As you may have gathered through the odd side quest around Toussaint, there are plenty of Gwent cards for a Skellige deck in this DLC. So much so we have decided to create this page to give you a recap of all the Toussaint Gwent cards and Skellige deck cards you can get in this DLC expansion.
Important Items in this Area¶
- Clan Brokvar Archer Card
- Cerys Card
Gwent Players in this Area¶
- Herbalist - Clan Brokvar Archer Card
- Innkeep - Cerys Card
Gwent in Toussaint: Recap¶
This quest has been something of an on-going task you should have been working towards as you completed other tasks. In fact, during the initial story quests in Toussaint (The Beast of Toussaint and Blood Run) and the first bouts of exploration in Beauclair (Exploring Beauclair (Part 1) and Exploring Beauclair (Part 2), you should have obtained fifteen of the nineteen new Gwent cards, along with a Skellige starter deck. Another two were obtained during the quest Turn and Face the Strange (in Francollarts, which is covered in the section Turn and Face the Strange - To the Ruins, leaving only two more to go. Those two will be yours shortly, but in case you missed any, a recap is in order. After all, you need to win this tournament with a Skellige deck, so you may as well have all the options possible at your disposal.
(1 of 2) Talk to Count Monnier in Beauclair to obtain a starter deck of Gwent cards.
Talk to Count Monnier in Beauclair to obtain a starter deck of Gwent cards. (left), To expand your Skellige deck, you’ll need to defeat players across Toussaint. (right)
Witcher 3: Skellige Gwent Cards Locations and Rewards in Toussaint¶
All the cards you can win by playing NPCs are listed below, the rest of the Skellige deck can be obtained by talking to Count Monnier in Beauclair:
Player | Location | Card |
Innkeep | Beauclair | Draig Bon-Dhu |
Merchant | Beauclair | Light Longship |
Armorer | Beauclair | Kambi |
Merchant | Beauclair | Clan Dimun Pirate |
Herbalist | Beauclair | Mardroeme |
Sommelier | Beauclair | Olaf |
Pierre | Beauclair | Young Berserker |
Camerlengo | Beauclair | King Bran |
Madame | Beauclair | Mardroeme |
Butcher | Beauclair | Skellige Storm |
Herbalist | Castel Ravello Vineyard | Clan Brokvar Archer |
Innkeep | Flovive | Cerys |
Armorer | Francollarts | Clan Dummond Shield Maiden |
Innkeep | Francollarts | Ermion |
Innkeep | The Cockatrice Inn | Clan Dummond Shield Maiden |
Blacksmith | Tourney Grounds | Young Berserker |
Armorer | Tourney Grounds | Skellige Storm |
Barber | Tourney Grounds | Skellige Storm |
Innkeep | Tourney Grounds | War Longship |
Gwent at the Castel Ravello Vineyard¶
With that out of the way, it’s time to get the two final Skellige cards. From the Chuchote Cave singpost, follow the road northeast until you spot the Castel Ravello Vineyard to the north. Make your way to this bastion of civilization and be sure to score the signpost for it along its eastern walls. After doing so, head inside and peruse a Notice Board, where you can find the notice “Needed: Master Magicker!” which will start the quest A Knight’s Tales, which you’ll be getting to after dealing with this Gwent business and the “Wine Wars” questline.
Speaking of which, back to the business at hand. Make your way northwest from the Notice Board to find the house of the local Herbalist, a downright shady character if her notice is to be believed, but hey, she plays Gwent, and that’s all that matters right now. Defeat her rather weak Nilfgaardian deck and claim her “Clan Brokvar Archer” Card.
Scoring Cerys in Flovive¶
Now, for the final card fast travel to The Cockatrice Inn signpost and from there follow the road southeast, south, then east along the river. Your trip should be mostly uneventful, but you may run across a Water Hag (level forty-four) along the way, which should be easy enough to kill or, if it has a skull, avoid.
After the road turns east you should spot a town in the distance, the sizable town of Flovive. The signpost for this location is north of your destination - The Barrel and Bung Inn - so be sure to go out of your way to discover this beforehand, as it’ll save you some time later on. While you’re here, also be sure to check out the Notice Board to grab the notices “Contract: The Monster of Tufo” and “Contract: Mysterious Plummeting Cattle”, which start the quests Contract: The Tufo Monster and Contract: Bovine Blues, respectively. The former is probably too high of a level to bother with right now, but the latter will be a nice bit of work after dealing with the “Wine Wars” quests.
Enough with Flovive, it’s time to Gwent! Make your way to The Barrel and Bung Inn, inside of which you’ll find an Innkeep, of course, who plays Gwent… like all Innkeeps are apparently required to do. Defeat her decent Northern Kingdoms deck and you’ll score the “Cerys” Card, one of Skellige’s stronger cards.
A Gwent problem? More like a Gwent solution! Now you should possess the entire Skellige deck, giving you the best odds of success in the upcoming tournament. This ends the quest Gwent: Never Fear, Skellige’s Here and paves the way for a successful run at Gwent: To Everything - Turn, Turn, Tournament!.
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