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All Class C Ship Locations

Nathan Garvin
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Starships are segregated into three classes in Starfield - Class A, B and C, and this is entirely determined by what reactor a ship has. While reactors of all classes function similarly to each other, there is a correlation between a reactor’s class and its overall stats, with Class C ships generally being superior to their Class B and A counterparts. That being the case, players will probably want to seek out Class C ships to better their odds in starship battles, and generally just improve their experience as they explore the galaxy. This page will provide a list of all the Class C ships in the game and where you can find them, with some additional information about Class C ships in general.

A Class C ship is just any ship with a Class C reactor installed.

What Are Class C Ships in Starfield?

As mentioned above, Class C ships are just any ship with a Class C reactor. Ships and reactors are graded, from lowest to highest, as Class A, Class B or Class C. Class C ships tend to be superior to Class A ships, but this isn’t a hard and fast rule - Class C components of a similar relative level tend to have higher stats than Class A or Class B components, but when this rule of thumb holds it’s often accompanied by potential downsides like greater power consumption, mass and expense. Reactors themselves tend to follow this rule fairly well, but other components - especially engines - have very good Class A and Class B offerings at all levels, and while you should keep a component’s class in mind when upgrading ships, it shouldn’t be the deciding factor.

In order to install Class B and C components, you must have a Class B or C reactor powering your ship, which is probably the greatest selling point of Class C reactors (stats notwithstanding). A Class B reactor can power Class A and B components, and a Class C reactor can power Class A, B and C components.

Where Can You Get Class C Ships and Reactors?

If you’re a fan of building your own ships, you may find that Class C reactors - and hence, Class C ships - are somewhat scarce at the beginning of the game. This is because they, like most starship components, are level-gated. You’ll start seeing Class C reactors for sale as you near level twenty, but the expense isn’t really justified until later, when such reactors start to have notably better stats than Class A and B variants.

You can, however, get some Class C ships as rewards for completing various quests, and you can potentially hijack Class B and C vessels… provided you’ve got sufficient ranks in the Piloting skill. Last and certainly not least, you can purchase some Class C ships from the very start of the game from various starship vendors, provided you have the often substantial cash on hand required to do so. The following section will focus on Class C ships you can score for free, and Class C ships you can buy from vendors.

List of Class C Ships in Starfield

Below you’ll find a list of all the Class C ships you can purchase or earn as quest rewards in Starfield. Note that this will exclude generic Class C ships that are randomly sold by merchants as your level increases, instead only counting unique ships, with the added benefit that you don’t need to level up to buy these ships (aside from whatever XP you gain raising the necessary funds, anyways).

Ship Fuel Hull Cargo Reactor Crew Jump Shield W0 W1 W2
"Abyss Trekker" iconAbyss Trekker 950 1031 340 C - 27 6 25 LY 850 PAR 38 MSL 96 BAL 162
"Dullahan" iconDullahan 210 877 300 C - 20 6 30 LY 805 EM 1 PAR 76 BAL 22
"Kepler R" iconKepler R 2800 999 3550 C - 24 6 30 LY 805 LAS 38 BAL 44
"Narwhal" iconNarwhal 560 2118 1760 C - 36 7 30 LY 995 LAS 24 BAL 114 MSL 82
"Stronghold" iconStronghold 2200 1047 2350 C - 27 6 30 LY 1600 LAS 36 BAL 48

The Abyss Trekker can be purchased from the Ship Services Technician at Paradiso.

Where to Get the Abyss Trekker in Starfield

A midrange ship that has decent all-round stats (albeit with distressingly low cargo capacity), its statline arguably doesn’t justify its price, and at 365,525 credits, you might as well save up a bit more and go for the quantitatively superior "Narwhal" iconNarwhal. You can purchase this ship from the Ship Services Technician at "Paradiso" iconParadiso (Porrima system, Porrima II).

The least of the Class C ships you can buy, the Dullahan can be found for sale at various starship vendors.

