If you ever needed an easy method to farm money in The Witcher 3, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve spent a while testing out a simple method for earning more money, especially later in the game.
Farming Bandits for Money¶
While you can earn a steady influx of cash by completing quests - especially monster contracts, if you haggle - a Witcher isn’t a high-paying profession, and sometimes you need to resort to less savory methods of raising funds. Monster bits aren’t in high demand, and the relatively few merchants who will pay for them don’t tend to have a ton of cash on hand, making it fairly tedious to sell off the various components you cut from the flesh of your prey. Humans, however… humans carry weapons, and in the war-torn north, weapons always have a market.
(1 of 4) Travel to various signposts throughout Novigrad, including Alness,
While it may be beneath a Witcher’s dignity to hunt humans for profit, the numerous bandits infesting Velen, Novigrad and Skellige are something of a moral gray area - a lucrative moral gray area. Normally when you clear bandit camps and other gatherings of ne’er-do-wells, the inhabitants won’t respawn, but there are a few locations across the map where bandits will consistently reappear, and these include:
- Northeast of Alness (Novigrad)
- Southwest of Drahim Castle (Novigrad)
- Southeast of Ursten (Novigrad)
- North of the Giant’s Toes (Skellige)
(1 of 3) Near these locations you’ll find bandits,
The grind is simple, travel to the areas where bandits respawn (listed above), kill them, and loot them for various weapons, including axes, blackjacks, maces. These aren’t terribly valuable, individually, but like most gear drops in The Witcher 3, they scale roughly to your level, so by the time you’re approaching late-game (level 30ish) each one will be appropriately leveled, and such variants should sell for 50-70 crowns each. You’ll find three enemies at each location, above (save Drahim Castle, where four horsemen await you), which will usually score you a dozen junk weapons to sell, earning you roughly 600-800 crowns per run.
While not, perhaps, as quick or mindless as one would hope, this is arguably one of the better ways to farm enemies for crowns. The enemies should largely be fodder by the time you reach late-game levels and none of them are terribly far away from signposts, so moving between locations should be simple enough. This does constitute a good number of load screens, though, so the better your hardware, the less painful this will be.
Just keep running that loop, stopping to sell weapons when your inventory fills up. You don’t even have to meditate, as moving between Novigrad and Skellige will cause enemies in the other landmass to respawn.
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