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Starfield's Sarah Morgan Companion Guide: Skills, Location & More

Craig Robinson
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"Sarah Morgan" iconSarah Morgan is the first companion players will encounter in Starfield as you progress through the Constellation introduction quest. As you start the main storyline, you’ll naturally begin to take the vanilla lawful good character on your galactic travels, and get to experience first-hand the new design Bethesda implemented for their companions in Starfield. This guide will focus on Starfield’s Sarah Morgan companion, with a heavy focus on her skills, how to use her, affinity, and any other relevant feature to expect.

Sarah Morgan Companion Guide in Starfield

Here is everything you need to know about Starfield’s Sarah Morgan, featuring tips, tricks, best weapons, affinity and her personal questline.

Sarah Morgan is a decent companion for taking as an active companion, largely thanks to your ability to travel around and get approval and affinity, which can lead to romance and her personal quest. She also comes with some decent skills too, which make her handy for combat support. You can find her skills as follows:

Skill Type
"Astrodynamics" iconAstrodynamics (4) Tech
"Lasers" iconLasers (3) Combat
"Leadership" iconLeadership (2) Social
"Botany" iconBotany (1) Science

Her "Astrodynamics" iconAstrodynamics skill allows her to reduce fuel costs by around 30%, meaning your fuel meter can go much further for jumping around stars. Meanwhile, her "Leadership" iconLeadership increases crew sizes if you place her on a ship, and her "Botany" iconBotany skill helps with organic material farms, but nothing spectacular.

For the most part, Sarah Morgan is the sort of companion you want on your ship. Assign her to your ship under the crew setting, and you will likely get the best results from here as she helps make traveling to the distant star systems easier, and improves your ship’s capabilities with the extra crew slot.

However, if you’re determined to romance her or do her personal storyline, then taking her as an active companion is a good choice. The reason for it is because of her "Lasers" iconLasers skills. Lasers grant 10% bonus damage with laser weapons per rank, and since she is rank 3, then she gets a 30% damage boost.

Read More: All Crew Skills in Starfield

Best Sarah Morgan Weapons in Starfield

If you want to take her on your travels, then there are several really good weapons you can give to her as you unlock new weapons and get random drops. We recommend the list as follows:

  1. "Unmitigated Violence" iconUnmitigated Violence
  2. "Unrestrained Vengeance" iconUnrestrained Vengeance
  3. "Orion" iconOrion
  4. "Equinox" iconEquinox
  5. "Short Circuit" iconShort Circuit
  6. "Solstice" iconSolstice

The Unmitigated Violence is a legendary unique lazer rifle, granted by the main storyline choices as you reach the later ends of the main questline. You can get this from a certain corpse involving a character from a decision. Trying to keep it as vague as possible.
The Unrestrained Vengeance is a secret lazer weapon you get from the "High Price to Pay" iconHigh Price to Pay mission. If you can force the Hunter to retreat during the chase sequence by depleting its armor and dealing roughly 50% damage to its HP, you will get a special cutscene as you escape "New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis You will get the weapon as a respect reward for doing so. It’s fairly decent with a bucket full of mods and the Hitman perk on it.

The other weapons on the list are largely your more standardized laser rifles. You’ll randomly find these types of weapons with rare or legendary modifiers from looting enemies, containers, or occasionally stumbling across at higher-level stores. If you happen to get a good roll on any of these weapons, it could be worth passing one on to Sarah Morgan.

Sarah Morgan Location in Starfield

Sarah Morgan’s location is most often found in the Lodge on New Atlantis.

For the most part, you don’t need to worry about unlocking Sarah Morgan; you will be brought to her location naturally in the tutorial. However, there are times when she will randomly not be your active companion, per main story scripts. If you intend on making it easier to track the location of Sarah Morgan, feel free to open your crew menu up, and look for her approximate location. She will either be at an outpost, "The Lodge" iconThe Lodge, or your ship. If you randomly left her somewhere it could also tell you the location of her too.

Starfield’s Sarah Morgan Affinity Guide

Use diplomacy and avoid violence when you don’t need to; otherwise, Sarah Morgan’s Affinity will suffer for it, as so.

Sarah Morgan is a character you will work through from being the standoff lawful good to a character with some more nuance and backstory. But, to get to that point, you must behave yourself. We advise taking Sarah Morgan when you know you’re doing all Constellation stuff or you are being a good playthrough, as Sarah Morgan is very much on the lawful side. So, if you opt for violence, Sarah Morgan typically dislikes that. Meanwhile, if anything gets the job done or gets bad people what they deserve (legally), then Sarah Morgan is likely to approve of that. Violence is a last resort for her.

Also, helping her out during some of the pickle situations in the main storyline is also a good way of getting your affinity with her up. She’s very much fond of it if you speak to her during the High Price To Pay, and she likes it if you talk to her in an activity that can appear after that mission too.

Also, she has some very interesting prompts to choose from in plenty of main story missions, since she is the leader of Constellation.

There’s also a very important part to note about Sara Morgan’s Affinity, so, we have decided to spoiler tag it. It’s worthy knowing about if you intend to do a lot of content with Sarah Morgan, but, it’s quite a heavy spoiler to be blindsided by. So, reveal the next set of information at your own risk.

Sarah Morgan Affinity BlockersShow Spoiler

Sarah Morgan Dies in Starfield

Apologies for the spoilers here, but, if you intend on making Sarah Morgan an important part of your ship’s crew, progressing her romance, or making an active companion, then avoid the High Price To Pay Mission and "No Sudden Moves" iconNo Sudden Moves mission. In mission 9 of the main storyline, Sarah is tasked with going to "The Eye" iconThe Eye no matter what, locking her out of activity with you. In the following mission, you have a choice to visit the eye or stay and defend the lodge. If you choose to stay in the lodge, then Sarah Morgan dies.

So, if you intend to save Sarah Morgan in Starfield, then you need to go to the Eye and save her. But, whatever companion in the Lodge is with you during High Price to Pay will die in place. This character is mostly Barret, but we have heard tales it can be "Sam Coe" iconSam Coe too. It can likely happen to "Andreja" iconAndreja, but, it seems like it is the least likely outcome for most players. It’s worth noting if you plan on completing all character-side content before this mission blocker.

Sarah Morgan’s Quest in Starfield

Once you get to the point where you have built your affinity with Sarah Morgan, you can start the In Memoriam Quest. We have a detailed guide on Sarah Morgan’s romance, so we will mop it up short and sweet, and keep it vague for spoiler reasons. This is a quest that Sarah Morgan gives to you as part of her affinity complete angle. She reveals more about her backstory and something she needs to confront with you.

Simply follow the instructions to go to MAST in New Atlantis, get the needed data, and then visit the star system. Follow the objectives as normal, get more data, and follow some more steps before completing the quest. From there, you will get later decisions to either affirm you want friendship with Sarah Morgan or potentially romance her. Select the romance option if that’s something you want to do. Remember that you can’t romance her if you have already married someone else.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, Shooter
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    18 October 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Starfield is an action role-playing game from Bethesda Game Studios set in a futuristic interpretation of space exploration and colonization. Earth has long been abandoned, but there are plenty of other planets in different star systems where humans have ventured and settled. You have the freedom to create your own character with a unique background, but the main story will take you through a series of adventures as you uncover more information about mysterious artifacts which create gravitational anomalies. Along the way, you can build and customize your own space ship, establish your own outpost, befriend and romance new companions, and more. As a Bethesda game, you can also expect to see a lot of creative mods which have the potential to change your experience of the base game, or take it in an entirely new direction.

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