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Hostile Intelligence - How to Get All The Terrormorph Samples

Jessica Dillon
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!Hostile Intelligence is one of the last Vanguard quests and will truly test your skills in battle. You are sent to a freezing planet where Londinion City is located and will need to battle several Terrormorphs one right after another. The guide below goes over how to complete !Hostile Intelligence and gives you the heads-up you need before encountering each Terrormorph.

You will want to speak with LT. Azevedo to stock up on supplies before arriving at Londinion.

How to Start Hostile Intelligence

Hostile Intelligence is the second to last mission in the UC Vanguard faction storyline and the most difficult. Once you complete War Relics, this quest will immediately start, sending you to the forgotten city of Londinion. This is a high-level mission, with a large boss fight at the end, so we highly suggest preparing for a long boss fight. Before you leave from Red Devils HQ make sure you speak with LT. Azevedo to buy some new gear if you need it.

How to Subdue All The Terrormorphs at Londinion

Speak with Hadrian at Red Devil HQ, and learn about her findings, she will tell you that you are going to need to travel to learn more about the unusual Terrormorphs. You are going to be headed to the ruined city of Londinion on planet Toliman II in the Alpha Centauri system. Once there, you will land in front of the city and proceed through the barricades to speak with the officer standing guard. You will notice that this is a frozen planet, and as such, your suit can only protect you so much. You need to either acquire skills for cold resistance or have a suit with good thermal stats. Once you’re ready to go, speak with Hadrian and then follow the quest marker to the armory.

Here you will find a surplus of ammo and some free guns. Along with this, you will also find the legendary Sentinel’s UC Antixeno spacesuit, Sentinel’s UC Antixeno balanced pack, and the Sentinel’s UC Antixeno helmet. Once you are done stocking up, speak with Hadrian again, and the hatch in front of you will open after a bit of dialogue. You will be entering the area with Kaiser and Hadrian. We also recommend you take an ally for some extra firepower.

Upon exiting the hatch, you will be swarmed by several beasts being controlled by Terrormorphs. Each creature will have a quest marker above their heads and you need to wipe them all out before going any further. Once you do proceed ahead you will find yourself fighting a Terrormorph. The first one you should encounter is an Albino Terrormorph, so be sure to take him out as quickly as you can, he isn’t the main problem of the area.

(1 of 9) You will be heading to Londinion on Toliman II.

After he’s defeated, loot the containers. You should soon encounter another Terrormorph, not only can he haze your vision with his mind control power, but he also is invisible making him hard to detect at times. You will likely also find your crew is getting wiped out at this point so be careful. If possible use the shipping crates to get to high ground and give yourself some distance. Use a powerful weapon like a shotgun to whittle down his health, this will take quite some time as he is tanky.

Finding The Steam Tunnel and Confronting The Abnormal Terrormorph

Once you’re done fighting, follow any remaining quest markers left and get the free loot. You will now need to speak with Kaiser so that he can take the samples collected from the enemies. After this is done, you will need to proceed forward to the Spaceport. This is done by using the Steam Tunnels. Enter into them, and you will see several Heat Leeches running around. Don’t worry too much as there are no enemies in this area. Soon you will come to a window with a rare plant on the other side. As your team is commenting on its beauty, you will see a Heat Leech mutate into a giant Terrormorph.

Speak with the team about this, and then head through the nearby door. You will now need to do battle with the Terrormorph, luckily this time around, it’s nothing special and will quickly be taken out by your team. Kaiser will proceed to try and open a large gate after the battle, but send you to flip the power on in the nearby office after he unlocks the door. Head inside and flip the power switch on, you will then need to press the nearby red button. An audio log will start playing revealing that Vae knows about the transformation process, and you will need to console Hadrian and collect the printed text log from the computer.

(1 of 12) Head inside the Steam Tunnel and follow the path forward.

At this point, Kaiser will be able to open the gate leading to the Spaceport, the final area of this quest. Be sure you are ready, as you are going into a boss fight with the worst Terrormorph you can encounter. Walk towards the back of the area to make him come out of hiding and then unload everything you have to take him down. With your team’s help, this shouldn’t turn into an overwhelming task. Once you are done, speak with Kaiser once more and return to Londinion to speak with Percival. You will talk about your findings and can decide whether or not you want to tell the team about Vae, this won’t affect the outcome of your quest. When you’re done talking the final Vanguard quest, A Legacy Forged will begin.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, Shooter
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    18 October 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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