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Where to Find Sealant in Starfield - Locations, Plants & Uses

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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On this page, you’ll find all the information you need on how to find, use, and automate "Sealant" iconSealant production in Starfield. We detail some of the best planets and biomes to find Sealant, as well as provide an exhaustive list of all Sealant uses in Outpost building, weapon and spacesuit modifications, and more!

Sealant is a glue like substance that is common in crafting, research, weapon mods and more.

Best Sealant Farming Locations in Starfield

Both flora and fauna can be a source of sealant but you can only automate Sealant production using the Greenhouse. The bonus is that the Greenhouse is a more economical module than the Animal Husbandry Facility as all you’ll need is water and power to start producing sealant. Below we’ll provide a list of different flora and fauna that can be harvested for Sealant.

Flora/Fauna Biomes Planet Location Examples
Scarlet Hillfrond (flora) Hills, Mountains, Rocky Desert Heisenberg II, "Heisenberg System" iconHeisenberg System
Pack Hammersaur (fauna) Savanna, Hills Rana III, "Rana System" iconRana System
Kingshead Bugloss (flora) Volcanic, Coniferous Forest Jaffa III, "Jaffa System" iconJaffa System
Sandclaw (flora) Mountains, Sandy Desert, Deciduous Forest Nesoi, "Olympus System" iconOlympus System
Herding Sunflower Filterer (fauna) Frozen Hills, Rocky Desert Altair II, "Altair System" iconAltair System
Tremor Root (flora) Rocky Desert Altair II, "Altair System" iconAltair System
Herding Brainblimp Filterer (fauna) Frozen Mountains, Craters Andromas III, "Andromas System" iconAndromas System
Cold Cave Nettle (flora) Frozen Plains Procyon III, Procyon-A System
Swamp Bottle Root (flora) Swamp, Wetlands Gagarin, Alpha Centauri
Herding Cagebrain Herbivore (fauna) Tropical Forest, Deciduous Forest Tau Ceti VIII-B, "Tau Ceti System" iconTau Ceti System

To be able to automate the production of Sealant, you’ll need to first scan a flora to 100%. Then, you’ll be able to set up a Greenhouse to start your own supply of sealant. Head over to our guide on how to set up a Greenhouse for more information!

(1 of 10) Kingshead Bugloss found on Jaffa III, Jaffa System.

You can also purchase Sealant with relative ease from different vendors found throughout the Settled Systems. Our top vendors are the Jemison Mercantile in "New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis, the Goods stores in "Neon" iconNeon, and The Depot at "The Key" iconThe Key (Crimson Fleet only). Any "Trade Authority" iconTrade Authority shop will also likely stock Sealant as well.

What is Sealant Used For?

Sealant is a major component for crafting loads of different things in Starfield. From Outpost buildings to Research Projects to Weapon Mods, you’ll definitely need a constant supply of Sealant to deal with it all! Below, we’ve given an exhaustive list of all Sealant uses, and also provided additional information regarding other required materials and skills.

Outpost Building, Furniture and Decoration Uses

Sealant, given its a strong glue-like substance, is naturally well suited to building and crafting furniture and outpost buildings. You’ll find that many outpost structures require Sealant and below are some of the most important structures that require sealant. You can also head over to our Decorative Items and Furniture Items guides for furniture and other decor that use sealant! It is also used in the building of all hab buildings for your outpost - you can check out our guide on those here.

Outpost Building Building Cost
Animal Husbandry Facility x5 "Adaptive Frame" iconAdaptive Frame, x8 "Aluminum" iconAluminum, 3x "Reactive Gauge" iconReactive Gauge, x3 "Sealant" iconSealant
Commercial Animal Husbandry Facility x7 "Adaptive Frame" iconAdaptive Frame, x12 "Aluminum" iconAluminum, x2 "Molecular Sieve" iconMolecular Sieve, x6 "Sealant" iconSealant
Industrial Animal Husbandry Facility x9 "Adaptive Frame" iconAdaptive Frame, x16 "Aluminum" iconAluminum, x9 "Sealant" iconSealant, x2 Substrate Molecule Sieve
Greenhouse x5 "Adaptive Frame" iconAdaptive Frame, x4 "Fluorine" iconFluorine, x3 "Reactive Gauge" iconReactive Gauge, x3 "Sealant" iconSealant
Commercial Greenhouse x7 "Adaptive Frame" iconAdaptive Frame, x8 "Fluorine" iconFluorine, x2 "Molecular Sieve" iconMolecular Sieve, x6 "Sealant" iconSealant
Industrial Greenhouse x9 "Adaptive Frame" iconAdaptive Frame, x12 "Fluorine" iconFluorine, x9 "Sealant" iconSealant, x2 Substrate Molecule Sieve
Simple Fabricator 01 - 11 x8 "Aluminum" iconAluminum, x2 "Sealant" iconSealant, x4 "Tungsten" iconTungsten, x3 "Zero Wire" iconZero Wire
"Weapon Workbench" iconWeapon Workbench x3 "Sealant" iconSealant, x3 "Adhesive" iconAdhesive, x4 "Iron" iconIron, x2 "Nickel" iconNickel
Outpost Airlock x1 "Aluminum" iconAluminum, x1 "Lead" iconLead, x1 "Sealant" iconSealant

If you want to build a Greenhouse, you’re gonna need Sealant!

Research Lab Uses

Below, we’ve listed all the Research projects that require Sealant as a material. To research different projects, you’ll need to locate or build a "Research Lab" iconResearch Lab. Researching will enable you to unlock more weapon mods, outpost buildings, medical supplies, and more!

