This page explains the purpose of the odd shaped shards found in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
These shards can be found all over Aionios.
While traveling through Aionios, you may find bright, glowing items lying on the ground in obscure locations or after feeling a Unique Monster.
When you pick them up, you’ll discover they’re an Odd Ringlike Shard or something similarly nonsensical, with an equally vague item description.
Obviously, grab them when you see them. However, their true purpose won’t be revealed until the final chapter of the game, right before entering the final dungeon.
The Secret of the Shards, Revealed¶
(1 of 2) The odd shaped shards will be renamed to Origin Shards.
The odd shaped shards will be renamed to Origin Shards. (left), You can match the names using the table below. (right)
After obtaining the Bravery, a new quest will appear at Sentridge Harbor Control in the Cadensia Region: Uniting the Seven Nopon. This is a long-winded quest that’s too long to explain in full here, so please follow the link if you want to learn more.
During this quest, it’s revealed that the odd shaped shards are actually Origin shards–and, if fashioned properly, can be used to upgrade Blades. All of shards (ones you’ve collected and ones you’ve yet to collect) will then be renamed as follows:
Old Name | New Name |
Odd Round Shard | Round Origin Shard |
Odd Ringlike Shard | Toroidal Origin Shard |
Odd Triangular Shard | Trigonal Origin Shard |
Odd Six-Angled Shard | Hexagonal Orig. Shard |
Odd Square Shard | Square Origin Shard |
Odd Oblong Shard | Rectangular Orig. Shard |
Odd Pointy Shard | Rhomboid Orig. Shard |
How to Upgrade Blades¶
(1 of 2) You need multiple of each shard to upgrade a Blade.
You need multiple of each shard to upgrade a Blade. (left), After upgrading a Blade, they will look different and receive a minor stat boost. (right)
Upon completing Uniting the Seven Nopon, you can speak to Samon at his workshop in the City, west from the Michiba Canteen to upgrade each character’s Blade. You’ll need all 7 types of Origin Shards for each upgrade, but different characters require different amounts.
Each Blade can be upgraded once. After being upgraded, it will look visually different and receive a minor boost to Attack, Block Rate and Critical Rate. This boost applies when performing auto-attacks and Arts in the relevant class (eg. Swordfighter if you upgrade Noah’s Blade), but also when using Master Arts from that class.
Upgrading Noah’s Blade¶
Origin Shard | Required Amount |
Round Origin Shard | 2 |
Toroidal Origin Shard | 1 |
Trigonal Origin Shard | 5 |
Hexagonal Orig. Shard | 3 |
Square Origin Shard | 4 |
Rectangular Orig. Shard | 4 |
Rhomboid Orig. Shard | 2 |
Upgrading Mio’s Blade¶
Origin Shard | Required Amount |
Round Origin Shard | 3 |
Toroidal Origin Shard | 5 |
Trigonal Origin Shard | 3 |
Hexagonal Orig. Shard | 1 |
Square Origin Shard | 1 |
Rectangular Orig. Shard | 4 |
Rhomboid Orig. Shard | 4 |
Upgrading Lanz’s Blade¶
Origin Shard | Required Amount |
Round Origin Shard | 1 |
Toroidal Origin Shard | 3 |
Trigonal Origin Shard | 2 |
Hexagonal Orig. Shard | 3 |
Square Origin Shard | 5 |
Rectangular Orig. Shard | 3 |
Rhomboid Orig. Shard | 7 |
Upgrading Sena’s Blade¶
Origin Shard | Required Amount |
Round Origin Shard | 5 |
Toroidal Origin Shard | 2 |
Trigonal Origin Shard | 2 |
Hexagonal Orig. Shard | 4 |
Square Origin Shard | 1 |
Rectangular Orig. Shard | 2 |
Rhomboid Orig. Shard | 5 |
Upgrading Eunie’s Blade¶
Origin Shard | Required Amount |
Round Origin Shard | 5 |
Toroidal Origin Shard | 4 |
Trigonal Origin Shard | 3 |
Hexagonal Orig. Shard | 3 |
Square Origin Shard | 3 |
Rectangular Orig. Shard | 1 |
Rhomboid Orig. Shard | 2 |
Upgrading Taion’s Blade¶
Origin Shard | Required Amount |
Round Origin Shard | 2 |
Toroidal Origin Shard | 3 |
Trigonal Origin Shard | 3 |
Hexagonal Orig. Shard | 4 |
Square Origin Shard | 4 |
Rectangular Orig. Shard | 4 |
Rhomboid Orig. Shard | 1 |
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