Witchers typically elicit a negative response from normal humans, being viewed as dangerous, emotionless, vagabond mutants, albeit ones which are occasionally useful when particularly troublesome monsters need slaying. Some, however, have an odd fascination for Witchers, finding their otherness intriguing, while others still seek to test themselves against the fabled superhuman prowess and experience Witchers possess. This page will provide a walkthrough for the secondary quest Fencing Lessons in The Witcher 3.
Quest Objectives¶
Starting Fencing Lessons¶
This quest can be easily missed, as it’s an accessory to the main quest Broken Flowers. To start this quest you must defeat Rosa var Attre during both sparring matches and respond to her requests for future lessons by saying “Gladly” and “Where and when?”. Once the groundwork has been laid out, you’ll need to wait at least a day before returning to the Var Attre estate, whereupon you’ll be able to talk to the Var Attre Guard Captain who will tell you the tomboy scamp left on a walk. Still, this advances the quest - now you just need to rendezvous with Rosa var Attre.
(1 of 3) During Broken Flowers, defeat Rosa in two sparring matches,
Escort and Duel Rosa var Attre¶
You can catch up to Rosa var Attre along the eastern edge of the nonhuman distract - the island southeast of Novigrad. She, along with a guard, will be standing along a road near the bridge that ultimately leads to the Seven Cats Inn. Talk to them and Rosa will quickly get up to mischief by dismissing her guard, trusting in Geralt’s prowess to keep her safe - but more than likely, she just wants to be away from prying eyes. Say what you will during this conversation, then follow Rosa across the bridge, which she decides is a good spot for a duel.
As far as fights go, this one is pretty simple and plays out much like the sparring matches during Broken Flowers - wait for Rosa to attack, parry her, then counterattack. You can usually get away with 2-3 fast attacks each time you parry, and since you’re using real weapons this time, Rosa’s health will deplete much faster. If you’ve got decent gear - say the Griffin Steel Sword - it should only take three parries to defeat Rosa. Of course, this works both ways - Rosa now hits like a truck, and you’ll be bested if you let her land several strikes. This functionally makes this phase of the quest a skill check - if you know how to parry, it’ll be pretty easy, if not, not. Winning will earn you 25 EXP, and Rosa will make a request - indulge her and she’ll run off, forcing you to find her.
(1 of 4) Track her down to the nonhuman district and she’ll dismiss her guard, allowing you to scamper off alone.
Find and Rescue Rosa var Attre¶
Activate your Witcher senses and cross the bridge to pick up Rosa’s tracks, which ultimately lead to the Seven Cats Inn. Here you’ll find that Rosa has attracted the unwanted attention of two locals, who, naturally, aren’t fond of Nilfgaardians. Intervene and you’ll get three options: pick “Leave her alone. Piss off.” and you’ll pick a fight with the two men (Lv9), who are armed with clubs and have no noteworthy combat aptitude. You can also pay the men 50
Crowns to leave, earning the standard 10% value in EXP (5 EXP, if you’re miserable at math) or you can use the
Axii sign to convince them to leave, earning you a moderate amount of EXP without lightening your coin purse.
(1 of 3) After defeating Rosa she’ll give you the slip. Use your Witcher senses and track her to the Seven Cats Inn,
Either way, once the men are dealt with, Rosa will express scorn for them (and threaten revenge, if you paid them off or Axii’d them away). Pick whatever dialog options you wish and Geralt will convince Rosa to head home - the only real difference is she’s a bit frostier if you pick the option “And you wonder why the North hates Nilfgaard.”. The quest will end and you’ll earn another 25 EXP for your troubles.
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