Research Project Material Requirements Skill Requirement
Manufacturing 1 x3 "Sealant" iconSealant, x3 "Iron" iconIron, x3 "Adaptive Frame" iconAdaptive Frame, x2 "Zero Wire" iconZero Wire None
Manufacturing 2 x8 "Sealant" iconSealant, x8 "Tungsten" iconTungsten, x12 "Iron" iconIron, x4 "Adaptive Frame" iconAdaptive Frame, x4 "Lubricant" iconLubricant, x2 "Reactive Gauge" iconReactive Gauge, x4 "Zero Wire" iconZero Wire "Outpost Engineering" iconOutpost Engineering 1★
Manufacturing 3 x12 "Sealant" iconSealant, x12 "Tungsten" iconTungsten, x16 "Iron" iconIron, x12 "Adaptive Frame" iconAdaptive Frame, x4 "Lubricant" iconLubricant, x2 "Positron Battery" iconPositron Battery, x4 "Reactive Gauge" iconReactive Gauge, x8 "Zero Wire" iconZero Wire Outpost Engineering 1★
Domestication 1 x30 "Aluminum" iconAluminum, x10 "Sealant" iconSealant, x10 "Adhesive" iconAdhesive, x10 "Adaptive Frame" iconAdaptive Frame, x5 "Molecular Sieve" iconMolecular Sieve Outpost Engineering 1★, "Zoology" iconZoology 1★
Domestication 2 x3 Substrate Molecule Sieve, x8 "Adaptive Frame" iconAdaptive Frame, x16 "Aluminum" iconAluminum, x12 "Sealant" iconSealant, x12 "Adhesive" iconAdhesive, x4 Hypercatalyst Outpost Engineering 2★, "Zoology" iconZoology 1★
Medical Treatment 3 x4 "Sealant" iconSealant, x8 "Metabolic Agent" iconMetabolic Agent, x4 "Sedative" iconSedative, x4 "Antibiotics" iconAntibiotics "Chemistry" iconChemistry 2★
Pack Mods 1 x4 "Sealant" iconSealant, x4 "Beryllium" iconBeryllium, x4 "Monopropellant" iconMonopropellant, x3 "Polymer" iconPolymer, x2 "Zero-G Gimbal" iconZero-G Gimbal "Spacesuit Design" iconSpacesuit Design 2★
Barrel Mods 1 x3 "Iron" iconIron, x3 "Nickel" iconNickel, x2 "Sealant" iconSealant None
Grips and Stock Mods 1 x3 "Aluminum" iconAluminum, x3 "Nickel" iconNickel, x3 "Sealant" iconSealant None
Optics and Laser Mods 1 x3 "Aluminum" iconAluminum, x2 "Chlorosilanes" iconChlorosilanes, x3 "Sealant" iconSealant None
Muzzle Mods 1 x5 "Titanium" iconTitanium, x10 "Tungsten" iconTungsten, x5 "Sealant" iconSealant "Weapon Engineering" iconWeapon Engineering 1★

Sealant is used in all manner of Research Lab projects, including Domestication 1 and 2.

Spacesuit Modifications Uses

Sealant is used in a few different spacesuit modifications. We’ve listed out all spacesuit modification uses below, complete with the required research to craft them.

Mod Description Materials Required Research Required
Gravitic Composites (Spacesuit) Slot 4 Mod - reduces detection from enemies x1 "Sealant" iconSealant, x1 "Fiber" iconFiber and x3 "Caelumite" iconCaelumite Spacesuit Mods 3
Pocketed (Spacesuit) Slot 4 Mod - increases carrying capacity. x2 "Sealant" iconSealant, x1 "Adhesive" iconAdhesive and x1 "Polytextile" iconPolytextile Spacesuit Mods 2
Extra Capacity Pack Slot 1 Mod - increases carrying capacity by 10 kg x3 "Aluminum" iconAluminum, x2 "Sealant" iconSealant and x3 "Polymer" iconPolymer Pack Mods 2
Oxygen Reserve Pack Slot 1 Mod - increases oxygen capacity by 10% x1 "Sealant" iconSealant, x1 "Aluminum" iconAluminum None

Weapon Modification Uses

As can be seen by the length list below, Sealant is a huge component of weapon modifications. If you’re looking to craft the ultimate weapon, you’re gonna need a good supply of sealant!

One of the most common uses of Sealant is in weapon modifying.

Pharmaceutical Lab Uses

In addition to weapon and spacesuit modifications, Sealant also has a big part to play in the production of Aid supplies at the "Pharmaceutical Lab" iconPharmaceutical Lab. You’ll need x1 Sealant and x1 "Fiber" iconFiber to make "Bandages" iconBandages, and you’ll also need x1 Sealant and x1 Structural to make "Immobilizer" iconImmobilizers. These supplies can then be used to craft higher-tier, more effective medical aids - as long as you’ve done the research!

Sealant is an important material in crafting Bandages.

You Might Also Be Interested In…

That’s all we’ve got on Sealant, and hopefully, you can use our guide to set up your own Sealant production! If you’re looking for more advice on other materials, take a look at these pages:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, Shooter
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    18 October 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Starfield is an action role-playing game from Bethesda Game Studios set in a futuristic interpretation of space exploration and colonization. Earth has long been abandoned, but there are plenty of other planets in different star systems where humans have ventured and settled. You have the freedom to create your own character with a unique background, but the main story will take you through a series of adventures as you uncover more information about mysterious artifacts which create gravitational anomalies. Along the way, you can build and customize your own space ship, establish your own outpost, befriend and romance new companions, and more. As a Bethesda game, you can also expect to see a lot of creative mods which have the potential to change your experience of the base game, or take it in an entirely new direction.

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