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How to Join Ryujin Industries in Starfield

Matt Chard
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One of the more shadowy corporations you can join in Starfield is Ryujin Industries. Situated in "Neon" iconNeon, Volii Alpha, Ryujin is renowned for its famous Neuroamps which provide their customers with various brain-enhancing effects such as focus, and confidence-boosting all from a small piece of tech. Although Neuroamps is their signature product, they also have subsidiaries that range from drones to protection and even coffee. At first, this doesn’t sound too bad, but the longer you spend around them, you’ll soon realize that they will do everything in their power to get what they want, and I mean everything. If this sounds like the corporation for you, read below to find out how you can be an employee, and even get a promotion on your first day!

Ryujin Industries is just one of the many corporations you can join in Starfied.

How to Complete the Application and Get an Interview with Ryujin Industries

Before you can get a job with Ryujin, you’ll need to get and pass an interview. Fortunately, you can apply for an interview via a kiosk in "New Atlantis" iconNew Atlantis, more specifically, outside Galbank in the "MAST District" iconMAST District. When you find the kiosk, interact with it, and select “Job Application”. This will also start the quest “Back to the Grind”.

You can begin the application process from the Kiosk outside Galbank in the MAST district.

Work Experience

The first question will be related to your work experience. You’ll be asked how many years you have in the secretarial or corporate environment. Answer with 10+ years as more experience will be more desirable for a company hiring.

Product Familiarity

This question will pertain to how much you know about Ryujin itself as well as its company. Once again, select the bottom option as knowing about the company hiring you is always advantageous.

Work Proficiency

Ryujin would like to know what your proficiency is with computers regarding general typing, and file management. As you can guess, select the last answer “high” which shows Ryujin that you are perfectly capable of handling whatever they throw at you.


A simple question regarding what level of education you achieved. You should know the drill by now, so pick the bottom option “College: Masters+”. This tells Ryujin that not only are you smart, but you can finish a project you start.

Criminal History

Do you have a history of criminal activity? The answer shouldn’t matter here due to Ryujin’s shady nature, but answer with “No” just to be on the safe side. This means that you can be trusted with company secrets.

There you go, the perfect candidate for Ryujin to hire. Once you’ve finished, submit your application, and you’ll immediately get notified of a job interview in Neon on Volii Alpha in the Volii system.

(1 of 5) Choose 10+ years work experience for Work Experience.

How to Get to Neon in the Volii System

If you’ve only just begun playing Starfield, this will be new to you. You can only travel to far-away systems if you’ve visited the previous system along the route you’re taking. This means for you to reach the Volii system, you’ll need to travel to Olympus first before you can travel to Neon which is situated in Volli Alpha. If you’re having problems traveling at all, make sure you have enough fuel to reach the planet/system you’re trying to reach, and if Grav Jump isn’t working, you’ll need to adjust your grav engine on your ship to at least one bar (Alt) +W-Key / A-Key / S-Key / D-Key).

(1 of 3) You need to visit Olympus first before you can travel to the Volii system.

Ryujin Industries Tower Location

When you reach Neon, exit the ship and head north across the bridge under the neon sign into the elevator. Exit the elevator, and head left (northeast), following the strip to the end. This is Ryujin Industries. Enter the elevator at the end, and select “Operations”; when you reach the Operations floor, speak to the receptionist Lane Garza. She’ll recognize you as one of the interviewees, and she’ll give you directions to Imogene, who is the person to interview you. If you have trouble following directions, you can ask Lane to take you there, and she will.

Speak to Lane on the Operations floor and she’ll take you to Imogen, your interviewer.

How to Pass the Interview at Ryujin Industries

When you reach Imogen, she’ll tell you to take a seat, interact with the chair, and do as she says. She’ll have a few questions for you as you’d expect from an interview. Read below for the correct answers.

Why do you want to work for Ryujin Industries?

There’s no wrong answer here, but this is the order we think would be the best answer. Option 3 > Option 1 > Option 4 > Option 1. We believe option 3 “Neuroamps are revolutionary. I want to be a part of what’s next.” This shows ambition, and drive while also showing you it’s not just about yourself, but you want the company to succeed as well.

Why do you consider yourself qualified for a job like this?

You want to answer with option 1 if you can pass the persuasion check, or 2 if you can’t.

How motivated are you to succeed?

Option 1 “I’ll go above and beyond to get the job done.” Every company loves a kiss ass especially if it means you’ll give your all to them.

If you worked here for five years, what role would you see yourself in?

This would normally be a tough question as you want to seem ambitious, but you don’t want her to think you’re out to steal her job, especially considering her position. All of these are pretty decent answers other than 5 as that shows you’re not confident in your abilities. The top option is also questionable as it shows you have a huge ego, and may be overestimating yourself, and it subtly implies that you could do a better job than her. Option 2 shows ambition, but not ego. Option 3 and 4 both show you care about where the company will end up.

