It doesn’t take some ancient cataclysm, malignant wizard or dire curse to create a monster; anybody suffering an unclean death can find the draw of the afterlife insufficient distraction from their grief, hatred and pain. Anchored in the mortal realm, these vengeful wraiths prey upon any who venture near the site of their own demise until the bonds that tie them to this world can be severed… ideally by a professional monster slayer. This page will provide a walkthrough for the contract Contract: Jenny o’ the Woods in The Witcher 3.
Quest Objectives¶
Quick Search |
Starting Contract: Jenny o’ the Woods |
Search for Clues About Jenny o’ the Woods |
Defeat Jenny o’ The Woods |
Starting Contract: Jenny o’ the Woods¶
Hit up the notice board in Midcopse to find the notice Contract: Jenny o’ the Woods, which starts a quest of the same name. You don’t actually need to go through the trouble of setting up the quest properly, however, you can just head northwest of the village (west of the house lying north of the rest of the village) and start searching for clues that ultimately lead to a shallow grave, but beyond this point you’ll be instructed to go get the notice off the notice board, so… you might as well grab the notice, then head to the ealdorman’s hut south of the well in the center of town. Talk to him and negotiate your pay, if you wish, after which he’ll refer you to Agneta, a witness. Find her southeast of the ealdorman’s hut and get what information she has.
(1 of 3) Grab the notice “Contract: Jenny o’ the Woods” from the notice board in Midcopse,
Search for Clues About Jenny o’ the Woods¶
Now that you’re done chatting around town, make your way to a search area northwest of town and use your Witcher senses to find some tracks and a scrap of cloth near the center of the search area. Examine both and follow the tracks to find a large pool of blood. Examine this grisly scene and you’ll find an Assassin’s Knife, then follow a trail of blood northwest along a road that only really exists on your minimap to find a shallow grave. Inside the grave you’ll find the aptly named Letter found in a grave, which details a the dangerous fixation of a man named Bokhai for a woman named Zula, and her plan to elope with her lover.
Return to town and talk to the ealdorman and he’ll fill you in on the details missing from the letter. More importantly he’ll tell you where the ill-fated lovers used to meet up outside of town.
(1 of 3) Follow some tracks to a pool of spilled blood,
Defeat Jenny o’ The Woods¶
Leave the ealdorman’s house and head northwest of the village again, this time heading to a new objective further away from town. When you arrive you’ll find a campsite - interact with the campfire and after a scene, Jenny o’ the Woods will arrive.
If the investigation didn’t make it clear, Jenny o’ the Woods is a Nightwraith, which fights almost exactly like a Noonwraith. Most of what you did to complete Contract: Devil By the Well works here - cast Yrden to force the Nightwraith to manifest enough so that your silver sword can deal full damage, then spam strong attack/dodge against the wraith while it’s within the Yrden circle. The only thing you really have to watch out for here aside from striking the Nightwraith while Yrden has it vulnerable is when it splits. At some point during the fight, likely when the Nightwraith is below 50% of its health, it’ll dematerialize and split into three splinters. All of them can be defeated in one hit, but they’ll drain your health while they’re alive and restore the Nightwraith’s health, so just be quick, don’t worry about safety or defense, and whack each splinter to force the Nightwraith to fight you normally again.
(1 of 4) Consult with the ealdorman after your investigation, then follow his directions to a campfire.
Defeat the Nightwraith and loot it for a Nightwraith Trophy and a Forgotten Vran Sword, then return to the ealdorman to get your monetary reward and complete this contract.
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