Where to Get the Dullahan in Starfield

They can’t all be winners, and "Dullahan" iconDullahan is solidly in last place, as far as these Class C ships go. Its engine’s output is a paltry 20, and it offers the worst cargo capacity, hull and fuel in addition to being tied for last with its shields. Its weapon array is broad and suited to our own combat tastes (out range the enemy with particle weapons, keep EM weapons handy for boarding actions), but that doesn’t nearly compensate for the Dullahan’s shortcomings. At 258,550 credits, you’re better off building/upgrading your own ship, or just saving up more for one of the better ones on this list. You can sink money on the Dullahan via various Ship Services Technicians, we commonly found it for sale at "Akila City" iconAkila City (Cheyenne system, Akila and "Hopetown" iconHopetown (Valo system, Polvo).

The only Class C ship on this list you don’t have to buy, the Kelper R can be obtained during the side quest Overdesigned.

Where to Get the Kepler R in Starfield

The only ship on this list you can’t buy, to obtain this starship you’ll need to complete the side quest Overdesigned, which will unlock after the main quest "High Price to Pay" iconHigh Price to Pay. During Overdesigned you’ll need to respond with “We can build whatever we want with a larger budget. Let’s go with the kitchen sink proposal.”, when determining what sort of ship you should build, then succeed at a Persuade check with Jule (or pay 100,000 credits). Check out the linked page for this quest for more information - it’s fairly involved. If you go for the cheaper option you’ll end up with the "Kepler S" iconKepler S, which isn’t a Class C ship. Opt for the more expensive project and finish the quest to score the "Kepler R" iconKepler R. As far as stats go, it’s… well… it’s free, so that’s good. In most stats that matter (hull, power, shields) it ranks at or near the bottom of this group of Class C ships, but it does boast the most fuel and cargo capacity, things you’ll want to trim down to get this ship remotely mobile.

The Narwhal is the mightiest ship you can get your hands on, but you’ll have to part with around 450,000 credits. You can buy it from the Taiyo vendor, Veronica, at Ryujin Tower in Neon.

Where to Get the Narwhal in Starfield

The clear powerhouse of these Class C ships, it has twice the hull of its closest competitor due to its outstanding generator, which also provides a whopping 36 power. You won’t be able to buy anything comparable even when your level is in the 40s. The reactor is the Narwhal’s centerpiece, but it also boasts a solid shield and expansive cargo capacity and a fair array of weaponry. It’s easily the best ship you can get your hands on early game, if you can save up the required 455,400 credits required. You can buy this from Veronica Young - the Taiyo ship vendor in the Ryujin Tower on "Neon" iconNeon (Volii system, Volii Alpha).

One of the stronger Class C ships, you can add the Stronghold to your fleet by purchasing it from the Ship Services Technician in Akila City.

Where to Get the Stronghold in Starfield

Along the with "Abyss Trekker" iconAbyss Trekker, the "Stronghold" iconStronghold competes for the second spot in this list of Class C ships, boasting mid-tier hull, the highest capacity shields (something its power generation can’t realistically support) and an awful lot of fuel and cargo capacity thrown in for good measure. It’s awfully skimpy with the weapons, however, boasting base armaments that aren’t impressive for a ship that costs just over 400,000 credits. You’ll want to upgrade to more/better weapons, and this will make how inflated the shield’s stats really are (and expose the reactor as merely being passable), and when all that’s taken into account, you’re probably better off opting for the cheaper Abyss Trekker or spending a bit more on the Narwhal. You can buy the Stronghold from the Ship Services Technician in Akila City (Cheyenne system, Akila).

Now that you know where to get your hands on Class C ships, check out the following pages that explain ship stats better, give tips for earning the hoards of money you’ll need to afford any of these vessels, and the walkthrough for the side quest Overdesigned, which will net you the Kepler R:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, Shooter
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    18 October 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Starfield is an action role-playing game from Bethesda Game Studios set in a futuristic interpretation of space exploration and colonization. Earth has long been abandoned, but there are plenty of other planets in different star systems where humans have ventured and settled. You have the freedom to create your own character with a unique background, but the main story will take you through a series of adventures as you uncover more information about mysterious artifacts which create gravitational anomalies. Along the way, you can build and customize your own space ship, establish your own outpost, befriend and romance new companions, and more. As a Bethesda game, you can also expect to see a lot of creative mods which have the potential to change your experience of the base game, or take it in an entirely new direction.

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