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Xenoblade Chronicles 3

The Ultimate Vessel

Jarrod Garripoli
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This is a guide for The Ultimate Vessel Standard Quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.

How to Start The Ultimate Vessel Standard Quest

The Ultimate Vessel is a part of the main storyline, and thus, is required to complete the game. After wrapping up Chapter 6 and starting Chapter 7, you will witness some scenes at the Cloudkeep. Once those are over, you will meet up with Samon in the City, then be ordered to find six pieces of Origin Metal to power up the new ship. That is when this quest will start.

How to Complete The Ultimate Vessel Standard Quest

This quest is kind of split up into four different parts, as you will only be told certain locations for the Origin pieces.

Where to Find Origin Metal #1

(1 of 2) Time to pay Nia another visit.

Time to pay Nia another visit. (left), That was easy, but you’ll need to cover more ground from here. (right)

First, head back to the Cloudkeep, where you met Nia. It’s easiest if you fast-travel to the Hall of the Serene. The Queen of Agnus will yield her piece of Origin Ore, as well as give our heroes some advice for infiltrating Origin itself.

The second and third pieces will be found in the Aetia Region and Cadensia Region. Note that you can go to either one first here, but Aetia will be listed first.

Where to Find Origin Metal #2

(1 of 2) This is where it all began…

This is where it all began… (left), Head for the northermost part of Everblight Plain. (right)

The Origin Metal in the Aetia Region is located at Everblight Plain. You can either fast travel to Torchlight Hill, the very first landmark you visited, or the Battlescar Ferronis Hulk if you rebooted it. You want to head for a small, somewhat isolated area directly north from Torchlight Hill/east from the Battlescar Hulk. If traveling from Torchlight Hill, go north-west first until you reach the higher ground, then go east. Just before the area you need to be, watch out for Witchwind Kujjat flying around. Further north, climb up the vine-covered wall. From here, the Origin Ore is due north and largely unguarded, besides a couple of Grapple Bunnits.

Where to Find Origin Metal #3

(1 of 2) Cape Arcaphor is located near the south-east corner of Erythia Sea.

Cape Arcaphor is located near the south-east corner of Erythia Sea. (left), Check behind the waterfall at the very end. (right)

This Origin Metal is located at the endpoint of Cape Arcaphor in the Cadensia Region. If you’ve already explored, fast-travel to Welkin Falls or the Cascade Crossroads landmark. Otherwise, sail east from Vinisong Holm to reach the cape, then make your way there. Note that upon getting close enough to the waterfall, a level 60 Unique Enemy, called Otherworldly Rodsin, will appear. You can easily go around it without triggering a battle; the Origin Metal is behind the waterfall.

After getting the second and third pieces, you will receive a call from Samon and gain the coordinates for the fourth and fifth ones. Similar to the second set, you can do these in any order. The one in Maktha has you going past high level enemies, while the one in Fornis is a lot easier.

Where to Find Origin Metal #4

(1 of 2) The regular enemies here are high level, but you can avoid them.

The regular enemies here are high level, but you can avoid them. (left), Fortunately your target isn’t very high level. (right)

If you’re heading to Pentelas, the area you want to search is Low Maktha Wildwood, accessible by following the giant tree trunk all the way downwards, after going east from Sparkling Pool Camp. If you did the The Hunter quest from Colony Mu, you’ll have finished near the entrance to Low Maktha Wildwood.

The place you want to search is a short distance north of Gingin’s Treehouse. The treehouse is located towards the south-west. If you’ve already been to Low Maktha Wildwood and activated the Cross-Maktha Elevator, you can ride it down from Colony Mu, then go north. Otherwise, from the Warning Tree head south, then south-west. At the location, you’ll end up fighting a Level 58 Swaroog Rhana.

Where to Find Origin Metal #5

(1 of 2) Elaice Highway is the route Taion advised against, early on in the game.

Elaice Highway is the route Taion advised against, early on in the game. (left), Try searching this earth mound. (right)

For this ore, you need to travel to the base of Zain’s Talon within Elaice Highway. The quickest way is to fast-travel to Slanne Wondersphere, then head north. If you haven’t been to Elaice Highway, there are two options. One, if you recruited Alexandria and liberated Colony Iota, you can try heading north via the Colony Iota North Gate.

Otherwise, you’ll need to travel west from the Fornis Region’s northern entrance and enter Elaice Highway via Singbreeze Funnel. From there, travel all the way west until you reach Visura Parkland Cam, then go south. You’ll know you’ve reached the specified location when you bump into dozens of points of interest (magnifying glass icon). Apparently the Origin Ore is buried among one of the earth mounds here. Unless the ore is randomly buried, try checking the first earth mound west from the blue quest marker on the mini-map.

Where to Find Origin Metal #6

Once you’ve gotten your 5th piece of Origin Ore, Samon will send you intel for the final piece of ore. Your next destination will be Gardin Defense Base, in the Keves Castle Region. You’ll also begin Noah’s Side Story, which is where you will gain the final piece.

Return to Samon once you have all six pieces, with the new ship finally being complete and the quest being over.

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  • Publisher
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  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    26 July 2022
  • Last Updated
    12 May 2023
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