Regardless of choices, you’ll get the job as Imogen has had enough interviews which should be her colleagues’ job who never showed up. Your first order of business is to fetch some coffee for the team from TerraBrew.

(1 of 4) Option 3 feels the best for this question, but any answer is fine other than the obvious.

Where to Find TerraBrew and How to deal with the Tomo Situation

Use the elevator to reach the Lobby, and head back out into the streets. Follow the left side of the streets as you head northwest (back the way you came here), and you’ll soon find TerraBrew next to the Galbank neon sign. Go inside, talk to the barista while skipping the line, and tell her you’re here to pick up an order for Imogene Salzo.

Straight away, she’ll know it’s the Ryujin order, and she’ll ask you what happened to Tomo. Before she can finish her sentence, you’ll get interrupted by the very same man. Tomo appears unhinged, and paranoid as he accuses you of stealing his job. He’s obviously quite upset at the ordeal, but clearly, he has a problem with the wrong person.

(1 of 2) TerraBrew can be found at the opposite end of the strip from Ryujin Industries.

TerraBrew can be found at the opposite end of the strip from Ryujin Industries. (left), Ask the TerraBrew barista for the order regarding Imogen Salzo. (right)

Respond to him any way you want, although if you want to know a bit more about the situation choose one of the bottom two options. Tomo will go off on a tangent and think you’re here to end his life as he knows too much about what Ryujin does behind the scenes before he pulls a gun on you. If Sarah is with you, she’ll try to calm him down before you have a choice to make. You can ask him what he means when he says “either you or me”, you could attack him, but it’s not wise to do it in front of countless people, or you can persuade him to talk about it.

Select the Persuade option, and you’ll bring up the Persuasion minigame. If you’ve never done this before, you need to fill up the gauge under Persuasion to persuade the target, and you’ll have to do it within three turns. Then you’ll get a set of answers that range from +2 to +6. The plus numbers are how much of the gauge you’ll fill up IF the answer is correct. If it fails, you’ll lose the turn which leaves you with fewer turns to fill up the gauge.

(1 of 2) When Tomo has a gun aimed at you, choose the Persuasion option, and select the top option.

When Tomo has a gun aimed at you, choose the Persuasion option, and select the top option. (left), Near the end of the conversation Tomo will ask you to promise him that you won’t take him out when asked, do just that. (right)

Pick Option 2 “You’re throwing your life away here”. This will calm him down briefly, but he still believes that Ularu will send you after him at some point. He’ll ask you to promise him that when that time comes, to not go through with it. You can ask him why Ularu is after him if you want, and you’ll find out a bit more about Ryujin, and their shady practices. Promise him to settle his emotions, and he’ll agree before he leaves.

Speak to the barista again to get your order, and she’ll tell you not to worry as she hasn’t called any security. Take the beverages, and head back to Imogen in Ryujin Industries, but before you go, she’ll tell you to mention to Mr. Cho that the maintenance is done, and she triple-checked the grind herself.

Bring back the Coffee to Imogen

Almost done now. Give Imogen the coffee, and she’ll ask you what took you so long. It doesn’t matter too much what you say here, but Imogen will know of your incident with Tomo, so choose the answer knowing she will know if you’re lying, but it won’t impact the quest or anything else. Regardless of your answer, she’ll be impressed with the way you handled yourself, and give you a promotion! Looks like she wants you to become an operative for the company, someone who gets them what they want, no questions asked. You can ask her exactly what the job entails, and she’ll explain it to you in further detail.

(1 of 2) After bringing back her coffee, Imogen will ask what took so long. Bear in mind she already knows the truth.

After bringing back her coffee, Imogen will ask what took so long. Bear in mind she already knows the truth. (left), Tell Mr. Cho in the boardroom that the barista said she triple-checked the grind herself for extra brownie points. (right)

When you’re ready, head to the boardroom which is adjacent to Imogen’s office, and meet the rest of the people in charge. Answer how you want here as it won’t impact much, but make sure to mention to Mr. Cho what the Barista told you about the maintenance for brownie points. Head back to Imogen one final time, and talk to her to finish the quest. If you continue talking to her, you’ll accept the next quest “One Step Ahead”.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, Shooter
  • Guide Release
    29 August 2023
  • Last Updated
    18 October 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Starfield is an action role-playing game from Bethesda Game Studios set in a futuristic interpretation of space exploration and colonization. Earth has long been abandoned, but there are plenty of other planets in different star systems where humans have ventured and settled. You have the freedom to create your own character with a unique background, but the main story will take you through a series of adventures as you uncover more information about mysterious artifacts which create gravitational anomalies. Along the way, you can build and customize your own space ship, establish your own outpost, befriend and romance new companions, and more. As a Bethesda game, you can also expect to see a lot of creative mods which have the potential to change your experience of the base game, or take it in an entirely new direction.

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