This is a guide for the Merciless Pursuit Standard Quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
How to Start the Merciless Pursuit Standard Quest¶
Just go to the marker shown here to start the quest
Before being able to get this quest, you will need to have completed Three Ravens at War, which is comprised of three additional quests. Once that is done, approach the western gate leading into Colony 11 to trigger the start of this quest.
How to Complete the Merciless Pursuit Standard Quest¶
It seems that there are some deserters to the Colony, and the leaders want those people to come back. Since there’s no one else to ask, the party reluctantly agrees to help them out. The deserters have escaped to the Maktha Wildwood, so that is where you need to start your search. Fast travel to the Engardo Pass Camp (at the end of the Wildwood) and approach the marker a little northwest of it. There will be a quick scene here that will give you some footprints to go on, so it’s time to get tracking.
(1 of 3) You will be following a trail for most of the quest
At some point, you will trigger another scene, with the trail being picked up because of the one soldier’s uncanny ability to smell. Either way, you will still be following a trail, so keep going until it looks like you are heading to Lower Maktha Wildwood. You will catch up to the deserters, and start a fight with them. This is just like any other standard multi-enemy fight, with you facing five level 55 enemies. As long as you are about that level and focus on a single enemy at a time, you shouldn’t have any trouble at all.
There will be a scene after the battle is over, then the quest will end.
EXP | Gold | SP | Rewards |
3080 | 1530 | 3 | Bronze Choker (Rare) x1 |
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