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Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Heading to Vinisog Holm

Vincent Lau
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This is a guide for Chapter 5 of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, covering the journey to Vinisog Holm in the Cadensia Region.

How to pilot the Boundary

(1 of 2) Whoo, ship time!

Whoo, ship time! (left), While driving the ship, no monsters will attack you. (right)

Now that you’ve got yourselves a fancy ship, the next thing to do is to learn how to use it. Thankfully, the game always displays the controls near the bottom-right corner, provided you’re not checking the current quest details. Or you can hit Joy-Con-ButtonPlus to close the display.

Button Purpose
Joy-Con-ZR Hold this to accelerate, traveling forward.
Joy-Con-ButtonB Hold this to reverse.
Joy-Con-ZR + Joy-Con-DPad-Up Enables/disables Autopilot, where you automatically accelerate.
Joy-Con-ButtonA Hold to exit the ship, at any time.
Joy-Con-ButtonA Press to exit the ship and enter combat, if foes are nearby.
Joy-Con-ZL + Joy-Con-DPad-Down Enter the Cabin, where you can level up, train etc.

How to reach Vinisog Holm

(1 of 2) Erythia Sea is vast, but most of it just water.

Erythia Sea is vast, but most of it just water. (left), To begin with, we suggest heading to Vinisog Holm to get your bearings. (right)

After boarding the Boundary, set a course due north from Sentridge Harbor. After leaving the tunnel, you’ll emerge in a fairly enclosed area. To the west, there’s a path that leads back around to N’ohm Wetlands, via Morrack Inlet. Might be worth taking a detour, although you’ll be heading there for Lanz’s Side Story.

Further north is the entrance to Erythia Sea itself, a vast ocean that’s home to many islands, large and small, with Agnus Castle in the far distance. At this point, you can explore the entire Erythia Sea, minus the area near the castle, which is part of the Agnus Castle Barbican.

To advance the story, you must visit Vinisog Holm, which is the small island nearest the entrance, if you travel north-north-east.

Notable Areas in Erythia Sea

(1 of 2) Daedal Isle is home to many massive monsters.

Daedal Isle is home to many massive monsters. (left), Lavi Sandbar features a hidden underground area accessible via quicksand. (right)

Here’s a quick overview of each notable area in Erythia Sea, bearing in mind we won’t be visiting all of them during this walkthough (but you’ll free to explore). To emphasize, this is just the notable areas; there are many minor areas dotted around too.

Area Description
Vinisog Holm The island nearest to the southern entrance, located north-north-east. Your initial destination.
Morrack Inlet Back road leading to N’ohm Wetlands. After leaving the Sentridge Harbor tunnel, turn left at the nearest opportunity, then travel south. You’ll go here for Lanz’s Side Story.
Brasa Geothermal Belt A marsh area along the south edge of Erythia Sea, east from the entrance. Hazard Neutralization is recommended.
Baldotas Atoll A spiny island near the south-west corner; west-north-west from Vinisog Holm. There’s a Ferronis Hulk here.
Cape Arcaphor A waterfall area near the south-east corner; east from Vinisog Holm. You’ll visit here during Chapter 7.
Daedal Isle A large island near the lower center of the sea; north from Vinisog Holm. High level foes lurk within the walled section of the island.
Hargan Point A small area along the east edge of the sea; east from Daedal Island. Colony 15 moves here after you visit Ishan Isle, between here and Daedal Island.
Corne Island An island located at the west side of the sea; north from Baldotas Atoll. You’ll visit here after Vinisog Holm.
Thurbin Island An island near the center of the sea; north-north-east from Daedal Island. The Erythia Relay Base is here. You’ll also visit here after Vinisog Holm.
Anu Shoals A group of beaches and raised land east from Thurbin Island. There’s a way to reach the back of Thurbin Island from here.
Migrow’s Rosary A group of islands connected by bridges near the north-west corner of the main sea. North from Corne Island. Colony Mu is here.
Lavi Sandbar A sandy island around the north-east corner of the main sea; north from Thurbin Island. A Ferronis Hulk is here.
Hermit’s Inlet A shore located at the north-east corner of the main sea; north-east from Lavi Sandbar. If you begin Taion’s Side Story, you’ll find the Lost Colony here.

What to do at Vinisog Holm

(1 of 3) Kisame is apparently here at Vinisog Holm.

Upon arriving at Vinisog Holm, hold Joy-Con-ButtonA to get off the Boundary when you’re next to the shore. When you go a bit further into the shore, the quest marker will move further in. From here, head up the eastern slope towards the Vinisog Holm Camp. The gang will rest up and eventually your contact, Kisame, will arrive. Your next task is to find info related to Li Garte Prison Camp at two locations:

New Quests at Erythia Sea

Hero Quests

Name Map Marker Location
Doing It My Way Map Marker Hargan Point, after triggering the quest event at Ishan Island.
Transparent Dreams Map Marker Conchrock Beach at Migrow’s Rosary.

Standard Quests

Name Map Marker Location
The Atoll Hulk Map Marker Approach Baldotas Atoll.
The Sandbar Hulk Map Marker Approach the center of Lavi Sandbar.
Unspeakable Being Map Marker Predator’s Paw, along the east edge of the sea. Adjacent to Anu Shoals.

Locations around Vinisog Holm

(1 of 2) Head here to find a back road leading to N’ohm Wetlands.

Head here to find a back road leading to N’ohm Wetlands. (left), After a long sea voyage, you can rest at Vinisog Holm. (right)


Name Description
Morrack Inlet Shore leading back to N’ohm Wetlands, if you turn left after leaving the Sentridge Harbor tunnel, then travel south.
Cradle Convoy Shelter Continue south from Morrack Inlet, until reaching Pedesto Valley Floor. Only appears during/after Lanz’s Side Story.

Rest Spots

Name Description
Vinisog Holm Camp North side of Vinisog Holm, which is north-north-east from the entrance to Erythia Sea.

Containers around Vinisog Holm

(1 of 2) There are a few containers beyond Morrack Inlet.

There are a few containers beyond Morrack Inlet. (left), Plus two containers at Vinisog Holm. (right)

Container # Map Marker Location
1 Map Marker Along Knife’s Edge Pass, when you travel south from Morrack Inlet.
2 Map Marker East side of Pedesto Valley Floor, beyond Knife’s Edge Pass.
3 Map Marker At Pedesto Valley Floor, slightly east from the center. Only appears during/after Lanz’s Side Story.
4 Map Marker Near end of the pathway south from Pedesto Valley Floor and just before returning to N’ohm Wetlands.
5 Map Marker At Vinisog Holm, south from the camp site.
6 Map Marker At Vinisog Holm, west from the camp site.

Soldier Husks around Vinisog Holm

Soldier Husk # Map Marker Location
1 Map Marker Near end of Knife’s Edge Pass, if you continue south from Morrack Inlet.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    26 July 2022
  • Last Updated
    12 May 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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