonai writing on them and he wants to find out what the other four remaining slabs have written on them. Unfortunately, he can’t reach the other slabs due to his fear of heights, so its down to you to find out!
Where to Find The Slabs in Tears of the Kingdom¶
There’s four remaining slabs to find and they are all scattered in and around !Kakariko Village, so below we’ll help you track them down with ease!
Slab #1 Location¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map,
Head to this location on the map, (left), to find the first slab. (right)
In order to find the first slab you’ll want to fast travel back to the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower, then you’ll want to glide down to the east to find some ruins. Take out the four Bokoblins and open the nearby chest for a
Giant Brightbloom Seeds, then interact with the nearby book which can be found on the table.
Slab #2 Location¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map,
Head to this location on the map, (left), to find the second slab. (right)
Return to the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower again and this time you’ll want to glide down to the northeast until you reach the wooden structures that’s above the Lantern Lake. Here you’ll want to look for an NPC named Gordi who can be found standing on one of these wooden platforms, then you’ll find the second book next to him.
Slab #3 Location¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map,
Head to this location on the map, (left), to find the third book. (right)
The next slab can be found nearby, simply glide across to the East Hill, then work your way up the mountain until you find a tiny wooden ramp, follow it into a small ruin to find the third book.
Slab #4 Location¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map,
Head to this location on the map, (left), to find the fourth slab. (right)
Next up, return to the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower once more and glide down to the Bonooru’s Stand area. Here you’ll find the last slab located to the southeast of !Kakariko Village. Interact with the final book and then return to Bugut and tell him what each of the slabs say, then you’ll be rewarded with three Thunderwings Butterflies and the quest will come to a close.
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