Akila City is home to the Freestar Collective Faction and once you’ve helped the mayor deal with a hostage situation, he’ll recommend you to join the faction, so you’ll want to speak with
Emma Wilcox to begin the Deputized Faction Quest. This page will navigate you through the necessary steps to finding and killing the Ruffians.
Emma Wilcox will give you your first mission for the Freestar Collective.
How to Start The Deputized Faction Quest in Starfield¶
Before you can start the Deputized Quest you’ll need to visit Akila City which is located in the Cheyenne System. When you arrive, you’ll need to do the Job Gone Wrong Quest which can be started by approaching the Mayor. If you need any help persuading the criminal, then check out our How to Join Freestar Collective in Starfield page. After you’ve completed this quest, the Deputized quest will begin, so proceed into The Rock building and head upstairs and speak with Emma Wilco.
She’ll mention that before you can join the Freestar Collective she’ll need you to do a mission to see if you’re up to the task, so interact with the Freestar Rangers Mission Board which is located in the corner of the building and select one of the random missions that are available. There are a variety of mission types, such as Bounty or Rescue and the reward reflects the difficulty of that particular missions, so if you want something quick and easy to do in order to progress the faction quest, then try the mission with the lowest reward.
(1 of 2) Select any of the random missions
Select any of the random missions (left), and complete it. (right)
Once you’ve successfully completed your mission board objective, return to Emma and she’ll request you follow her up to the top floor and visit the Mayor to finally complete your recruitment. If you get manage to lose Emma whilst exploring the rooms, then activate your scanner by pressing and follow the arrows to the mayor’s office. Unfortunately, there is no time to celebrate your recruitment as you’ll be informed that a farmer has requested assistance after someone attempted to steal her farm.
Where to Find The Ruffians in Starfield¶
After you’ve finished with the briefing, open up your star map and set course for the planet Montara which is still located in the Cheyenne System. When you arrive, speak with Mikaela and you’ll discover that she rejected someone’s offer to purchase the farm and then she was threatened by four soldiers. Once you’ve finished questioning her, follow the path to the right off her location and inspect the boot tracks to see where the soldiers went.
From here, follow the path down and drop down into the canyon below. Defeat the Swarming Sunflowers and examine the next set of boot marks, then continue along the linear path and drop down into a small patch of water. Climb back up on the other side and sprint straight ahead until you reach the next set of boot tracks. Finally, head along the path to the left and defeat the two Pack Octomaggots, then you’ll go through the ravine to reach the soldiers camp. Speak with the Ruffian Leader and eventually a fight will break out.
(1 of 3) Head to the farm
Simply get into cover and pick them off one by one with an assault rifle or shotgun, then inspect the leaders corpse to find a Job’s Done Slate. Read it and speak with Emma, then return to the farmer and inform her that you’ve cleared out the soldiers to bring the quest to a close. You’ll be rewarded some credits for your hard work, then the quest Where Hops is Built will begin which is the next mission in the Freestar Collective Faction questline.
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