If you want to build up a large outpost, then you need to do everything you can to automate the process as much as possible. Fabricators can help you do this by crafting items for you while your off doing other tasks, such as exploring. There are several types that you can choose from, and some are low cost. The guide below goes over every type of fabricator in Starfield and the cost to build them at your outpost.
Fabricators are an important resource to use on your outpost, but can’t be unlocked right away.
All Fabricators and Their Building Costs¶
Fabricators are almost as important as extractors as they are able to mass produce crafting items, but won’t be available to build straight away. This allows you to skip over the tedious work of making items to build up your outpost and focus on playing the game. As with most items made for an outpost, their are several different types of fabricators that you can make and you can even of multiple set up at once. For an in-depth guide one fabricator usage, check out our guide here. In addition, there are facilities like an animal husbandry where you can raise aliens and a greenhouse you can build. The table below goes over every type of fabricator you can make and their building cost.
Outpost Addition | Material Cost |
Animal Husbandry Facility | x5 Adaptive Frame, x8 Aluminum, 3x Reactive Gauge, x3 Sealant |
Commercial Animal Husbandry Facility | x7 Adaptive Frame, x12 Aluminum, x2 Molecular Sieve, x6 Sealant |
Industrial Animal Husbandry Facility | x9 Adaptive Frame, x16 Aluminum, x9 Sealant, x2 !Substrate Molecule Sieve |
Greenhouse | x5 Adaptive Frame, x4 Fluorine, x3 Reactive Gauge, x3 Sealant |
Commercial Greenhouse | x7 Adaptive Frame, x8 Fluorine, x2 Molecular Sieve, x6 Sealant |
Industrial Greenhouse | x9 Adaptive Frame, x12 Fluorine, x9 Sealant, x2 !Substrate Molecule Sieve |
Compound Fabricator 01 - 10 | 4x Adhesive, x2 Isotopic Coolant, x5 Zero Wire |
Multiplex Fabricator 01 - 9 | x6 Lubricant, x8 Polymer, x3 Positron Battery, x8 Titanium |
Simple Fabricator 01 - 11 | x8 Aluminum, x2 Sealant, x4 Tungsten, x3 Zero Wire |
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