While on Cydonia, you will meet a miner named Trevor who wants to get his team some new equipment. To do this though, you have to apply for a job, work for an incompetent boss, and find stolen miner gear. Red Tape Reclamation is the last part of the Red Tape missions and tasks you with hunting down Henry, who has made off with the new mining equipment. The guide below goes over how to finish Red Tape Reclamation and whether you should kill Henry or spare him.
You will need to learn where Henry has gone to complete Red Tape Reclamation.
How to Start Red Tape Reclamation¶
To start Red Tape Reclamation you will need to first complete Red Tape Blues and Red Tape Runaround. This is the third and final quest in this quest line, and depending on your choices in the last quest, the shortest. This time you will be bringing Trevor all the mining equipment that he’s been so patiently waiting for as it’s been stolen.
Should You Kill Henry or Lie to Trevor?¶
Once you talk to Trevor after approving the request for new gear you will learn that it’s missing. He sent an employee named Henry to go pick it up, but he’s late and Trevor is worried as Henry is a rather unreliable employee. He will send you to check at the Spaceport to see if Henry has returned. Speak to the worker to learn that he flew past the port and parked far away. Go back to Trevor and report your strange findings to him. He suspects that he may have stolen the gear, but tells you to check the bar upstairs as Henry isn’t bright enough to just run away. Head up to the Broken Spear on Cydonia’s top floor. You will find Henry sitting at the bar.
(1 of 4) Trevor will send you to the space port to check on his missing shipment.
Once you confront him he will immediatly start to cave and agree to take you to where he hid the mining equipment. Follow him out of Cydonia, this is a bit of a walk, and Henry is really annoying. Once you get close to the stolen ship, Henry will stop in front of it. Speak with him and he will pull a gun on you. You can either choose to persuade him out of it, and help him cover his tracks. You can also persuade him to go to jail or if your short on time, just outright kill him. No matter what you choose return to Peter to complete the mission for your hardwork you will get the Deimos Spacesuit, Deimos Space Helmet, Deimos Balanced Pack, and
Deimos Cap. You will also get a 50 pieces of
Iron for your trouble, a nice little extra bonus.
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