This is a guide for Chapter 2 of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, explaining how to change and rank up classes.
The next day, Noah will discover something very interesting.
How to Change Class¶
(1 of 2) You can unlock additional classes by continuing to fight with other characters.
You can unlock additional classes by continuing to fight with other characters. (left), To obtain additional Master Arts, you need to rank up other classes. (right)
Certain pairs of characters can swap to the other character’s class. Noah can swap to Mio’s class, while Mio can swap to Noah’s class. Likewise for Lanz and Sena, plus Eunie and Taion.
You’ll be guided through a tutorial to swap the classes of all 6 characters, then equip a Master Art and finally equip a Master Skill. It’s a bit (very) hand-holdy, but just bear with it.
Test Out Your New Classes¶
(1 of 2) Poor monsters won’t know what’s hit them.
Poor monsters won’t know what’s hit them. (left), Each role (eg. Defender) functions very differently. (right)
Make your way south-west from the Ferronis Hulk, towards the exit of Millick Meadows, as well as the Aetia Region.
You’ll bump into a group of three Level 12 Bodom Grebels. If you’re still controlling Noah, bear in mind he’s now a Defender role, so you’ll be the one drawing aggro. Or if you’d prefer, you could switch to Mio or a different Attacker to keep playing that role.
A tutorial about Fusion Arts will pop up.
How to Rank Up Classes¶
(1 of 2) Earn enough CP and you’ll rank up your class.
Earn enough CP and you’ll rank up your class. (left), Each character grows quicker or slower in different classes. (right)
After the battle, you’ll learn how to rank up classes. When you win battles, you’ll earn Class Points (CP), which go towards ranking up a character’s currently equipped class (basically, experience points for a class). Otherwise, you can spend Nopon Coins to rank up.
As you rank up a class, you can improve their Arts and unlock Arts/Skills for use in other classes. Class Rank caps at 10, until you complete certain quests.
Back on the Road¶
Anyway, that’s probably a lot to take in, but you can just fiddle around with classes later, when you have time. Against common foes, you shouldn’t need to worry too much about your classes. But it may be important for tougher boss fights. For now, exit via the south-west to reach the next region: the Fornis Region.
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