There are a lot of quests in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom, and many of them give great rewards. The Goddess Statue quest line is a bit hidden, as you have to find and visit one of three springs to start it. Once you do, you also have to hunt down all three elemental dragons that fly around Hyrule. The guide below goes over where to find every statue, and how to easily encounter Naydra,
Dinraal, and
Farosh in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom.
Making an offering at the Goddess Spring of Courage.
Goddess Statue of Wisdom, Where to Find Naydra in Lanayru¶
To start this quest, you will want to visit the Goddess Statue of Wisdom in Lanayru. It’s right under Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower, so it’s the easiest to get to. Once you see the statue, go up to it and pray. She will ask you to check on the Mother Goddess statue. You will now want to teleport to Kiuyoyou Shrine in Hyrule Ridge and head west, there will be a canyon with a temple inside. This is called the Forgotten Temple, and you can get in through a hole in the front of the building. Here are the locations of the Goddess Statue of Wisdom and !Forgotten Temple.
Once inside you will find several camps of Bokoblins. Defeat them as you go and make your way into the hole at the end of the room. Inside you will find the
Mayausiy Shrine, activate it so that you can fast travel back. Continue further in to find a toppled Mother Goddess Statue. You will want to walk close to it and inspect it. Afterward, return to Lanayru Skyview Tower, and head down to speak with the Statue of Wisdom. After telling her that the Mother Goddess Statue has toppled over, she will ask you to get a claw from Naydra, the ice dragon that flies around the region. This can be a frustrating process as all three elemental dragons follow a special flight pattern that isn’t controlled by the time of day in Hyrule.
Naydra actually comes out of The Depths entrance, Naydra Snowfield Chasm, right next to your location, so camp out there if you don’t see them in the sky. This could take around 15 minutes. Before long they will fly up. You will want to have enough gear on to block the extreme cold and then fly over to Naydra, there are winds around the dragon that will keep you afloat without losing all your stamina. You will want to shoot an arrow at its claw while it’s glowing blue. Make sure not to hit any other part of the dragon as you can only harvest a single piece off of it per in-game day. Generally different claws will light up at different times. The easiest way to shoot it is to drop down beside the glowing claw and use your bow to slow time.
Once you have hit the claw it will start glowing. Put your bow up to restore the flow of time, and the claw will fall to the ground. Grab it as it’s falling or once it hits the ground. You will now need to visit the Statue of Wisdom one last time. Hold the claw, and drop it into the water beneath the Goddess Statue to finish the first part of the quest, you will get a Sapphire as a reward.
Goddess Statue of Power, Where to Find Dinraal in Akkala¶
The next statue is located in Akkala and the closest shrine is Jochi-iu Shrine, this is right next to East Akkala Stable so grab your horse for a run west. The Goddess Spring of Power is located in a small hole, the Goddess Statue of Power quest goes much like the last one. Speak to the statue and Link will tell her of the Mother Goddess Statue’s fate. At this point, she will ask you to grab a claw from Dinraal the fire dragon who is often seen around North Akkala and North Eldin. Below is the exact location of the !Spring of Power.
Out of all the dragons, you will have to catch, Dinraal can be the most tricky to find as he flies around the northern side of Death Mountain. This can make him hard to spot. If you don’t see him in the sky, then you will want to wait next to the East Akkala Plains Chasm, this is where he exits around every 16 minutes. Sinatanika Shrine is nearby and this Depths entrance is just a bit north of Tarry Town. Once Dinraal emerges make sure you have on heat-resistant gear and repeat the steps you used on Naydra to get its claw. Once you’re done, take it back to the !Spring of Power and drop it in the water. This will complete the Goddess Statue of Power quest and earn you a Ruby.
(1 of 3) Go to The Spring of Power.
Goddess Statue of Courage, Where to Find Farosh in Faron¶
The third and final quest is the Goddess Statue of Courage, and it is located below the
Jiukoum Shrine in Faron. This statue is inside of a giant snakehead, so you might not see it at first. Once you do find it, follow the same steps as the rest, speak with the statue, and she will ask you to get a claw, this time from the electric dragon, Farosh who flies around !Faron and Gerudo. The exact location of the Goddess Spring of Courage can be found below.
Farosh can be handled a bit differently since it’s easy to spot when it’s around Lake Hylia. You can camp out at Popla Foothills Skyview Tower and use it to get into the sky when you finally see the dragon in the distance. If you don’t have a lot of stamina to reach the dragon, then camp out in front of the East Gerudo Chasm that it emerges from around every 15 minutes. You will want to have on gear that doesn’t attract lighting and follow the same harvesting method. Once you’re done, take the claw and place it in the !Spring of Courage, this will complete the quest, and you will earn a Topaz for your trouble. The Goddess Statue will also ask you to make a pilgrimage to visit the !Mother Goddess back at the !Forgotten Temple.
Mother Goddess Statue, Where to Get The White Sword of The Sky’¶
A new quest will pop up called The Mother Goddess Statue, all you need to do is teleport back to Mayausiy Shrine at the forgotten temple. Once you are there, head into the room where the toppled statue used to be. The Mother Goddess statue will now be sitting upright and you can pray to it. Doing so will give you the White Sword of The Sky, the same weapon that Link used in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
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