Important Items in this Area |
Pimpernel |
Diagram: Enhanced Ursine Armor |
Prudes and Pimpernel¶
Leave the Distillery - and the mountain - and follow the trail you took to get here until you reach the fork again. This time, however, take the previously unexplored road to the north-east, being wary of White Wolves (level fifteen) that lurk about as you go. Your destination is north of this road, so keep an eye on your quest marker and head to the search area - if you reach a fork, you’ve gone too far east, and need to veer off the road from this fork north-west into the forest. Once there, activate your Witcher Senses and spot some pimpernel in the center of the search area, which, unfortunately, has already been harvested. Search it and a druid will approach and tell you of some difficulties Gremist has been inflicting upon some other prospective students.
Agree to go with the druid in search of his wayward companion then follow some tracks to the south - bipedal, hoofed tracks. This seems familiar somehow… The tracks will meander more or less south-east until they hit a road, which you should follow north. Dispatch an Armored Arachas (level twenty-six) if necessary, then search a crude grave alongside the road. Investigate the grave and Geralt will talk about the corpse’s condition, while the druid identifies the man.
Follow the road back south to where the tracks are and follow them uphill to the south, where the hoofed tracks will shortly be joined by some normal, human tracks. Eventually you’ll find the wayward druid and his monstrous companion… which, if you guessed Succubus, you were correct! Ramund insists his new friend is harmless, and the Succubus makes a plausible case for her innocence.
Use your Witcher Senses to track down the monster that has been… uh… distracting local druids (left). Either through violence or diplomacy you can secure yourself some Pimpernel (right).
You now have a choice to make; be a good Witcher and exterminate the monster, or be a good person and don’t condemn a possibly innocent sapient being. In the former case, you’ll have to put down the Succubus (level twenty-five), who is just as fond of fire spells as the last Succubus you may have fought. After the fight Ramund will understandably be quite upset. If you refuse to kill her, the druid will get annoyed and stomp off, vowing to return later. Oh well, if it comes to blows, surely a legendary Witcher can rough up a few Druids. Plus, the succubus is prettier.
Either way, you’ll need to find the Succubus’ cave. Follow a scent trail - and a more traditional trail - to the east (or follow the Succubus herself, if you spared her) to find a cave. Head to the southern end of the cave and take the “Pimpernel” you need.
Objective | Reward |
For obtaining a Pimpernel | 80 XP |
Taken as a Lass - Part 1 (Level 25)¶
Time to go after the last ingredient! Leave the cave and head north down a slope (sliding down carefully, of course) until you reach a some flatlands, killing yet another pack of White Wolves (level fifteen) if necessary. Geralt is really more of a canine exterminator in this game than he is a proper Witcher. Anyways, if you come across some withered trees, you’re starting to go too far north and need to turn east.
You should shortly reach the coast,w here you might find a flock of Ekhidna (level nineteen). If so, kill them, then make your way south along the shore until the beach abruptly ends at some rocks. Remain undaunted and take to the water, swimming south to find an alcove. Swim to shore - past a boat and jetty - to find a Warrior fending off a group of Pirates (level twenty-five). Kill the Pirates and talk to the Warrior, who will talk about his abducted sister, and ask you to help look for her. Agree to help to start the quest “Taken as a Lass” .
Objective | Reward |
For helping the Warrior fend off the Pirates | 50 XP |
The Sad Tale of the Grossbart Brothers (Level 26)¶
Take the Warrior’s boat (he doesn’t seem to be using it) and sail south along to coast until you find the “Grotto” signpost. What you’re really looking for is the signpost outside, with which you can fast-travel to your next destination, but while you’re here… head inside the grotto and pop a Cat potion, as it’s pretty dark inside, after all. Score a chest in the water in the main cavern, search behind a column to the east to find some generous parcels, then climb a ledge along the south-western end of the chamber to find three more parcels. Once all that looting it done climb onto the rocks to the north-east.
Head north into a tunnel to find your friend Djenge Frett, who asked you to help him hunt down the notorious Grossbart Brothers. When you approach he’ll ask you if you’re still game for some light bounty hunting. Confirm and follow him into a chamber to the south-west, where the vile threesome lurks. Apply some Hanged Man’s Venom Oil to your steel sword before you engage the brothers to make this already easy fight even easier, and put the three vagrants (level twenty-six) down.
When you’re done, Djenge (if he survived) will ask if you want to do more work together, and offer Geralt declines. Loot their chamber, including the chest just west of some bedding which contains the “Diagram: Enhanced Ursine Armor” . Score. Return to the north-eastern chamber, then follow it north, as there are several containers to loot in here. Especially be sure to explore the slope in the north-western corner of the chamber to find a lucrative chest.
Objective | Reward |
For putting an end to the Grossbart Brothers | 25 XP / 50 Crowns |
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