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Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Alfeto Valley

Jarrod Garripoli
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Information on the Alfeto Valley location of the Aetia Region.

Alfeto Valley

Alfeto Valley is a location in the Aetia Region, located between Yzana Plains and Millick Meadows, and also connected to Melnath’s Shoulder. There’s not a lot to do here, as the first times here, you are driven by the main story and don’t really get to explore much. The northern portion (Volff Lair) will be cut off for a little bit once you progress enough, but the other areas will be explorable whenever you want. There is a small cave with some level 20ish enemies inside, including a Unique Enemy, but those seem to be the most dangerous enemies in this location.


These are all of the Collectables that have been found in the section of the map.

Collectable Value Rarity Notes
"Behemoth Fossil" iconBehemoth Fossil 32 G Legendary
"Chewy Radish" iconChewy Radish 16 G Common
"Cling Seed" iconCling Seed 19 G Common
"Clusterelle" iconClusterelle 19 G Common
"Filling Onion" iconFilling Onion 21 G Rare Found in Berje Belt
"Glowplug" iconGlowplug 24 G Rare Found in Berje Belt
"Greedstone" iconGreedstone 14 G Common
"Helix Tube" iconHelix Tube 33 G Legendary Found in Berje Belt
"Ink Mollusk" iconInk Mollusk 19 G Common Found in water
"Lacquerwood" iconLacquerwood 26 G Rare Found in Berje Belt
"Orbshell" iconOrbshell 12 G Common Found in water
Panda Pansey 25 G Rare Found in Sepulchral Cliffpath
Pillowshroom 19 G Common
Plate Pothos 20 G Common Found in water
"Puzzletree Wood" iconPuzzletree Wood 38 G Legendary Found in Berje Belt
Razzle Basil 15 G Common
Ruska 26 G Rare
Shrinking Orchid 35 G Legendary
Splendorshell 37 G Legendary Found in water
Spring Cedar 14 G Common Found in Berje Belt
Strong Dandelion 14 G Common Found in Sepulchral Cliffpath
Suite Pea 21 G Rare Found in Sepulchral Cliffpath
Usherine 22 G Rare

Normal Enemies

This is a list of all of the normal enemies that can be found here. Note that Lucky Enemies always has a random chance to replace one of the normal enemies. Elite and Unique Enemies are static.

Enemy Enemy Type Level Notes
Glaw Camill Terrestial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png ~7
Illumi Flier Aerial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png ~9-10 Just outside of Hermit’s Alleyway, before enterin Millick Meadows
Landon Ropl Terrestial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png ~10 Will aggro; Guards the Container inside Hermit’s Alleyway
Lesser Volff Terrestial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png ~5-8 Will aggro
Light Skeeter Aerial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png ~4-5 Will aggro
Materia Krabble Terrestial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png ~19-20
Morg Krabble Terrestial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png ~4-5
Ruga Quadwing Aerial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png ~8 Will aggro
Shadow Vang Aerial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png ~9 Found inside Hermit’s Alleyway; Will aggro
Sky Rhogul Aerial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png ~7-8 Will aggro

Elite Enemies

This is a list of all Elite Enemies in the area. They are designated with a blue flair on the side of their name. They are usually just stronger versions of the normal enemies, with more health and higher attack and defense. Elite enemies reward you with a 250% Exp Bonus, 300% CP Bonus, and 350% Gold Bonus.

Enemy Enemy Type Level Notes
Lesser Volff Terrestial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png 5
Lesser Volff Terrestial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png 8 Guarding Container in Volff Lair
Morg Krabble Terrestial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png 5
Ruga Quadwing Aerial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png 9 Found in Gura Flava Lowlands
Ruga Quadwing Aerial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png 9 Found a little northeast of Volff Lair

(1 of 2) This small cave will be housing some higher level Krabbles

This small cave will be housing some higher level Krabbles (left), This is your only chance to fight this Unique Enemy until later in the story (right)

Unique Enemies

This is a list of all Unique Enemies in the area. They are designated with a yellow flair on the side of their name, and their name is different than the normal enemies. Defeating a Unique Enemy will cause it to leave behind a tombstone that allows you to fast travel to it, as well as refight that Unique Enemy.

Enemy Enemy Type Level Notes
Househunter Carly Terrestial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png 21
Lapdog Veece Terrestial_Life_Enemies_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png 9 Found in Volff Lair

Landmarks/Rest Stops

The following table will list all of the Landmarks to be found in the Alfeto Valley. Note that these will usually give you a small amount of EXP, with some also giving you extra rewards. Landmarks are useful in establishing fast travel points.

Landmark Description Map EXP Gain
Sepulchral Cliffpath Found in the central region of the Alfeto Valley canyon Map Marker +20 EXP
Gura Flava Lowlands Found at the exit of the Alfeto Valley Canyon Map Marker +20 EXP
Forward Post Camp (Rest Spot) Found up the hill past lake with Househunter Carly Map Marker +20 EXP
Guru Flava Camp (Rest Stop) Right outside of entrance to Hermit’s Alleyway Map Marker


The following table is a list of all the Containers located in Alfeto Valley.

Location Map Reward
Found on an upper ledge on the left, overlooking the path and the lake Map Marker Nopon_Silver_Coin_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png Nopon Coin (Silver) x2.
Found in an alcove south of Berje Belt - look out for the Volff enemies guarding it! Map Marker Nopon_Silver_Coin_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png Nopon Coin (Silver) x2.
Hermit’s Alleyway - guarded by a Landon Ropl that will spring up from the ground as you approach. Map Marker Collectable_1_Material_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png Gemstone x2, Collectable_1_Rare_Material_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png "Beaknib Quill" iconBeaknib Quill (Rare)
Volff Lair - guarded by an Elite Lesser Volff (Lv 8) Map Marker Accesory_Head_1_Rare_Material_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png Bronze Temple Guard (Rare), Collectable_1_Material_Icons_Map_Xenoblade_3.png Gemstone x2.

(1 of 2) This Container will have a Landom Ropl guarding it

This Container will have a Landom Ropl guarding it (left), The Beaknip Quill will be important for a Collectopaedia Card in a little bit (right)

Soldier Husks

The following table is a list of all the Soldier Husks you will find in the Alfeto Valley.

Location Affinity
Alfeto Valley - east of Berje Belt +20 Colony 9 Colony 9.png Affinity Points
Sepulchral Cliffpath +20 Colony 9 Colony 9.png Affinity Points


The following table will list all of the Skirmishes that can be found in this area. Skirmishes are battles between two parties and you will usually be able to pick one of the sides, with your alignment offering different rewards.

Skirmish Map Rewards Notes
Lv 7 Keves Trooper vs Lv 6 Agnus Duoblade Map Marker Nopon Coin (Silver) x1 Can only side with Keves Trooper; Found during main story
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    26 July 2022
  • Last Updated
    12 May 2023
    Version History
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