This page offers a guide on how to complete Second Day of Prison standard quest in Li Garte Prison in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
Second Day of Prison Standard Quest.
How to Start Second Day of Prison Standard Quest¶
This quest is activated on your second day in Li Garte Prison, after you’ve completed the First Day of Prison standard quest. After resting in Cell No.1, you’ll be subjected to a new day and a new task! Head over to the prison central cell and listen to the Prison Warden. This time he’ll ask you to defeat a feris in the perimeter woodlands outside the prison camp.
This time the Prison Warden wants you to kill a Feris.
How to Complete the Second Day of Prison Standard Quest¶
First off, make your way outside to the Perimeter Woodlands. Then follow the path for a short while until you reach a Feris fighting Ghondor and some other prisoners. You’ll be required to help out in the fight against the Basreek Feris. There’s a whole bunch of you in this fight so it shouldn’t actually be too difficult to fight him off. Just remember - you can’t use your Ouroboros form so you can’t rely on that to do extra damage or avoid being incapacitated.
(1 of 2) First, you’ll need to fight the Feris alongside the other prisoners
First, you’ll need to fight the Feris alongside the other prisoners (left), but then you’ll be required to track it down after it runs off! (right)
Once you’ve damaged him to about two thirds of his health, the Feris runs off! Your next task will be to track the Feris. To do so, you’ll need to interact with the ground near where you just fought and then follow the glowing monster tracks up the hill and to the left. Then, continue along the path, following the tracks, until you reach the gates. To the left of here you’ll find the Baseek Feris. The Feris has recouperated all of his health so you’ll have to begin again! This time, Ghondor and her mates aren’t around so you may find it a bit tougher to fight than previously. And, even though there’s no one around, you still can’t use your Ouroboros form! You can, however, build up your chain attack gauge to utilise that. He’s quite a tanky foe and can also do a fair bit of damage, but as long as your party performs their proper roles and you manage them effectively, you shouldn’t have any issues!
Fight the Basreek Feris!
After you’ve defeated him, the other prisoners will approach and after a short cut scene you’ll be prompted to return to the Prison Warden in the central cell. He’s not convinced that you’ve actually killed the feris, and will ask you return with some proof. As you head back outside to find some proof, Ghondor will approach you and hand over the proof you need! You can then return to the Prison Warden to finish the quest.
Second Day of Prison Rewards¶
EXP | Gold | SP | Rewards |
4450 EXP | 0 G | 5 SP | None |
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