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How to Complete Overdesigned in Starfield: Kepler R or Kepler S

Matt Chard
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After completing the mission "All That Money Can Buy" iconAll That Money Can Buy in Starfield, you can speak to Walter to start the Overdesigned mission which will reward you with either the "Kepler R" iconKepler R or the "Kepler S" iconKepler S ship for free depending on your choices. Read below to find out how to get the ships, and what one is the best.

This is just one of the free ships you can get in Overdesigned.

How to Start the Overdesigned Mission

As stated above, you have to complete the “All That Money Can Buy” mission, and then speak to Walter Stroud back in "The Lodge" iconThe Lodge. However, if you’ve progressed the main mission to a "High Price to Pay" iconHigh Price to Pay, Walter will be unavailable (as will the rest of Constellation) due to a story event. If that is the case, build the Armillary, and you’ll be able to talk to him again.

(1 of 2) Speak to Walter in The Lodge after completing the “All that Money can Buy” main mission.

Speak to Walter in The Lodge after completing the “All that Money can Buy” main mission. (left), This will give you the Overdesigned Mission where Walter will ask for a favor. (right)

Find Jules

Walter will tell you that his research and development team is having trouble with the design of his latest ship, and he wants you to help them out as he trusts your judgment. Furthermore, he’ll ask you to speak to Jules, the head of R & D. Jules can be found in the meeting room aboard the "Stroud-Eklund Staryard" iconStroud-Eklund Staryard in Dalvik, "Narion System" iconNarion System. The quickest way to get there is to open the quest, press L-Key on the mission, then press B-Key.

(1 of 3) To find Stroud-Eklund Staryard. Head to the Narion System

When you enter the Staryard, head straight then take a left at the intersection, and go through the first door on your left before finally going through the door on the left again. Here, Jules and her team are having a discussion about the project they want you to help out with. Let Jules finish talking, then speak with her yourself. The first few choices don’t change any outcome, but you can ask about the project to get a better idea of what’s expected of you.

What Budget to Choose for Jules

Once Jules mentions budget, your choices will begin to matter. The short of it is, stick with a smaller budget, or ask for a bigger budget, but there’s more to it than that, and the outcome will be what ship you get, the Kepler R, or the Kepler S. The following choice will be the most important choice you’ll have to make for this mission, and it is as follows:

  • A smaller budget will help us focus the design. Let’s stick with your sensible budget proposal”.
    This essentially will reward you with the Kepler S in the end provided you can pass the various checks (LOOKING AT YOU FRANK).

  • “We can build whatever we want with a larger budget. Let’s go with the kitchen sink proposal”.
    This option will end up with the Kepler R. Once again, provided you choose the right outcomes.

We’ll go into this in more detail below, but to make it easy for you. The Kepler R is a C-Class Ship which sells for 60K+ while the Kepler S is a B-Class Ship that sells for around half of that. The Kepler R is generally a much better ship, although we prefer the design of the Kepler S (R is too bulky).

Choosing the top option will eventually lead to you getting the Kepler S ship while the bottom will lead to the Kepler R.

Choosing a Smaller Budget

If you want to use a smaller budget, the biggest hurdle is Frank’s luxury design which means you’ll have to persuade him to agree to the smaller constraints, but Frank is a pain to deal with (I’m being kind here). When you get the chance to select Persuade, exit out of the conversation, and make a quick save. Now talk to Jules again, to continue where you were. Because the Persuade options are a random chance to work, there isn’t a right answer, but we found that telling him to be reasonable or listen to reason to work more often than not, although this could be a coincidence. If you continue on with the conversation after failing Frank’s persuasion check, you can tell Jules to go big, or go home (Persuade), or “I don’t think I’m going to convince you. There has to be another way.” Both of these options will lead to the kitchen sink route and the Kepler R.

(1 of 2) If you choose the smaller budget, you’ll need to persuade Frank.

If you choose the smaller budget, you’ll need to persuade Frank. (left), On the other hand, if you choose the kitchen sink method, you’ll need to persuade Jules, or pay 100,000 credits to make up the difference. (right)

Kitchen Sink Approach

The Kitchen Sink approach basically fits as much as you can into the ship, but it requires a larger budget. Unfortunately, Jules isn’t too keen to ask the board for a larger budget, so you’ll need to persuade her it’s the right call. Due to persuasion checks being random, there isn’t a perfect answer other than make sure you quick save it before attempting to persuade her. Alternatively, you can tell her “I don’t think I’m going to convince you. There has to be another way”. What this does is allow you to front the additional costs, but it will set you back 100,000 Credits, so only choose this method, if you’re rolling around in cash. If you opt for the cheap route (persuade), try answering with choices that play to her ego, and self-worth.

