After you get done encountering the strange Starborn group, you will head back to the Lodge to donate the new artifact, if you didn’t end up giving it away in the previous mission. This triggers one of the shortest quests in the game that is made to give you a bit more lore about Constellation and the Starborn. The guide below goes over how to complete the main quest, Starborn.
Add your new artifact to the collection and then speak with Noel to start a Constellation meeting.
How to Start Starborn¶
Starborn is a mission that you can completely miss that it happened as a separate quest, as it is very quick and pops up instantly. Starborn will begin as soon as you get back to the Lodge after completing All That Money Can Buy. You should note that this is one of the shortest quests in the game, and is filled with lore about your new friends the Starborn who you will be fighting from this point onward.
How to Complete Starborn¶
Once you get back to the lodge after confronting the Starborn for the first time, you will add the artifact to the rest of the pile. Afterward, hand the data from the Helix ship to Noel who will walk over to the nearby computer and start looking at the data of the ship. Follow her and take one of the open seats. The group will gather around and debate over who the Starborn might be and realize that they don’t even know what type of material was used to build the ship.
Here you will be able to choose from a few different dialogue options about the encounter and give your feedback on the operation. Make sure not to question Constellations mission or you will lose points with your companions who are part of the organization. After the meeting comes to an end, everyone will head back up to The Eye for the next mission, Further Into the Unknown.
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