Witchering isn’t a very glamorous job. Terrible hours, constant travel, you’re never home, the pay is surprisingly lousy, your customers cause most of their own problems and are usually uncooperative, at best, and the job is dirty and dangerous. Sure the fringe benefits are nice - an extended life span, superhuman reflexes, enhanced senses and immunity to disease - but that hardly counters everything else, to say nothing of the ostracism faced by Witchers for being mutants. If you happen to be a grifter impersonating a Witcher for the fringe benefits without actually having to deal with the whole “kill monsters” bit of the business, however… The page will provide a walkthrough for the secondary quest Witcher Wannabe in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Quest Objectives¶
Quick Search |
Starting Witcher Wannabe |
Find the Witcher at the Cemetery |
Choice: Choose the Fake Witcher’s Fate |
Expose the Fake Witcher |
Cover for the Fake Witcher |
Starting Witcher Wannabe¶
This is one of those obscure secondary quests which is harder to start than it is to complete. Before you can begin this quest you must complete Contract: The Merry Widow in Lindenvale. Once this quest is complete, leave the area and busy yourself with other tasks for a few days - roughly a week of time in-game should suffice. Heading north across the bridge and waiting repeatedly might suffice, but if not, clear a map marker, complete a quest, or otherwise busy yourself. Return to Lindenvale after some time has passed and you’ll find the village Ealdorman complaining off the road running through Lindenvale - you’ll find him near the signpost. Talk to him and he’ll vent his frustrations about another member of the Witchering guild - your responses don’t matter, and this quest will start once the conversation ends.
After completing the contract “The Merry Widow”, return to Lindenvale after a week or so and you’ll find the Ealdorman complaining about a Witcher who stole his daughter’s virtue.
Find the Witcher at the Cemetery¶
Make your way east of Lindenvale to reach its cemetery, which you should be familiar with by now. Rabid Dogs, a
Grave Hag, and now a
Ghoul - this place is just a magnet for creatures. They should take up cremation or get a gravedigger who can bury their dead deep enough. In any event, kill the Ghoul (Lv10) romping around the cemetery, then activate your Witcher senses to find a trail of footprints leading to the southwestern edge of the cemetery to find this suspicious Witcher. It won’t take long for Geralt to sniff him out as a fraud, but before Geralt can deal with this embarrassment two villagers will arrive.
(1 of 2) Head back to the cemetery east of Lindenvale and kill a Ghoul,
Head back to the cemetery east of Lindenvale and kill a Ghoul, (left), then use your Witcher senses to find some tracks leading to the southwestern edge of the cemetery. (right)
Choice: Choose the Fake Witcher’s Fate¶
The villagers will wonder, astutely enough, why it took two Witchers to deal with one measly Ghoul, and you’ll get some dialog options that determine how the quest ends. There are four outcomes you can get depending on your choices, although we should note that none of them really matter outside of personal preference. You’re getting 10 EXP for finding the fake Witcher and another 75 EXP for completing the quest, whatever choices you make, so feel free to choose what you want. With that said, here are the options:
Expose the Fake Witcher¶
For the first two options you’ll need to expose the fake Witcher by saying “Only one here.”, after which you can turn him over to the village elder for justice by picking “Take him to the village elder.” or you can convince the peasants to show mercy by suggesting “Let him go.”. In the latter case, the peasants will surprisingly relent, threatening to sic the hounds on the fraudster if they see him again, but in the former case… well, the ealdorman cut the hands off a thief and considering what this conman did to his daughter… it’s not a good ending for the fake Witcher.
(1 of 2) You’ll get four outcomes to this quest, two if you choose to expose the fake Witcher,
You’ll get four outcomes to this quest, two if you choose to expose the fake Witcher, (left), and two if you choose to cover for the fraudster. (right)
Cover for the Fake Witcher¶
Alternatively you can choose to cover for the fraud by saying “Took two Witchers to kill this ghoul.”, after which you can choose your own punishment by using the esoteric nature of Witchering to make up your own rules. Say “He’s gotta work off his failure.” and you’ll consign the fake Witcher to a year of servitude in Lindenvale, while responding with “He’s not allowed to return to this village.’ will let him off light with exile. In the former case, you’ll find him working a field along the southern edge of town when you return to Lindenvale, and maybe, just maybe, some honest hard work is just what this man needs.
Either way, make your choices and the quest will end, earning you a bit of EXP for your troubles.
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