There are several Traits that you can pick from when making your character at the start of Starfield. These are a crucial part of how your early game will go. Some traits are of course more helpful than others, especially if you have certain playstyles that can benefit from the parks the trait gives you. The guide below takes a look at the Hero Worshipped Trait and if the
Adoring Fan is worth your time to recruit to your crew.
The Adoring Fan will find you pretty quickly after you make it out of the tutorial.
What is The Hero Worshipped Trait?¶
The Hero Worshipped Trait is one of the many traits that you can choose when customizing your character. Traits give you special perks, often at a cost and you can only choose three. Hero Worshipped will cause an Adoring Fan to pop up randomly as you are playing the game. He can pop up anywhere and at just about any time, but be warned that he will find his way to your side. You can get him to join your crew and he will bring you presents from time to time.
Is The Hero Worshipped Trait Useful¶
Yes, we would say that for the early game, this is one of the better traits. The Adoring Fan only took about 30 minutes to find me after I entered Atlantic City. Many players seem to also find him very early on, which is great for a few reasons. For starters, the Adoring Fan is more than happy to stay at your side, meaning that you can immediately recruit him to be a crew member on your ship and use him as your first companion. If you don’t recruit him then he will continue to follow you around and keep popping up no matter where you go. His skills make him great for when you need to gather items, sneak around during a quest, or have someone to carry your things. Here are the skill he comes with:
You can have him follow you around on missions and fight alongside you, which in the early game is extremely useful until you get some stronger companions. Best of all, he can hold items for you, helping to offset some of the inventory restraints you will face early on. Like other followers, you can also send him back to the ship if he starts to grate on your nerves too much. Additionally, you can ask to learn more about him, from there you can persuade him with the Commerce Skill to give you all the Credits he has, which isn’t much. He will also bring you presents from time to time. You can’t romance the Adoring Fan, and if you ask him about it, he will insist that the relationship is purely platonic.
If you want to get rid of your Adoring Fan, then you can persuade him that you’re awful if your Social Skill is high enough or just kill him. Be aware that this will permanently get rid of him. If you have given him items you will need to loot his body to get them back, so be sure to trade everything back into your inventory if you wish to simply let him walk away. Keep in mind that another Adoring Fan won’t spawn after this. In all honesty, though, the Adoring Fan isn’t really that annoying. While he does make comments from time to time, he’s a lot quieter than you’d think and really doesn’t seem to say any more than you’d expect from a standard companion.
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