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Best Muzzle Modifications in Starfield

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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On this page, you’ll find all the information you need on the Muzzle Mods you can craft in Weapon Modification in Starfield. We’ll also give a breakdown of every Muzzle modification, their crafting cost, the research required, and whether we think they’re worth it! And, it’s worth mentioning that not all Muzzle mods are viable with all gun types, so we’ll also list all compatible weapons.

All Muzzle Modifications in Starfield

Below, you’ll find a full list of all Muzzle Modifications, with a list of all compatible weapons, crafting costs, bonuses (and cons!), as well as the research requirement to unlock the mods.

Barrel Mod Description Crafting Cost Research Requirement (Skill) Compatible Weapons (Inc. Unique Weapons)
Compensator Increases Stability and Hip-Fire accuracy at the cost of long-range Accuracy. "Aluminum" iconAluminum x1, "Nickel" iconNickel x1 None "Acid Rain" iconAcid Rain, "Beowulf" iconBeowulf, "Breach" iconBreach,"Coachman" iconCoachman, "Drum Beat" iconDrum Beat, Eon, "Feather" iconFeather,"Fiscal Quarter" iconFiscal Quarter, "Grendel" iconGrendel, "Hard Target" iconHard Target, "Justifier" iconJustifier, "Keelhauler" iconKeelhauler, "Kodama" iconKodama, "Kraken" iconKraken, "Lawgiver" iconLawgiver, "Maelstrom" iconMaelstrom, "Magpulse" iconMagpulse, "Magshear" iconMagshear, "Magshot" iconMagshot, "Magsniper" iconMagsniper, "Microgun" iconMicrogun, Momento Mori, "N67 Smartgun" iconN67 Smartgun, "Old Earth Pistol" iconOld Earth Pistol, "Old Earth Shotgun" iconOld Earth Shotgun, "Pacifier" iconPacifier, "Power Beat" iconPower Beat, "Radburn" iconRadburn, "Rattler" iconRattler, "Razorback" iconRazorback, "Regulator" iconRegulator, "Sidestar" iconSidestar, Solace, "The Buzzcut" iconThe Buzzcut, "The Mutineer" iconThe Mutineer, "The Zapper" iconThe Zapper, "Tombstone" iconTombstone, "Trickshot" iconTrickshot, "Unfair Advantage" iconUnfair Advantage, "Urban Eagle" iconUrban Eagle, XM-2311
Focal Lens Specialized lenses vastly increase accuracy. "Sealant" iconSealant x1, "Tungsten" iconTungsten x1, "Argon" iconArgon x1 None "Big Bang" iconBig Bang, Ember, "Novablast Disruptor" iconNovablast Disruptor, "Novalight" iconNovalight, "Orion" iconOrion, "Solstice" iconSolstice, Va’ruun Inflictor, "Va'ruun Starshard" iconVa’ruun Starshard
Choke Muzzle device specially designed to reduce shotgun spread. "Sealant" iconSealant x1, "Titanium" iconTitanium x2, "Tungsten" iconTungsten x3 Muzzle Mods 1 ("Weapon Engineering" iconWeapon Engineering 1★) "Breach" iconBreach, "Coachman" iconCoachman, "Old Earth Shotgun" iconOld Earth Shotgun, "Pacifier" iconPacifier, Riot Shotgun, "Shotty" iconShotty
Short Suppressor Vastly reduces acoustic intensity while increasing Accuracy at the cost of Range. "Sealant" iconSealant x2, "Tungsten" iconTungsten x1, "Tantalum" iconTantalum x2 Muzzle Mods 1 ("Weapon Engineering" iconWeapon Engineering 1★) "Marathon" iconMarathon, "Old Earth Pistol" iconOld Earth Pistol, "Urban Eagle" iconUrban Eagle, Vampire’s Sidearm, XM-2311
Muzzle Brake Increases long-range Accuracy and Stability at the cost of Hip-Fire Accuracy. "Sealant" iconSealant x2, "Titanium" iconTitanium x2, "Tungsten" iconTungsten x3 Muzzle Mods 1 ("Weapon Engineering" iconWeapon Engineering 1★) AA-99, "Ace Sidearm" iconAce Sidearm, "Ambassador" iconAmbassador, Avatar, "Beowulf" iconBeowulf, "Breach" iconBreach, Brute Force, "Coachman" iconCoachman, "Drum Beat" iconDrum Beat, Eon, "Fury" iconFury, Gallow’s Reach, "Grendel" iconGrendel, "Hard Target" iconHard Target, "Head Ranger" iconHead Ranger, "Kodama" iconKodama, "Kraken" iconKraken, "Lawgiver" iconLawgiver, "Maelstrom" iconMaelstrom, "Magpulse" iconMagpulse, "Magshear" iconMagshear, "Magshot" iconMagshot, "Magsniper" iconMagsniper, "Old Earth Assault Rifle" iconOld Earth Assault Rifle, "Old Earth Shotgun" iconOld Earth Shotgun, "Pacifier" iconPacifier, Peacemaker, Pirate Legend, "Rattler" iconRattler, "Razorback" iconRazorback, "Regulator" iconRegulator, "Revenant" iconRevenant, "Shotty" iconShotty, "Sidestar" iconSidestar, The Last Breath, "The Prime" iconThe Prime, "Tombstone" iconTombstone, "Urban Eagle" iconUrban Eagle
