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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Looters at Toderas

Nathan Garvin
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Following the Nilfgaardian invasion bandits and looters have infested Velen. While they’re a scourge to villagers and travelers alike - even having the gall to attack armed Witchers - their depredations are also of professional concern due to the likelihood that monsters will appear in their wake. This page will provide a walkthrough for one of the Looters quests that can pop up in Velen near the village of "Toderas" iconToderas in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Quest Objectives

Starting Looters at Toderas

All you have to do to start this quest is reach the village of Toderas, which is along the southeastern edge of Veen, just northwest of the village of Benek. It should be noted that despite the yellow exclamation mark that appears when you get close, this quest is not actually listed in your journal

Defeat the Looters at Toderas

When you find Toderas, enter the village proper to find a group of peasants, now split into two arguing factions. The corpses lying about are damning, and as you approach the looters will warn you not to interfere. If you pick the dialog option “No monsters. So long.” Geralt will agree that as monstrous as the massacre undoubtedly was, it’s not the kind of monstrous that calls for a Witcher. Geralt’s parting words are poison, however, as he’ll suggest the two sides split the loot, which naturally devolves into a fight. Invariably one group will trounce the other, but the survivors will not be able to be interacted with, either by talking or attacking. You can loot the slain, but all in all it’s a pretty anticlimactic way to resolve things.

(1 of 2) Confront some looters at Toderas,

Confront some looters at Toderas, (left), and if you decline to get involved, Geralt will make an innocuous suggestion that results in the looters turning on each other. (right)

Alternatively you can pick the option “Actually see several monsters…” which will offend the butchers and set the now unified group against you. There are seven enemies, variously armed with two-handed weapons, single-handed weapons and shields. It’s a bit busy for the standard parry-and-counter routine, but you can dodge around them and try to land strong attacks on the two-handers when the opportunity presents itself, using "Igni" iconIgni when they bunch up. Once their numbers thin a bit, employ the standard tactics to finish them off. You’ll gain a pittance of EXP for vanquishing the looters.

While the EXP reward might not be great for this quest, you can now freely loot Toderas. View it as thanks from the slain villagers of Toderas for avenging them. There are numerous containers and parcels lurking about which collectively contain a treasure trove of crafting materials and alchemical ingredients. It would cost you many hundreds of crowns to purchase all these goods from merchants, and this haul makes it well worth the bother of intervening in Toderas.

(1 of 3) Alternatively, Geralt can provoke the looters - circle them and use strong attacks on the two-handers,

Necrophages at Toderas

You know the saying, where corpses lay, necrophages play. Actually that’s not a saying, we just made it up, but there’s truth in it. Toderas won’t remain vacant for long - come back at a later date after dealing with the looters (whether you killed them, tricked them into killing each other, or simply left them alone) and the town will be overrun by a new menace - necrophages. These come in the form of Devourers (Lv13) and "Alghouls" iconAlghouls (Lv14), a rather nasty collection of necrophages for this point in the game.

Devourers are an upgraded form of "Rotfiends" iconRotfiends, which fight a lot like "Drowners" iconDrowners, differentiated mostly by their explosive death. Get them to below 25% or so of their health and when they start convulsing, get away, as their death throes are devastating, both to Witcher and, with a bit of lucky, nearby monsters. Alghouls are, as their name implies, upgraded "Ghouls" iconGhouls. They deal massive damage (on Death March! two hits will probably be fatal) and they can extend spines along their back to deflect and punish melee attacks. Use "Axii" iconAxii to trick them into lowering their spines and open them up for attack. They’ll also regenerate health at a prodigious rate when their spines are out, and Axii will put a temporary end to that, as well. Alghouls can also shriek, which will stagger Geralt and dispel "Quen" iconQuen - if you’re using Active Shield, it won’t drain your Stamina, however. It’s a tricky combination of foes, but try to pick off stragglers, don’t run into the middle of Toderas and fight them all at once, and focus on the Devourers, first, as Alghouls need sustained attention to bring down reliably.

(1 of 2) Return to Toderas later and you’ll find it crawling with necrophages - be wary of Devourers, as they explode when defeated.

Return to Toderas later and you’ll find it crawling with necrophages - be wary of Devourers, as they explode when defeated. (left), Alghouls are a more typical threat, but their claws can deal grievous damage, their spines must be countered with Axii and their howls can disrupt Quen, making them troublesome foes. (right)

There’s no reward for killing the monsters at Toderas, but their monster bits and the EXP you’ll gain from the kills may be enticing enough.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    CD Projekt
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, Switch, XB One
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    23 June 2015
  • Last Updated
    22 August 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin (Haeravon)

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You are Geralt of Rivia, a professional monster-hunter known as a Witcher. You’ve fully regained your memories since your miraculous revival and escape from the Wild Hunt, and have cleared your name of the false accusations of regicide. In the wake of the assassination of Foltest, king of Temeria, the north have been rent by warfare as Nilfgaard launches its third major invasion, and the northlands have been united under the insane king Radovid. Overshadowing these petty politics is the mysterious return of Ciri - Geralt’s adopted daughter, who is now being pursued by the Wild Hunt.

The guide offers the following:

  • A full walkthrough that’s more than just a listing of quests-it’s an “ideal chronological order” that will get you through the whole game and allow you to see and do everything the game has to offer.

  • Side quests, including monster contracts and treasure hunts for obtaining powerful Witcher sets.

  • Descriptions of decisions, quests, and events that influence the various endings of the game.

  • Crafting and Alchemy information.

  • General strategies on how to take down foes large and small, monstrous and humanoid, boss or mundane.

  • Information on how to complete all the Gwent quests and obtain all the Gwent cards, including detailed Gwent strategies.

  • Trophy/Achievement information.

MASSIVE UPDATE: 7th September 2016 ongoing

  • Added DLC quests “Fool’s Gold” and “Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear”.
  • Organisational changes in the Velen section of the walkthrough to reflect the increased level of Griffin School Gear.
  • Organisational changes throughout the walkthrough to provide a “no skulls” path through the game.
  • Added Death March difficulty tips and commentary throughout the guide.
  • More XP reward numbers included.
  • Walkthrough now includes additional information based on patch changes.
  • Various typo and grammar fixes.
  • Added DLC pages for Blood & Wine, Heart of Stone
  • Lots more quality of life improvements

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