After some thorough investigating around Neon City in the previous quest Shadows in Neon, you’ll have some leads on where to find the two higher ups of the First, so you’ll have a choice who go after first. This page will navigate you through the necessary steps finding Marco.
You can find Autumn Macmillan sitting at the bar.
How to Start The On The Run Faction Quest in Starfield¶
Before you can start the On The Run Faction Quest you’ll need to complete the previous quest, Shadows in Neon and you can do that by following the steps on our Shadows in Neon Walkthrough: Should You Attack or Persuade Emmet Goodman in Starfield. Upon completing the mission, travel over to Red Mile which is located in the Porrima System, then enter the building and speak with Autumn Macmillan who can be found sitting at the bar. Once you’ve finished getting to know each other, follow her to meet with Jade who may be able to present you both with some useful information.
How to Survive The Red Mile in Starfield¶
You’ll now want to make your way back towards the bar and speak with Mei and agree to take part in the Red Mile in order for her to agree to set up a meeting with Marco, then head through the shutter and proceed through the airlock. Here you’ll have an opportunity to upgrade your equipment with the two conveniently placed workbenches, so you’ll want to try and get some armor pieces that have a high thermal stat as this will help you combat the harsh cold temperatures. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure you’re not over encumbered, because you’re going to need to do a lot of running.
(1 of 2) Only shoot the Maulers that get in your way.
Only shoot the Maulers that get in your way. (left), Interact with the pedestal before returning to Mei. (right)
When you get outside, you’ll need to reach the beacon which is located directly opposite the elevator. However, between you and the beacon is lots of Maulers, so you’ll want to run past them unless they are directly in your path, but be careful as they can shoot you with projectiles that stun you. As you’re closing the gap, pay close attention to your health and be sure to regularly heal up to avoid dying and having to start again. Once you’ve successfully interacted with the beacon, return to Mei and speak with her and she’ll get to work setting up your meeting.
Should You Kill or Help Marco in Starfield¶
Quickly get Autumn up to speed, then return to Mei and she’ll inform you that Marco can be found on the planet Codos which can be located in the Cheyenne System. When you land, enter the Fortuna and head to the back to meet with Marco. Here you’ll need to show your badge, then you’ll have the choice to let him operate with a free hand or kill him. If you work with him, then you’ll be rewarded with an Encrypted Slate which Alex can use to gather more information.
(1 of 2) Head to the Codos Planet
Head to the Codos Planet (left), and then you’ll have to choose to help or kill Marco. (right)
Alternatively, you can kill Marco, but that’ll require you to take down all of his men as well as dealing with the turrets. However, if you do go down this path, then you’ll want to grab the keycard from his corpse and enter his office to find a Remote Turret Control Computer. Interact with it and choose the Update Friend/Foe option and then you can use the turrets to your advantage. Finally, return to Akila City and give Alex the slate to bring the quest to a close.
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