Focus Nozzle Increases Damage, Headshot Damage, and Range. "Titanium" iconTitanium x2, "Tantalum" iconTantalum x3, "Polymer" iconPolymer x2, "Zero Wire" iconZero Wire x1 Muzzle Mods 2 ("Weapon Engineering" iconWeapon Engineering 2★) "Big Bang" iconBig Bang, Jake’s Hangover Cure, "Novablast Disruptor" iconNovablast Disruptor, "Novalight" iconNovalight, "Orion" iconOrion, Reflection, "Solstice" iconSolstice, "The Spacer" iconThe Spacer, Va’ruun Inflictor, "Va'ruun Starshard" iconVa’ruun Starshard
Large Muzzle Brake A larger muzzle brake that further increases long-range Accuracy and Stability at the cost of Hip-Fire accuracy. "Sealant" iconSealant x2, "Titanium" iconTitanium x2, "Tungsten" iconTungsten x2, "Polymer" iconPolymer x2 Muzzle Mods 2 ("Weapon Engineering" iconWeapon Engineering 2★) "Kraken" iconKraken
Spread Nozzle Changes shots to fire in a shotgun-like spread. "Sealant" iconSealant x2, "Tungsten" iconTungsten x4, "Argon" iconArgon x2, "Zero Wire" iconZero Wire x1 Muzzle Mods 2 ("Weapon Engineering" iconWeapon Engineering 2★) Va’ruun Inflictor, "Va'ruun Starshard" iconVa’ruun Starshard
Stealth Lasers Reduces the visibility and acoustic intensity of lasers. "Titanium" iconTitanium x2, "Tantalum" iconTantalum x3, "Caesium" iconCaesium x3, "Zero Wire" iconZero Wire x1 Muzzle Mods 2 ("Weapon Engineering" iconWeapon Engineering 2★) "Equinox" iconEquinox, "Orion" iconOrion, "Short Circuit" iconShort Circuit, "Solstice" iconSolstice, "Unmitigated Violence" iconUnmitigated Violence
Suppressor Vastly reduces acoustic intensity while increasing Accuracy at the cost of Range. "Tungsten" iconTungsten x2, "Tantalum" iconTantalum x3, "Polymer" iconPolymer x2 Muzzle Mods 2 ("Weapon Engineering" iconWeapon Engineering 2★) AA-99, "Beowulf" iconBeowulf, "Breach" iconBreach, "Coachman" iconCoachman, Desperation, "Drum Beat" iconDrum Beat, "Elegance" iconElegance, Eon, "Grendel" iconGrendel, "Hard Target" iconHard Target, "Kodama" iconKodama, "Kraken" iconKraken, "Lawgiver" iconLawgiver, "Maelstrom" iconMaelstrom, "Marksman's AA-99" iconMarksman’s AA-99, "Microgun" iconMicrogun, "Old Earth Assault Rifle" iconOld Earth Assault Rifle, "Old Earth Pistol" iconOld Earth Pistol, "Old Earth Shotgun" iconOld Earth Shotgun, "Pacifier" iconPacifier, "Rattler" iconRattler, "Razorback" iconRazorback, "Regulator" iconRegulator, "Shotty" iconShotty, "Sidestar" iconSidestar, "Tombstone" iconTombstone, "Urban Eagle" iconUrban Eagle, "Vampire's Gift" iconVampire’s Gift, XM-2311
Double Barrel Muzzle Changes rounds fired to go through a two-barreled attachment for different spread shots. "Titanium" iconTitanium x3, "Adhesive" iconAdhesive x2, "Tungsten" iconTungsten x3, "Polymer" iconPolymer x3, "Ytterbium" iconYtterbium x2 Muzzle Mods 3 ("Weapon Engineering" iconWeapon Engineering 3★, "Special Projects" iconSpecial Projects 1★ ) "Big Bang" iconBig Bang
Shock Charge Band Electrified device that attaches an electric burst of energy to rounds passed through it. "Titanium" iconTitanium x4, "Adhesive" iconAdhesive x2, "Polymer" iconPolymer x1, "Ytterbium" iconYtterbium x2 Muzzle Mods 3 ("Weapon Engineering" iconWeapon Engineering 3★, "Special Projects" iconSpecial Projects 1★ ) "Magpulse" iconMagpulse, "Magshear" iconMagshear, "Magshot" iconMagshot, "Magsniper" iconMagsniper, "Revenant" iconRevenant

