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Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Exploring Rae-Bel Tableland

Vincent Lau
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This is a guide for Chapter 3 of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, covering Rae-Bel Tableland in the Fornis Region.

After learning how to wall climb from Valdi, you can continue your ascent.

After completing Valdi’s Hero Quest, you’ll receive the Wall Climbing skill, which allows you to continue your journey. When you’re ready, fast-travel back to Elsie’s Sprout in Ribbi Flats. Then use your newly acquired climbing skills to ascend the vine-covered walls nearby.

Where to go in Rae-Bel Tableland

(1 of 2) Rae-Bel Tableland is very high up.

Rae-Bel Tableland is very high up. (left), To begin with, make for the Saffronia Tree. (right)

Upon ascending the final vine-covered wall, you’ll emerge in Rae-Bel Tableland. Go south a few paces and the next story cutscene will trigger. Where’s that popcorn? When you regain control, continue south while going along the west side of the stream in Dumas’ Jaw. As you approach the pretty tree up ahead, another cutscene will occur.

Next, keep going south along Lomi Hill, zig-zagging slightly. After going past a Keves vs Agnus skirmish, there’s a cave to the west if you’re curious. This leads to Rutez Barr, where you can reboot the Tableland Husk and create a new rest area. Otherwise, a short distance south from the cave entrance and you’ll reach Old Kana Battlefield.

Get ready for (guess what?) more cutscenes and a boss fight!


Landmarks in Rae-Bel Tableland

(1 of 2) Check out the cave east from Lomi Hill.

Check out the cave east from Lomi Hill. (left), A nasty battle took place here… (right)

Name Description
Conqueror’s Peak Entrance to Rae-Bel Tableland via Ribbi Flats.
Saffronia Tree South-west from Conqueror’s Peak, between Dumas’ Jaw and Lomi Hill.
Old Kana Battlefield South from Saffronia Tree, at end of Lomi Hill.
The Lace Subterranean Inside Perrato Cave (east from Lomi Hill), follow tunnel south.

Rest Areas in Rae-Bel Tableland

Name Description
Tableland Ferronis Hulk North end of Rutez Barr. Accessible via tunnel at Lomi Hill.

Secret Areas in Rae-Bel Tableland

Name Description
Forerunners’ Tower Go through Perrato Cave, then head for north-west corner of Isnie Ledge where the climbable walls are.

Containers in Rae-Bel Tableland

(1 of 2) You can reach Pinasa Highland by going through a cave in Lomi Hill.

You can reach Pinasa Highland by going through a cave in Lomi Hill. (left), Likewise, there’s a cave east from Lomi Hill that leads to Isnie Ledge. (right)

Container # Map Marker Location
1 Map Marker Along north edge of Dumas’ Jaw.
2 Map Marker Far end of Lisza Garden.
3 Map Marker Far west tip of Lomi Hill.
5 Map Marker North-west edge of Pinasa Highland. Climb up from the north-east.
6 and 7 Map Marker Next to Tableland Ferronis Hulk, at Rutez Barr.
8 Map Marker At the Lace Subterranean.
9 Map Marker Along northernmost edge of Isnie Ledge.
10 Map Marker North-west corner of Isnie Ledge, between the climbable walls.

Soldier Husks in Rae-Bel Tableland

(1 of 2) A lot of poor fellas and lasses perished near the edge.

A lot of poor fellas and lasses perished near the edge. (left), On the bright side, at least they didn’t fall down… (right)

Soldier Husk # Map Marker Location
1 Map Marker North-west from Conqueror’s Peak.
2 Map Marker East from Conqueror’s Peak, up the nearby knoll.
3 Map Marker South-east corner of Pinasa Highland. Climb up from the north-east.
4 Map Marker Next to north-west side of Pinasa Highland, at Rutez Barr.
5 Map Marker Short distance north-west from the Tableland Husk, at Rutez Barr.
6 Map Marker North-east corner of Isnie Ledge, accessible via Perrato Cave, east from Lomi Hill.
7 Map Marker Near north-west corner of Isnie Ledge.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    26 July 2022
  • Last Updated
    12 May 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Welcome to our guide for Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - the eagerly anticipated third entry in the Xenoblade series by Monolith Soft on the Nintendo Switch. This guide is a work-in-progress and currently contains the following:

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