Speak with the Team

This doesn’t appear to change a lot, although you find out what their ideas are allowing you to praise, or ridicule them. Other than that, we noticed no difference with these choices, and you can skip them altogether if you’re not interested in what they have to say.

Market Research

Regardless of what budget you decide, Jules will want you to complete a couple of missions from the Mission Board for “Market Research”, and apparently you’re the only one who can do it, thanks, Walter. You’ll have to complete one “Passenger” Mission where you basically fast travel to the planet they request, and the optional one which is to destroy a bounty target (Ship). You can accept both of these missions from the Mission Board inside the Staryard, and you’ll find it on the opposite side of the meeting room wall (not in the same room). Now, these missions are random, so if a passenger mission isn’t available, complete some other missions, and check again.

(1 of 4) You can accept the mission from the Mission Board inside the Staryard, on the other side of the meeting room.

If you are having a problem accepting the passenger mission due to you not having enough space on your ship, you’ll need to purchase one or two of Stroud’s All-in-One Berth 2×1/3×1 which you can purchase from "Havershaw" iconHavershaw in the Staryard. Note: It can be any habs from any supplier provided it supports Passenger slots. Stroud’s is only recommended as it’s the nearest place. Once the passenger or both are completed, head back to Jules, and tell her you have her data for her.

Help the Team Overcome their Differences

Now, you’ll have to help the team agree to cut parts of their design to fit the budget. You can make everyone give up on one compromise, or you can perform a teambuilding exercise to help the result, other than it playing out differently. If you choose the teambuilding exercise method, choose the options that promote teamwork, and how to better themselves while ignoring the “I am the best” phrases. Regardless of the method, the team will reluctantly agree to your demands. Finally, speak to Jules again, and she’ll ask you to let Walter know how the project is coming along. Travel to The Lodge (Alpha Centauri), and speak to Walter to let him know the project is back on track. This will complete the quest and reward you with 200XP, and 8,500 Credits. You’ll also get a new activity to pick up the new ship that Walter has gifted you. To get this, travel back to the Stroud-Eklund Staryard, and the ship will be parked outside. Note: you’ll need the "Piloting" iconPiloting skill to be Rank 3 to drive the Kepler S, or Rank 4 for the Kepler R.

Choose either of these options as the result will be the same, but if you want to make Frank suffer, choose teambuilding.

Kepler R vs. Kepler S: What’s Better?

The Kepler R is all around better, it’s a C-Class Ship as opposed to the Kepler S’ B-Class, and it costs over double the cost of the Kepler S. The only reason you’d choose the Kepler S is for its design, and the fact that you can drive it with less Piloting skill point investment. Here are the stats for both to make your choice easier:

(1 of 2) The Kepler S has a sleeker design but fails to match up with the R version. Only choose this if you don’t want to invest more points into Piloting.

The Kepler S has a sleeker design but fails to match up with the R version. Only choose this if you don’t want to invest more points into Piloting. (left), Kepler R is just a beast in comparison, and too right as it cost a lot more to build. (right)

Kepler R Stats

Overview QTY
Reactor C
Fuel 2800
Hull 999
Cargo Capacity 3550
Crew 6
Jump 30 LY
Shield 805
Laser 38
Ballistics 44
Value 66201
Mass 2642

Kepler S Stats

Part Qty
Reactor B
Fuel 400
Hull 689
Cargo Capacity 3200
Crew 3
Jump 30 LY
Shield 570
Value 26903
Mass 1474
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, Shooter
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    18 October 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Starfield is an action role-playing game from Bethesda Game Studios set in a futuristic interpretation of space exploration and colonization. Earth has long been abandoned, but there are plenty of other planets in different star systems where humans have ventured and settled. You have the freedom to create your own character with a unique background, but the main story will take you through a series of adventures as you uncover more information about mysterious artifacts which create gravitational anomalies. Along the way, you can build and customize your own space ship, establish your own outpost, befriend and romance new companions, and more. As a Bethesda game, you can also expect to see a lot of creative mods which have the potential to change your experience of the base game, or take it in an entirely new direction.

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