Best Muzzle Mods - Pros and Cons

This next section will consider the best Muzzle mods for each weapon type. As mentioned, not all muzzles will be compatible with every weapon, so take this into account when choosing your modification. Naturally, the more research-intensive mods will have more of an edge over some of the base upgrades but we’ll give a more detailed breakdown of the benefits below and include some of the best earlier game muzzle mods too.


If you’re not one for aim-down sights (ADS), then this modification could be a good one for you. This mod will increase hip-fire accuracy (shooting without ADS). This is great for agile players who like to move around and shoot quickly during combat. It will, however, reduce long-range accuracy, so you’ll have to bear that in mind. It is also a very common modification and can likewise be crafted without skills or research, making it a great early-game weapon mod.

The Compensator is a great early game mod that’ll increase hip-fire accuracy.

Short Suppressor/ Suppressor

The Short Suppressor and the late-game version, Suppressor, are the perfect modification for those of you who are looking to play stealthily. The Short Suppressor is unlocked with Muzzle Mods 1, and the Suppressor mod is unlocked with Muzzle Mods 2. Both will reduce the sound of your gunshots, with the latter mod being super quiet in comparison to the Short Suppressor. Both suppressor mods will also increase accuracy but decrease range. The decreased range might be a bit of an issue for players who do prioritize stealth, but you’ll just have to put more points in "Stealth" iconStealth to get closer to the opponent! Also, the Suppressor is compatible with way more weapons, so is the obvious choice for those of you with weapons not within the limited pool of the Short Suppressor.

If you’re looking to be stealthy, the Suppressor mod is for you!

Focus Nozzle

The Focus Nozzle is all about damage, and for those of you who are great with aim, it’ll also increase Headshot damage. Another added benefit is the increased range. You will need Muzzle Mods 2 to unlock this modification, but it can be a pretty decent investment for those of you who already have decent aim and are just looking for extra damage. It’s a safe, reliable mid-level modification!

The Focus Nozzle is all about extra damage, and if you’ve got good aim, you’ll also get extra head shot damage!

Shock Charge Band

This is a pretty cool late-game muzzle modification that electrifies your ammo, which will do extra damage over time to your targets! To get this upgrade, you will need Muzzle Mods 3 which is a pretty expensive research project and requires 3 skill points in "Weapon Engineering" iconWeapon Engineering and 1 skill point in "Special Projects" iconSpecial Projects.

The Shock Charge band is only available on Mag weapons.

This mod will also greatly increase your weapon’s value so if you’re in the business of turning a profit on weapons, then this mod is a good choice. Prices are approximate but our "Grendel" iconGrendel went up around 5k creds with this mod! The con here is that the mod is only available on Mag weapons.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, Shooter
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    18 October 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Starfield is an action role-playing game from Bethesda Game Studios set in a futuristic interpretation of space exploration and colonization. Earth has long been abandoned, but there are plenty of other planets in different star systems where humans have ventured and settled. You have the freedom to create your own character with a unique background, but the main story will take you through a series of adventures as you uncover more information about mysterious artifacts which create gravitational anomalies. Along the way, you can build and customize your own space ship, establish your own outpost, befriend and romance new companions, and more. As a Bethesda game, you can also expect to see a lot of creative mods which have the potential to change your experience of the base game, or take it in an entirely new direction.

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